[ARRL-ODV:8022] Re: Freebanding and DXAC

I'm with you Jim however, even if we have a broad generalization or two to use, I think it best to address the subject directly with a specific rule or two. We probably need to differentiate between Desecheo (illegal "freebander" operation associated with a DXCC type operation) and somewhere where "freebanding" may be legal or at least outside of US jurisdiction. It all should come under DXCC jurisdiction. I'm not sure how we catch these guys but we can (maybe Don Miller might want to jump in and operate on this "new band."). 73/Greg W7OZ ----- Original Message ----- From: <jmax@attglobal.net> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 4:35 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:8017] Re: Freebanding and DXAC
Art -
If MSC is going to be pitching some ideas re freebanders in January, here is some grist for your mill.
1. ARRL is not the FCC and ARRL is not responsible for enforcing international rules, either.
2. However, ARRL *is* interested in preserving the good name of Amateur Radio and the usually good name of DXCC. Therefore, we shouldn't be seen as cooperating with freeband activities that flaunt the rules, national or international. I'm not impressed to learn that some freeband operations may be legal in some places. They are encouraging illegal operations in other places.
3. That operation from Desecheo was clearly illegal. They knew they needed permission to land, they knew they had no permission, yet they went anyway. Further, Desecheo falls under FCC rules, and they couldn't have been operating in accordance with FCC CB rules.
4. Prior to learning about the Desecheo operation I was of a mind that we should ignore them. No more. IMHO we should think carefully about the possibility of not accrediting for DXCC purposes any Amateur operation that also has a freeband operation associated with it. It isn't much of a stretch to do that - DXCC Rule 12 reads "Conduct: Exemplary conduct is expected of all amateur radio operators participating in the DXCC program. Evidence of intentionally disruptive operating practices or inappropriate ethical conduct in any aspect of DXCC participation may lead to disqualification from all participation in the program by action of the ARRL Awards Committee." Also, Rule 12(c)gives one example of an action that may lead to disqualification: "c) Participation in activities that create an unfavorable impression of amateur radio with government authorities. Such activities include malicious attempts to cause disruption or disaccreditation of an operation."
I think we should do whatever is necessary to show the world that we want nothing to do with freeband operations.
73. Jim, W6CF
Art Goddard wrote:
Jim, Jim, Dick, et al - The DXAC started discussing the Freeband issue about a month ago. We (MSC) hope to have ideas to consider at the Board meeting. Additional inputs and guidance via ODV are most welcome.
73, Art W6XD
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Weaver" <K8JE@ARRL.net> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 3:14 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:8014] Freebanding and DXAC
As the "new kid on the block," I guess I may as well jump in and share a thought on the DX/DXAC notes that have gone around. Incidentally, I've been assured by the current GL Director (a great fellow) and George Race (another great fellow) that I am about to join one of the highest quality group of people imaginable. I'm eager to experience this and, one hopes, to contribute to the success of your efforts.
I share Dick's concern and recommendation to consider anti-freebanding action, and Bruce's suggestion to bring the DXAC into play. I am concerned over two additional DXpedition-related activities associated with DXCC and therefore the League. These are:
1) The few DXpeditions (headed by the same DXer or DXers?) that have a record of accepting donations, but not sending reply QSLs.
2) The few non-DXpedition operators (the guys "back home") who inevitably seem to "slip" out of their assigned sub-bands to get the rare one that is operating in the Extra Class segments.
For operators who fairly regularly violate the rules and ethics (DXCC or FCC), I believe there is something we can do that accomplishes the goal of promoting good/legal operating practices without jeopardizing League finances.
Therefore, I suggest the DXAC not only be asked to look into freebander-DXer co-operations, but into other violations of rules and ethics, and enforcement by ARRL of appropriate penalties in our purview.
Jim, K8JE
Jim Weaver Director-elect, Great Lakes Division k8je@arrl.org
participants (1)
Greg Milnes