[arrl-odv:25396] HR 1301/ S 1685 Update

CONFIDENTIAL TO THE BOARD! CONFIDENTIAL TO THE BOARD! Good evening – I’d like to bring you all up to date with what is happening on the legislative front. As you know, H.R. 1301 was scheduled for a hearing by the full House Energy and Commerce Committee last Wednesday June 22nd with a mark-up to occur the next day, Thursday, June 23rd. Unfortunately, and for reasons well beyond our control, Speaker Ryan placed the House on recess after the sit-in on the 22nd. No action will occur in the House of Representatives until they return on July 5th. As we understand it, through information received by The Keelen Group in a discussion with Congressman Walden, the Committee plans on completing the mark-up procedure just after the House returns in July along with a suspension vote by the full House planned for the second week in July, assuming all goes well. (Both houses of Congress go into recess after the second week in July.) Should the bill get through the House in July, the plan is for a concerted effort to advocate for the bill on the Senate side with the goal of hotlining the bill after the Senate returns in September. It is more likely, however, that the bill would be taken up during the lame duck session after the election in November. Understand that hotlining the bill in the Senate requires unanimous consent. Once the bill passes the House, we will need to immediately ramp up our efforts by using our RallyCongress capability, prepare a phone call campaign for member call-ins, updating the video that is now out of date along with an update of the ARRL website, reaching out to members who may have contacts with their Senators or Senate staffers, etc. As I’ve mentioned many times, this process is fluid and changes dramatically from day to day. We may have lost two weeks that the Senate is in session, but there is still plenty of time to move the bill forward. I will continue to keep you informed. I look forward to your comments. 73 de Mike N2YBB
participants (1)
Mike Lisenco N2YBB