[arrl-odv:12804] Re: NWS - Senate Bill 786

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Frenaye" <frenaye@pcnet.com> .......
I also believe we have a lot of members who find our association with the NWS to be very positive (and vice versa). I think it'd be a good move for us to publicly state that we do not support S.786.
I do know of one APRS node op. who is bitter about APRS wx activity that he sees as "captive" to NWS, and also their reliance on FM voice spotters which he views as "regular comms facilitating business". And I know there are a few others who are less vocal but share similar views. However I don't share those views and agree with Tom and Frank. Just wanted to point out that the good feelings for NWS are not universal among hams. BTW here in the midwest the support of hams from NWS in terms of facilitating equipment upgrades with $, and licensing NWS personnel to take VHF spotting reports, has been remarkable the past decade. I recently got a nebulous indication that with a change in key personnel at NWS, that close association may not be as strong in future. 73 Bruce
participants (1)
Bruce Frahm KØBJ