[arrl-odv:14007] IN-News

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Work on the Education & Technology Program campaign is in the planning stages with draft copy complete. Media & Public Relations As of Monday morning 4/17 there were over 17,000 Hello brochures and more than 150 DVDs mailed out and the requests keep coming in as more and more PIOs and clubs are learning the benefits of using the materials in their areas. The second Hello related article for QST, Bob Heils work on the microphone, is completed and Bob Weinstock is collecting prognostications for the future for a third article to come. Initial plans are being developed for a special event on or about Dec 28-29 to climax the year. Text and initial pictures for the annual report have been provided to the graphics production staff and that project is on time. Field Day materials are being written and will be posted in early May for PIOs. I will be gone next week to the NAB/RTNDA. Production/Editorial The June issue of QST and the June/July 2006 issue of NCJ have been released to the printer. We checked printers proofs for More QRP Power and cover proofs for More QRP Power, the Ham Radio License Manual and the Tech Q&A. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 15, distributed to 67,175 members on Apr 13 (Apr 14 edition). Rick submitted "Happenings" for Jun QST. He also prepared/edited stories on continued problems with the Manassas, VA, BPL system; ARRL urging more support for BPL resolution in US House; League inaugurates vanity renewals; ARISS contacts with schools in NV and Rio de Janeiro, Expedition 12 crew returns, ARES/SATERN take part in NYC disaster drill, VU4 activity set, TN ARES responds to tornadoes (written by Khrystyne Keane), plus numerous news briefs and announcements. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Apr 14. Editors Note: There will be no ARRL Audio News this Friday, April 21. We are pleased to welcome Assistant Editor Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA, to the Editorium. Although she is a new licensee, she knows the ins and out of ham radio via her husband, Michael, K1MK, who is a long-time ham. Khrystyne lives in Watertown, Connecticut. She started her new job April 10, and will be at Headquarters full-time beginning April 24. Lab BPL Over the Easter weekend, Ed Hare, from the Lab, and Dick Illman, AH6EZ, from Motorola reinstalled the BPL system at W1AW. As with the earlier system, it was not audible in the ham bands, but created moderate interference to other spectrum. COMTek, the BPL operator in Manassas, VA and Main.net released a report that proved that the BPL system in Manassas was not causing harmful interference. Ed analyzed the report and noted that the measurements were not done according to the FCC recommended procedures and that the equipment used could not be used to measure ambient noise levels that amateurs routinely use for communication. The spectrum analyzer used has a noise figure about 20 dB worse than typical communications receivers and the passive loop antenna has about -50 dBi gain on 7 MHz. Ed provided Chris Imlay with a detailed report, which was used in ARRLs response to COMTeks filing the report with the FCC. The report was clearly labeled as preliminary, but COMTek immediately issued another press release announcing that they had (again) solved all of the interference from BPL in the City of Manassas. At the end of the week, COMTek released an earlier test-result report, done a couple of weeks earlier. Although Ed only had time to read it once, he notes that this testing showed emissions well above the FCC limits. RFI Mike Gruber went to Auburn, NY to investigate an RFI complaint. This particular case had been ongoing for over three years. There had been little or no resolution since the complaint was first filed. He found the first noise source in about 45 minutes and two other sources that were definitely linked to the problemand several others that were not necessarily part of the problem. QST and Publications Assistance Mike Gruber worked on a new edition of the RFI Book. Zack Lau helped out Dean Straw with an incorrect power density equation in the ARRL Antenna Book by checking the math and calculations. Zack Lau explained to Mark Wilson and Alfred K3BRS why the current limiting circuitry in the Handbooks 28V power supply was revised. Zack Lau reviewed a page layout of a Technical Correspondence item he wrote on stacking 2 meter antennas. Sales and Marketing Were pleased to report E-store sales during the holiday weekend topped $14,000; the additional traffic due to an email solicitation sent to members Thursday afternoon regarding new ARRL publications. On Monday, we welcomed Amy Hurtado as our new Customer Service Manager, email HYPERLINK "mailto:ahurtado@arrl.org" ahurtado@arrl.org phone 860-594-0257. Amy now leads the data processing units for membership application processing and product sales. She will be particularly visible in her roll overseeing fulfillment operations for ARRL membership processing, and circulation for QST and all ARRL periodicals. She is directly responsible for membership renewal processes, the ARRL Life Membership program and Silent Key administration. Diving right in, this week Amy compiled the Silent Key column for June QST. June QST advertising wraps up this week and revenue estimates for this issue will be met. Solicitation efforts for the Dayton EXPO PASSPORT are nearing completion. To date, the majority of last years participants have returned and seven new participants have joined the listings section. ARRL Publication Dealers have received promotional material for the following new titles/editions: The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, ARRLs Tech Q & A and More QRP Power. A new Dealer Order Form has also been revised to reflect all new titles. We're pleased to welcome a new ARRL Publication Dealer - Northshore Tech Sales, located in Vernon Hills, IL has placed their first order for a variety of ARRL titles. The spring/summer edition of the ARRL Publications Catalog was completed this week by Sue Fagan, Diane Szlachetka and Bob Inderbitzen. One especially notable new addition to the catalog is The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, the successor to Now You're Talking!--our most popular license manual (for Technician licensing). New advertisements were produced for June QST to help introduce The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, More QRP Power, and The ARRL Software Library for Hams CD-ROM. The issue will also include an ad for the ARRL Visa card. The Membership Manager and VEC Manager are working together on a program for reaching new hams at their testing site. A concept is being developed that will involve a membership certificate/invitation to ARRL membership that will be incorporated with the Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination. A planned test pilot of this new form will be distributed to select locations prior to full implementation. We're pleased to welcome Nancy Coughlin back to ARRL. She is helping cover the duties for a staff absence in the fulfillment processing team. Planning activities are in full swing for ARRL EXPO at Dayton Hamvention. Exhibitor badges have been ordered for ARRL volunteers, staff and guests. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedLoTW WAS Applications8Manual WAS Cards Checked350WAC Cards36A-1 Operator Nominations1Awards Mailed86 Awards Branch Processing status time: 2 weeks. DXCC Branch For the Week of: April 2, 2006Beginning Credits28,228Credits Received4,523Credits Processed8,171Ending Credits24,580 Applications Pending421Processing time3.9 Weeks Year-to-date (2006) Credits Received93,559Credits Returned162,197 DXCC is currently entering credits received on March 24, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on March 20, 2006. Contest Branch The layout results for the QST version of the 160-Meter results and November Phone SS were edited and returned to Production. The basic data entry for the 2006 International Phone DX Contest was finished and the combined list of logs received was posted to the web. The files for the web version of the 160-Meter results were forwarded to Web Services. Clean Sweep Mugs for the 2005 ARRL November Sweepstakes began shipping. Photos for the 2006 RTTY Roundup web story were selected and processed. Plaques for the 2005 June VHF QSO Party were shipped. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system97,866,584QSL records have resulted 5,404,721Logs Processed211,934Active Certificates18,538Users registered in the system12,258Hybrids Pending Mail115 QSL Branch There is a 2 day processing time delay. This week, 121 pounds of cards were received from members. The next shipping date is scheduled for Friday, April 21st. W1AW Thanks to Mike Tracy, KC1SX for hosting the NE QRP group at W1AW on Saturday, April 8. Joe updated the web code practice files. He gave a D-Star and Winlink 2000 demonstration to Doug Hilton, AG4FL, one of the Alabama DECs. Joe also converted into ADIF format (from Excel) all the W1AW logs dating back to 1991. He then uploaded them into LoTW. (Thanks to Dan, N1ND for his guidance in this matter.) Joe also worked the late afternoon/night shift on Monday for Scott Gee (who was out on vacation). Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Official Observers have been investigating reports of jamming on several 75 meter frequencies and one on 40 meters. Requested information was forwarded to the FCC about a station on 20 meters. Chuck Skolaut received updated information about an antenna zoning situation in California, and he answered questions on ATV repeater control, licensing information for Iraq, and operating in international waters. Chuck also conducted two separate tours of HQ for League members. John Ellis, NP2B, SM of the Virgin Islands has been nominated for another term of office. Leona Adams handled the paperwork. She also added over 20 new Field Appointees to the data base and sent out their initial supplies. SM election ballots from the four sections that are holding elections are now starting to arrive at HQ. Steve Ewald returned from the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando. He moderated a successful Amateur Radio session where discussions focused on the 2005 hurricane season and issues surrounding Amateur Radio communications. Nearly 80 persons were in attendance at the Amateur Radio meeting. ARES and Field Organization leaders in Tennessee reported their activations to HQ following severe weather and tornadoes that struck on April 7. ARISS PR: Robert McQueen HSs ARISS QSO in Reno attracted reporters from one radio station and two TV stations who wrote articles about the school and ham radio. How ARISS Affects Students: New crewmember Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, has asked that the ARISS Team combine several schools for a crew-picked school QSO. ARISS News Update: Thanks goes to Norm Fusaro and Bill Moore for finalizing Bill McArthurs WAS award. The next compilation of QSLs will be to aim for DXCC. For ARRL Members: An ARRL member wrote a long letter to the ARISS Team to thank them and Bll McArthur for his prolific general QSO and school QSO activity. The member put up new antennas and feedlines so he could regularly track Bills activity. Unrelated to ARISS a member sent a message to Rosalie about his appreciation of her work done on early Morse code practice CDs. Intl Aspects: Marcos Pontes QSO brought out every major national Portuguese TV network, and 29 local and national newspaper reporters. The astronaut made general QSOs with Brazilian hams and others; three Brazilian TV stations interviewed him upon his return to Earth. Field & Education Team Hamfest & ConventionsHamfestsHamfest Applications sent to Division Director for Approval5Hamfest Approval Letters sent to event sponsor8Handouts and Door Prize Material Orders Processed0Label Requests for upcoming events0Conventions Convention Applications sent to Division Director for Approval1Convention Approval Letters sent to event sponsor1Clubs Approval Letters for Newly-Affiliated Clubs sent to Club Officials0Charter of Affiliation Certificates sent for Presentation to New Clubs0New club applications reviewed2New clubs sent to Director & SM for approval by Director1New SSC Application sent to Director, SM, & ACC for Approval0SSC Approval Letter sent to Club Official0SSC Certificate sent to newly-designated SSC Club0Acknowledgement letters sent to club officials1QST Hamfest announcements for QST0Convention announcements for QST0Convention TravelChuck Skolaut, Washington State, Spokane, 9/23/06 Clubs & MentorsClubsClub Updates40 Club assistance and histories Below 51% notification2 SSC SSC sent to ACC SSC Certificates 7 letters sent2 Instructors Instructor Reg4 Teachers Teacher Reg1 Materials & Brochures Class Materials Graduation Kits61 Exhibit Kits/ brochure requests13 Jota Kits Label Requests Filled Sales Orders Processed1 Public Service Reports Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer I accomplished the trips to Moorpark and NSTA last week. The Moorpark HS Learn and Serve Program is well planned and supported. If there is a chance that this type of program will catch on, this is the place it will happen. There were a few leads gained during the NSTA conference, particularly of interest were two university representatives that approached me about cooperation between the ARRL and the universities in teacher in-service training. Well see if this pans out in the future. I monitored the ARISS contact with McQueen high school from a parking lot in Anaheim. I have been working with the ham who was the control operator for the contact. The contact seemed to go well. There was an immediate response to Rick Lindquists posting of the teachers institute information on the main web page. Over the week, approximately 30 calls, and additional e-mail request for information came in. When the posted fell off the main page, the inquires stopped. This says a lot about the power of the ARRL main web page. Currently I have 31 applications in hand for the TI from 20 states, and a good mix of ham and non-ham teachers. This compliment makes up 50% of the available seats. I anticipate more interest and applications from the NSTA conference and an up-coming article in QST. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 5/29 Holiday Dave Sumner 4/21 Jury Duty `` 5/16-5/18 IWCE, Las Vegas, NV `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention `` 5/26 Vacation Harold Kramer 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Allen Pitts 4/21-5/1 NAB/RTNDA, Las Vegas, NV `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Dave Patton 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Scott Gee 4/24-4/28 Vacation `` 5/18-5/19 Vacation Wayne Mills 4/20-4/24 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA `` 4/26-5/5 Vacation `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Mary Hobart 4/21-4/23 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA `` 5/5-5/12 Vacation `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention `` 6/9-6/11 Ham Comm, Dallas, TX Steve Ford 4/15-4/22 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 4/24 Vacation `` 5/8-5/12 Vacation Debra Johnson 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Zoe Belliveau 5/5 Vacation `` 5/12 Vacation `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Mike Gruber 5/5 Vacation `` 6/5-6/9 Vacation Joel Hallas 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Rick Lindquist 4/17-4/21 Vacation `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Joe Carcia 4/21 Vacation `` 5/26 Vacation `` 6/30-7/7 Vacation Maria Somma 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Bill Moore 4/27-5/2 National Amateur Radio Operators Fair, Pordenone Italy `` 5/5-5/7 Birminghamfest, Birmingham AL `` 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Cathy Stepina 4/25pm Vacation `` 5/3-5/5 Vacation LouAnn Campanello 4/17-4/21 Vacation Berta Hould 4/17-4/21 Vacation Margie Bourgoin 5/1-5/5 Vacation Kathy Allison 7/7-7/14 Vacation Leona Adams 4/17-4/21 Vacation Larry Wolfgang 5/19-5/22 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 4/20-4/28 Advertiser sales `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Katie Breen 5/5 Vacation `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention `` 6/26-7/4 Vacation Deb Jahnke 5/20 Dayton Hamvention Bob Inderbitzen 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Amy Hurtado 5/18-5/21 Dayton Hamvention Ed Hare 5/5 Vacation `` 5/12-5/16 Vacation `` 5/17-5/21 Dayton Hamvention `` 5/22-5/24 BPL measurements `` 6/9-6/11 Midwest Division Convention, Sioux City, NE `` 6/22-6/24 IEEE BPL Meeting, Montreal, Canada &'KLMOQRSno®¯°Œò ó ÷óìåìåìåìåìÚÒìËœ¯£ zumzbVbhUIáhUIá6CJaJhUIáhUIáCJaJhUIáh ¡5 hUIá5hUIáh ¡CJaJhNG¡hNG¡5hNG¡hNG¡CJaJhUIáhùz CJaJhùz B*CJaJph33hùz >*B*CJaJph33hùz 5B*CJaJph33 hùz CJ\hùz CJaJhŒ+Šhùz CJaJhs5\hùz 5\hùz hJÐhùz 5QRSno®¯°Œœ, - ñ ò ó ÷òòòòòòòòòòíèèèèèèèèèííííãgdI¿gdNG¡gdUIágdùz $a$gdùz ¯Ký ! 4 7 X \ ¡ ¯ Å Ó Ù ñ ú +0189wx ¢£STu¡ÛÜ12±²ÝÞ;<=ABõíåÜÒÜÒÜÌÜÒÜÒÜÒÜÒÜÌÜÀÜÌÜÌÜÌÜÀÜÌÜÌÜÀܹÒÜÌÜÌÜÌÜÌÜ®£hb9Æhb9Æ5>*CJaJhb9Æhb9Æ5hb9Æhb9ÆCJaJhb9ÆhRHØCJaJ hRHØ6CJh>-ÅhRHØ6CJ] hRHØCJh>-ÅhRHØ6CJh>-ÅhRHØCJhRHØhRHØ5hUIáCJaJhI¿hUIáCJaJ3 ! 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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ