[arrl-odv:24152] Proposal for admission of Burundi to the IARU

All Directors: Today is just my third day in the office since the Executive Committee meeting on March 21 and I am still drafting the minutes. One of the few formal actions of the EC was to authorize a mail vote of the Board on the following resolution: "Resolved, that the Secretary is instructed to cast an affirmative vote on IARU Proposal No. 253 for the admission of Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Télévision (ABART) to the IARU." Background: Currently there is no IARU member-society for Burundi (9U). Activity from that country up to now generally has been by expatriates, either temporarily in residence or on expeditions. Licensing has been problematic at times. The establishment of an Amateur Radio organization is an encouraging development. The admission to IARU membership of an organization representing a country that has not yet issued licenses to any of its citizens is not unprecedented and can be an important step toward the achievement of that goal. The responsibility for vetting applications for IARU membership generally rests with the regional organization, in this case IARU Region 1. The following is taken from IARU Calendar No. 194 dated February 2, 2015: An application for IARU membership was received by IARU Region 1 from the Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Télévision (ABART). The application has been examined by the Region 1 Executive Committee and has been found to satisfy the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of the IARU. Based in Bujumbura, Burundi, ABART was formally organized on 19 March 2014. There are no licensed members of the Society and there are no licensed amateur radio operators in Burundi. The 10 members of ABART including the individuals listed below as President and Secretary of ABART are awaiting the granting of amateur radio licenses by the Burundi communication authorities. The officers of the society are: President: Jean Claude Kamwenubusa Secretary: Jean Nijimbere The official address of ABART is: ABART 6564 Bujumbura BURUNDI Telephone: +257 79 627 440 Email: burundiamateurradio@gmail.com<mailto:burundiamateurradio@gmail.com> The President and the Secretary of ABART have confirmed that Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Télévision (ABART) has the ability to meet its financial obligations as a member of the IARU, is legally able to act in the furtherance of IARU objectives within its country, and will adhere to the Constitutions of both the IARU and IARU Region 1. Accordingly, in compliance with the Bylaws pertaining to applications for membership the following proposal is presented to member societies for consideration Proposal No. 253 The Executive Committee of IARU Region 1 has forwarded to the Administrative Council an application for membership submitted by the Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Télévision (ABART). Region 1 reports that it has examined the application and has found it to be in order. Region 1 has made a favorable finding with regard to the application. Therefore, in accordance with [IARU] Bylaw 3, it is proposed that the Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Télévision (ABART) be elected to membership. The deadline for me to cast the vote on behalf of the ARRL is July 2, so there is plenty of time if you have any questions. 73, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ