[arrl-odv:18482] RF Safety Committee Report (Document 20)

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Administrative issues. RF Safety Committee Activities A letter to the QST Doctor questioned the safety of operating an Amateur Radio transmitter for people with implanted pacemakers. The published answer contained our standard response about this topic: Only the pacemaker manufacturer and the persons doctor are qualified to specify the safe operating environment of a particular pacemaker. The Doctor, Joel Hallas, was looking for a more definitive statement. Medtronic, one of the largest pacemaker manufacturers, publishes an information sheet about pacemaker EMC that mentions safe distances for Amateur Radios. It states the safe distances from the antenna of an Amateur Radio are 6 inches for transmitters that emit up to 3 watts, 12 inches for up to 15 watts, and 24 inches for up to 30 watts. They dont mention higher power levels and they state that these safe distances apply to Medtronic devices. Another letter to the QST Doctor questioned the safety of using an HT while it is clipped to the belt. The ham also asked if it would be safer, and work better, to wear a metal construction helmet with an antenna attached to the top. The Committee responded that with the typical duty cycle of ham radio transmissions the 5 watt transmitter pressed up against his belly would not generate an exposure in excess of MPE. With respect to the antenna mounted on the helmet we discussed the fellow who does this at Dayton and that it is a good way to get your picture in QST. The Committee was informed that a safety question proposed for use in the General question pool similar to ones that we had objected to last year in the Technician question pool; A question about safe levels of current flow through the body. However, due to a typo in the units of the answer the question was withdrawn. The Committee maintains that hams derive no benefit from knowing the exact amount of current flow through their bodies that would be lethal; rather they should be taught how to avoid having any current flow through their bodies. Mr. Hare responded to a hams questions about the RF safety implication of multiple radiators. The ham wanted to know if powers could be added but Mr. Hare described the more detailed analysis needed to ascertain the total exposure from sources at different frequencies, since MPE varies with frequency. Monitoring Scientific Studies The topic of wireless electricity continues to elicit excitement in the scientific press. The Committee still maintains the stance that there are significant RF safety implications of transmitting electricity through the air, either as RF electrical or magnetic fields. Another topic that refuses to go away is Electromagnetic radiation being blamed for Colony Collapse Syndrome, where honey bee colonies are dying off because the bees leave the hive and never return. A very unscientific study performed in Germany last year blamed cell phones for Colony Collapse. Subsequent scientific studies of the problem showed that it is very complicated, implicating a virus, a fungus, pesticides, varroa mites, and bee nutrition, virtually everything studied except electromagnetic radiation. The latest article from India evidently never heard of the extensive science performed in the US and Europe and again is blaming cell phone towers for the problem. A relatively small group of scientists whose research and publications have been widely discredited by the RF safety scientific community has formed and is going on the offensive. They have published the Bioinitiative Report, which features only the discredited research and ignores the bulk of the research that has been performed on electromagnetic bioeffects. This publication is often quoted by those who wish to place excessive limitation on RF transmissions. This group has now gotten the attention of the new administration in Washington, DC. The IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, COMAR, sent a response to the Presidents Cancer Panel, that their summary of the perceived dangers of RF exposure does not provide a balanced and objective analysis of the currently available scientific and medical evidence describing the association of RF exposure and tumor development. The Committee discussed a news article about an angry mob in Washington state toppling two radio towers being constructed for an AM radio station, KRKO. The Earth Liberation Front, ELF, took credit for organizing the mob because they believe that AM radio waves cause adverse health effects including a higher rate of cancer, harm to wildlife, and that the signals have been interfering with home phone and intercom lines." The FBI is investigating. Participation in the Scientific RF Safety Community Mr. Hare continues to serve on the ICES (IEEE) SCC-28 RF Safety Standards Committee. He generally shares the voting ballots for changes to the standards with the Committee prior to voting on them. Dr. Lapin continues to testify about RF safety at zoning board hearings when cellular tower placement is being considered. Dr. Lapin continues to serve as a member of the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, COMAR. Administrative Issues We wish to recognize and thank Howard Huntington, K9KM, for his many years of assistance to the successful operation of the RF Safety Committee as its Board liaison. Gregory Lapin, Ph.D., P.E., N9GL Chair, ARRL RF Safety Committee The ARRL RF Safety Committee Chair Gregory D. Lapin, Ph.D., P.E., N9GL 1206 Somerset Ave Deerfield, IL 60015-2819 Committee Members Robert E. Gold, M.D., W0KIZ 9197 N. Clydesdale Road Castle Rock, CO 80104-9102 Arthur W. (Bill) Guy, Ph.D., W7PO 18122 60th Place NE Kenmore, WA 98028-8901 William Kaune, Ph.D., W7IEQ 160 Cedarview Dr Port Townsend WA 98368 James W. Ross, M.D., M.P.H., W4GHL 9472 Ruffin Ridge Rd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116-6670 Kai Siwiak, P.E., Ph.D., KE4PT 10988 NW 14th St Coral Springs, FL 33071-8222 Bruce Small, M.D., KM2L 10540 Stoneway Clarence, NY 14031-2100 Emeritus Committee Members Gerald Griffin, M.D., K6MD 123 Forest Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2619 William Raskoff, M.D., K6SQL 1769 Escalante Way Burlingame, CA 94010-5807 Liaison to the ARRL Board of Directors Open ARRL HQ Staff Liaison Ed Hare, W1RFI ARRL Headquarters 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 ARRL HQ Administrative Liaison Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ ARRL Headquarters 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 ARRL RF Safety Committee Report January 2010 Page page 2 Page page 1 "BCDON l m î ï õ ÿ Â È Ï Ð Ñ Ý Þ ©«±²ÄÅëîÎϬµ!Aoš³ŒÀÿQUi®Í56dÓÜüõïéãïÜïãÖÐÊÐÄÊÄÊÄÊÄÊÄÊÄÊÄÊğʞʞ²¬ž¬²¬²ž²¬²¬Š¬Š¬Š¬Š¬Š² Ä Ä hÕhtCJ hS[0CJ hVCJ h®àCJ h:CJ hg~õCJ hþW CJ h©\CJ hO3CJ hJl!CJ h!r-CJ hä 0>*CJ hLo©CJ h43FCJ hä 0CJ hä 05CJhä 0<"*BCPQ§Ç 6 M N m Ï6g AýøøøòííææææíÝÑÑÑьѰ &F€x1$gdÕht$ &F@Àý€x1$^@`Àýgdg~õ &F€x1$gdþW &F€x1$ &F1$€x1$$1$a$$a$#R"°"þþÜÝà÷fg §šàâçð%w¿ê^_œ&'/09:;GHJ[yz@A¿ ¹º7úôúôîçáÛáÛÕÏáÏáÏÅô¿ô¹ô¿ô¿ô°ô°ô°ô¹°ô°ô¿ôŠô¿° ¿hôÚhÿ>*CJhÂ/hôÚ6CJ hôÚCJ h:CJ hÿCJh|mhÕht>*CJhÕhthÕhtCJ h|mCJ h®àCJhÿhþW >*CJ h5?CJ hg~õCJ hþW CJ hLo©CJ hä 0>*CJ hS[0CJ hÕhtCJ h©\CJ2Aº³yôPf .Omntu«ÅÆØÙÚóóÞóóóÒóÍÊÈ¿ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ$^a$1$€x1$ &F€x1$gdþW $ &F@Àý€x1$^@`ÀýgdV &F€x1$gdþW 7LQ²c~²³ÖÛâò7WxyóôOPfPmntÆØ€ ¿ X!!! !!!!!æ!"R"S"U"V"X"Y"["\"úôúêäÝÖÏÖÉÀÉÀɺɰª ôÝÖºÏÖÖÖÖÖÖ hDSjhDSU hO3CJ hä 05CJ hä 0CJhôÚhV>*CJ hVCJhVhþW >*CJ hg~õCJhÿhÿCJ hÿCJ hþW >*CJ hä 0>*CJ hôÚ>*CJ hÁ;ÃCJhÂ/hÂ/6CJ hôÚCJ hÂ/CJ2Úö)*L`wx¥Œœàö 4 E c d | £ € ¿ À Á üüüúüüüúüííúüüüúüüüúüüüüüüü $ ÆÚ$dîþ*$$Á Ü î !)!<!V!W!X!Y!!!!!!!! !¯!Á!Ñ!å!""".">"R"T"U"üúüüüüúüúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú$U"W"X"Z"["]"^"""""®"¯"°"±"ýýýýýýõýòýòýýý1$ ÆÀ!$1$\"^""""""""""€"¥"ª"«"¬""¯"°"±"üöòöèâè×èòöèâè×èòüÑ hä 0CJhð8"0JmHnHu hð8"0Jjhð8"0JUhð8" hð8"CJhDS5 0 00*P°Ð/ °à=!° "° #$%°°@°@ÐK 0 00*P°Ð/ °à=!° "° # $ %°°Ð°ÐP0ÐòàòÐòàG 0 00*P°Ð/ °à=!° "° # $ %°°Ð°Ð0Ðò$òÐòàK 0 00*P°Ð/ °à=!° "° # $ %°°Ð°ÐP0ÐòàòÐòà5 0 00*P°Ð/ °à=!° "° # $ %°°Ð°ÐÐK 0 00*P°Ð/ °à=!° "° # $ %°°Ð°ÐP0ÐòàòÐòà(<@ñÿ<Normal1$_HmH sH tH Z@Z Heading 1$€ð€< Æh5CJKHOJQJkHä`@` Heading 2$ Æ8Ѐð€<^Ð56CJOJQJkHäZ@Z Heading 3$ Æ €ð€<^ CJOJQJkHä^@^ Heading 4$ ÆØ p€ð€<^p5CJOJQJkHäJ@J Heading 5 Æš@€ð€<^@CJN@N Heading 6 Æx€ð€<^6CJR@R Heading 7 ÆHà€ð€<^àOJQJkHäV@V Heading 8 Æ°€ð€<^°6OJQJkHä\ @\ Heading 9 Æè€ð€<^56CJOJQJkHäDA@òÿ¡DDefault Paragraph FontVi@óÿ³VTable Normal :Vö4Ö4Ö laö(k@ôÿÁ(No List4U@¢ñ4 Hyperlink
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participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ