[ARRL-ODV:7385] Jamming anyone?

Just when you thought you had heard the last of jammers....
From the SBE Frequency Coordinator's email list.
-73- Steve, W2ML Jamming of radio signals authorized Special permission for RCMP, military restricted to G8 summit, Pope's visit By PAUL WALDIE Friday, June 21, 2002 - Page A1 TORONTO -- The Canadian military and the RCMP have been given special authorization to jam radio and cellphone signals during the G8 Summit next week and the Pope's visit to Canada in July. It's the first time police or the military have ever been allowed to block signals, an official said. The authorization allows the Department of National Defence and the RCMP to use jamming devices around Calgary and Kananaskis, Alta., from June 17 to June 29 for the summit of leaders from Group of Eight nations. They will have the same power to jam signals in Toronto from July 16 to July 31 -- the Pope is scheduled to arrive in Canada July 23 and depart July 29, with three Toronto appearances in between. RCMP spokesman Corporal BenoƮt Desjardins said jamming is an important part of the security measures for both events. "The RCMP must ensure the safety and security of those attending," he said yesterday. "It could be used, for example, if there was threat of a detonation of some type of a remote-controlled device. We could jam the frequencies to make sure nobody could send a signal to that bomb." He did not know, however, how the jamming would affect cell phones or commercial radio transmissions. The order, signed by the Minister of Industry on June 6, exempts the army and police from provisions of the Radiocommunication Act, which prohibits "the interference with or obstruction of radiocommunication without lawful excuse." The exemption "will provide a way to address the problematic application of the prohibitions," the order says. It specifies that "every reasonable effort shall be made to confine or restrict to the extent possible interference with or obstruction of a radiocommunication to the smallest physical area, the fewest number of frequencies and the minimum duration required to accomplish the objectives of the interference or obstruction." David Warnes, a senior adviser in Industry Canada's telecommunications branch, said yesterday that it is the first time this kind of order has been granted. He added that cellphone jammers are illegal in Canada, but the department will soon release a policy on the devices. The department held public consultations on cellphone jammers last year and it is considering permitting them in theatres, hospitals and other public places. Jamming devices are also illegal in the United States, but there is a growing underground market for the devices, which can be bought for about $2,200. A survey of 2,000 people last year by Decima Research found about 50 per cent support for jammers in public places.
participants (1)
Mendelsohn, Stephen A.