[arrl-odv:25799] FW: Statements (E&E "Issue 2")

After rereading the E&E “Report” against me I double checked the Exhibits pdf to see if my communications with E&E were contained in it—they were not and their omission, combined with the rest of the “Report”, mischaracterizes what was requested of me and what I did. Below is the email chain between E&E and me. There were a total of three emails on the topic: 1. E&E Demand that I remove a SPECIFIC statement. 2. My reply that I had done so. 3. E&E email thanking me for the removal. There was no request for removal of additional statements and my next indication of an issue was the email notifying of my disqualification. Doug K4AC From: Dale Williams [mailto:dale.wms1@frontier.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 4:40 PM To: Doug Rehman <doug@k4ac.com> Cc: 'Rod Blocksome' <rod.blocksome@gmail.com>; 'Olson Kent (KA0LDG)' <ka0ldg@arrl.org>; 'Rick Roderick' <k5ur@aol.com>; 'Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF' <tgallagher@arrl.org> Subject: Re: Statements Doug, Thank you for executing the removal. For the Ethics and Elections Committee Dale Williams WA8EFK Chairman On 9/7/2016 12:33 PM, Doug Rehman wrote: While I respectfully, but firmly, believe that the E&E has overstepped its legal authority by demanding, on threat of action against me, that the requested statements be removed, I have, as a courtesy, removed those sentences. Doug K4AC From: Dale Williams [mailto:dale.wms1@frontier.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:03 PM To: Doug Rehman <mailto:doug@k4ac.com> <doug@k4ac.com> Cc: Rod Blocksome <mailto:rod.blocksome@gmail.com> <rod.blocksome@gmail.com>; Olson Kent (KA0LDG) <mailto:ka0ldg@arrl.org> <ka0ldg@arrl.org>; Chris Imlay <mailto:w3kd.arrl@gmail.com> <w3kd.arrl@gmail.com>; Rick Roderick <mailto:k5ur@aol.com> <k5ur@aol.com>; Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF <mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org> <tgallagher@arrl.org> Subject: Statements Dear Mr Rehman, The ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee has found this rather disturbing statement on your QRZ.COM® web page: "I have already been told that members of the Board have been communicating privately with members in the Southeastern Division to lobby our members to replace me. The purveyors of backroom politics on the Board would like nothing better than to have a different Southeastern Division Director in January—someone that will conspire with them to maintain their self-serving grasp on power rather than someone that has been fighting it at every turn and fighting to revitalize the League." Rumors and innuendos of this type have no place in ARRL elections. On your own Facebook ® page you state: "Honorable men are up front with each other." And yet you have resorted into making the above unsupported third-party statement that stands to impugn the integrity of the entire ARRL membership. Quoting from ARRL bylaws (emphasis added): "41. There shall be an Ethics and Elections Committee composed of three Directors, who may also serve on other committees without restriction. The Committee shall:..." at bullet point 4 ..."Supervise the balloting for Director and Vice Director, including but not limited to review of all campaign statements and materials, oversight of the balloting process in accordance with Bylaw 20, and releasing the election results". The Ethics and elections Committee therefor requires the immediate removal of said statements from the above referenced QRZ page and/or similar pages or you risk disqualification from the election process based upon your making disparaging and unsupported statements in your campaign material. Please notify this committee when these changes have been made. ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee Rod Blocksome KØDAS Kent Olson KAØLDG Dale Williams WA8EFK
participants (1)
Doug Rehman