IN-Newsletter Vol. 40, No. 38 October 28, 2015 - Covers the period October 18-24. Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events LoTW Study Committee November 13 @ 9:00am - ARRL HQ Administration & Finance Committee November 14 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Director/Vice Director Elections November 20 @ 9:00am - ARRL HQ Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD A 60,000-piece direct mail solicitation for the Education & Technology Fund went out in late September. This mailing included a letter over President Craigie's name and a buck slip with a testimonial from a Teacher Institute alumni. To date, this mailing has garnered $52,364 from 556 donors; 81 percent of goal. A second Spectrum Defense Fund direct mail solicitation is scheduled to be in the mail next week. To date, the Defense Fund has raised $174,777 from 1,976 donors; 50 percent of goal. 914 Diamond Club members, either new or renewing, have contributed this year, garnering $228,055 to date, or 68 percent of goal. The ARRL Scholarship Program, began accepting applications on October 1. Nearly 40 applications, together with accompanying transcripts, have come in to date. Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY The December 2015 issue of QST is at the printer. The December 1915 issue of QST is being prepared for placement in the QST digital archive. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Bob Allison finished initial testing of a high end HF/6 meter transceiver. Bob then started testing of a solid state HF/6 meter RF amplifier. Radio Frequency Interference Mike Gruber completed a report on the marketing of Class A Part 18 ballasts at a nearby Walmart and sent it on to Chris Imlay, who will be using it to file another FCC complaint. Mike Gruber sent numerous invitations to potential members to join the Working Group for IEEE P-1897, which will be a Recommended Practice for the Resolution of Power Line Noise Complaints. So far, nine persons have agreed to become members. Mike Gruber, Ed Hare, Barry Shelley, and Steve Zagurski reviewed the options on fixing the noise associated with the fan motors of the HVAC system that has been plaguing W1HQ. Mike Gruber investigated a power line noise complaint in Simsbury. This case had dragged on for about a year and a half. The utility (Eversource) had made five visits to the complaint's home but seemed unable to locate the problems. Using the Lab's equipment, however, I was able to locate two sources within a couple of hours. The ultrasonic pin-pointer was also able to locate the hardware on the pole. The complainant has agreed to keep me posted on developments with his utility. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Steve Capodicasa reported that all of the preorders for the new editions of the Handbook and Antenna Book have been fulfilled. We are pleased to welcome Matthew Brady to the ARRL HQ staff. Matthew joins our Warehouse team as one of the shipping clerks, filling a position vacancy following a recent staff departure. Bob Inderbitzen reported on great results from our exhibit at the Pacific Division Convention, Pacificon, held Oct 16-18 in San Ramon, California. Our triple-wide booth was supported by Board officials and Section Managers. ARRL Lab volunteer Matthias Zapatka, AJ4BB tested more than 100 handheld radios. We generated many hundreds of signed letters supporting the Amateur Radio Parity Act. And, Bob addressed the Pacificon Banquet, sharing an update on some current topics and the value of ARRL membership. There were 122 membership applications returned-including 2 Life Memberships (paid-in-full), and 3 Life Membership pledges. An emailing was produced to help promote the ARRL On-Line Auction. New office work stations have been installed, replacing badly worn desks and some very old office furniture. Special thanks to Greg Kwasowski, Andy Shefrin, Joe Johnsky, Trish Feeney, and Yvette Vinci for all the ways they helped plan for, and complete, this project. Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 10/23/2015 1,042 750 10/16/2015 1,787 696 10/9/2015 1,439 220 10/2/2015 1,078 417 Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 1 Week Logbook Processing Time 1 Business Day Number of Centennial applications processed: Centennial Challenge QSO 2731 W1AW/WAS 1932 W1AW On Saturday, Joe Carcia hosted Scout Troop 73 from Bolton, CT as part of their Radio Merit Badge qualifications. Since it was also CQ World Wide SSB DX contest weekend, the scouts were able to make a number of QSOs on 15 and 10 meters. They were also active on 17 meters (non-contest QSOs). Scott Gee processed some VUCC applications and certificates. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the week. He also processed some VUCC applications and certificates. Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly Official Observer summary report to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. Radio amateurs from Michigan and Tennessee completed their requirements to become Official Observers this past week. Several complaints were received regarding language and poor operating practices on 3840 kHz and 3843 kHz. Interference on 2 meters in Alabama was located by using direction finding techniques, and we are awaiting a resolution. A report of interference on 160 meters in the Santa Barbara Section was identified as a 2nd harmonic from a broadcast station. The Santa Barbara Section Manager is following up on this interference. Chuck Skolaut and Steve Ewald served as back-up operators at W1AW to handle code practice for two mornings this past week. The National Weather Service and ARRL are co-sponsoring the SKYWARN Recognition Day on December 5 from 0000 UTC to 2400 UTC. Since 1999, this on-the-air operating event recognizes the contributions that volunteer SKYWARN radio operators make to the National Weather Service. During the event, radio amateurs visit National Weather Service offices and set up their stations to contact other radio amateurs across the country and around the world. More information is found at http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mtr/hamradio/. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 11/26-11/27 Holiday All Staff 12/25 Holiday Leona Adams 11/25-11/30 PTO Lauren Clarke 11/25 PTO `` 12/24 PTO Mike Corey 11/13-11/15 HamJam, Alpharetta, GA Steve Ewald 11/30-12/8 PTO Steve Ford 10/30 PTO Ed Hare 11/1-11/6 EMC Committee Meeting, Raleigh, NC Dan Henderson 11/23-11/25 PTO Debra Johnson 11/16 PTO `` 11/25 PTO Chuck Skolaut 10/29 PTO Dave Sumner 11/9-11/11 WRC-15 IARU, Geneva `` 11/18 Washington, DC Yvette Vinci 11/2-11/6 PTO
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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ