IN-Newsletter Vol. 41, No. 20 June 8, 2016 - Covers the period May 29-June 4. Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events LoTW Study Committee July 13 @ 10:00am in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee July 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee July 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Second Board Meeting July 15-16 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD A Spectrum Defense solicitation was mailed in early May to 75,000 members. To date, 1,036 contributions have been received totaling $85,473. The ARRL Foundation approved to award 78 scholarships totaling $115,650 for the 2016-2017 academic year. E-mail notifications were sent on June 7, 2016 to recipients, to be followed by USPS letters to both recipients and sponsors. The full list can be found at: http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-foundation-announces-2016-scholarship-recipien.... Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY We are working on the August issue of QST. Work has begun on The 2017 ARRL Handbook. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Steve Capodicasa reports that it was a busy week at the warehouse, fulfilling orders placed throughout the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Bob Inderbitzen attended the Northwestern Division Convention, SEA-PAC, in Seaside, Oregon, June 3-5. The event was also attended by Norm Fusaro, President Rick Roderick and his spouse Holly, Director Jim Pace, Vice Director Bonnie Altus, and many Section Managers and Field Organization volunteers. While Bob largely supported the membership booth, he also gave a forum with suggestions for encouraging new and inexperienced hams to get active, get involved, and get on the air. The convention also featured three full-day workshops: DXing and Contesting, SDR, and a DIY experience building a Pixie radio. The convention banquet was attended by over 300 people, and included remarks from President Roderick, Director Pace, and Vice Director Altus. The banquet speaker was ARRL member Nancy Rabel Hall, KC4IYD-a research scientist and project manager working in the International Space Station (ISS) and Human Health Office at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Nancy is particularly active with the YLRL and several radio clubs. Throughout the convention, Bob received many compliments from members citing excellent service with ARRL Headquarters. Bob returned with 77 membership applications, totaling 89 membership years. Now shipping: Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio<http://www.arrl.org/shop/Storm-Spotting-and-Amateur-Radio-2nd-Edition/>, new 2nd Edition. The book is also available as an e-book, from Amazon Kindle. Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group, reported by Yvette Vinci: Week Ending Calls Answered Calls Per Hour Total Talking Duration Average Speed of Answer 6/3/2016 (4 days) 705 19.6 21:23:53 10 seconds 5/27/2016 848 18.8 26:47:40 9 seconds 5/20/2016 780 17.3 26:44:10 12 seconds 5/13/2016 764 16.9 23:24:06 11 seconds Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week Ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 6/3/2016 (4 days) 1,456 420 5/27/2016 1,013 554 5/20/2016 976 470 5/13/2016 835 420 Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 2-3 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 1-2 Days Field Organization/Public Service Team Diana Feinberg, AI6DF, of Palos Verdes Peninsula, California, has been appointed the ARRL Los Angeles Section Manager, effective on June 1. She assumed the Section reins from David Greenhut, N6HD, who had announced his resignation from the volunteer post due to time constraints, after serving since October 2009. Dave Patton consulted with Southwestern Division Director Richard Norton before making the appointment. Diana will complete the current term of office, which extends through September 2017. Leona Adams and Steve Ewald have been in touch with Diana to assist her and the Los Angeles Section during this period of transition in section leadership. Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Monitoring Coordinator. A Mississippi ham reported an unidentified pulse type signal causing interference on 80 meters. Further checking revealed that it was originating from his own garage door opener while in standby mode. A foreign ham asked about operating in the United States, and another radio amateur inquired about proper identification while operating here. Several complaints were received about an operation on 7200 kHz, and the FCC was updated on this matter. An eastern Pennsylvania monitoring station reported interference on 6 meters, and the FCC was notified. . Questions field this past week included using ham radio while in Federal buildings, Field Day operation, and several inquiries on the Parity Act and HOA regulations. 73, Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 7/4 Holiday Bob Allison 7/22-7/23 Oklahoma Section Convention, Oklahoma City, OK Alli Barbieri 6/9-6/13 PTO Steve Capodicasa 6/13 PTO `` 6/27 PTO `` 8/22-8/26 PTO `` 9/19-9/23 PTO Lauren Clarke 6/13-6/21 PTO Jackie Ferreira 6/23-6/24 PTO `` 7/18-7/22 PTO Steve Ford 6/10 PTO `` 7/5-7/15 PTO Norm Fusaro 6/22-6/27 International Exhibition, Friedrichshafen, Germany `` 8/5-8/7 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX `` 8/19-8/21 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV Tom Gallagher 6/10-6/12 West Gulf Division Convention, Irving, TX `` 6/14-6/21 PTO `` 6/22-6/27 International Exhibition, Friedrichshafen, Germany `` 6/29 Meeting with Fugate, Washington, DC `` 7/14-7/16 Committee Meetings/Board Meeting `` 8/12-8/14 New Mexico State Convention, Albuquerque, NM Scott Gee 6/30-7/8 PTO Mike Gruber 8/22-8/26 PTO `` 9/26-89/30 PTO Ed Hare 6/10-6/20 PTO Dan Henderson 6/10 PTO `` 6/29-7/1 PTO `` 7/14-7/16 Committee Meetings/Board Meeting Bob Inderbitzen 6/21-6/27 International Exhibition, Friedrichshafen, Germany `` 6/28-6/29 PTO `` 7/5-7/8 PTO Debra Johnson 6/16-6/23 PTO Lisa Kustosik 7/14-7/16 Board Meeting, Windsor, CT Sean Kutzko 6/17-6/19 Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville, TN `` 6/27-7/1 PTO Zack Lau 6/17 PTO Diane Middleton 6/14-6/17 PTO `` 7/19 PTO `` 7/25-7/29 PTO Becky Schoenfeld 6/27-6/29 AMP Conference, Washington, DC Barry Shelley 6/17-7/1 PTO `` 7/14-7/16 Committee Meetings/Board Meeting `` 7/18-7/26 PTO Chuck Skolaut 8/20-8/21 Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ