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The spring Defense campaign has reached $136,608 in revenue from nearly 2700 donors. This total is well short of the projected goal for the spring campaign. With carryover revenue from the fall campaign the year-to-date total exceeds $182,000. The Education & Technology campaign is picking up some steam with nearly $8700 in revenue so far from 184 donors. The follow up mailing to major donors and major prospects will be out next week. ARRL has been approved to participate in the 2006 Combined Federal Campaign. Activities for the next couple of months include the mailing of the 2005 Annual Report to key donors, a status letter to key donors about the Maxim Society, a solicitation for renewal to prior Diamond Club donors, and a targeted summer campaign for the Diamond Club. Media & Public Relations June CONTACT! was published on the PIO pages along with reminders of the many documents available for PIOs to use in 2006 Field Day media. An excellent "donut" audio PSA was produced by HYPERLINK "mailto:ScottShafer@clearchannel.com?subject=Field Day PSA"Scott Shafer KD5MLY and sent out on the PR reflector. There is significant use of the Hello brochures for public presentations during FD events. Plans are being made for the end-of-the-year activity celebrating the actual centennial. The annual report is in final review and goes to the printer June 9. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 22, distributed to members on June 2. Rick has been compiling information and comments for the Dayton Hamvention article for August QST. In addition, he prepared/edited a report on ham radio's response to the Indonesia earthquake, the addition of Robert McDowell to the FCC, the death of two T-hunters in CA, an ARISS school QSO in Italy, WAS award to astronaut Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, The "Amateur Amateur" Web column and several news briefs and announcements. With voiceover help from Khrystyne Keane, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for June 2. Khrystyne Keane has been handling incoming columns for August QST while Joel Kleinman is away. She also edited several news items for the Web site. Maty Weinberg reports that QEX is scheduled to be released to the printer's this week. Sales and Marketing We are wrapping up the New Ham Express and Getting Started with Amateur Radio advertising. It has been a challenging to end this project and get a commitment from Yaesu due to staff changes. Email solicitations have gone to advertisers for August QST and the Antenna Time QST tear-out section. Phone follow-ups have already commenced since we have an early to printer date this month. Work is being completed on a solicitation to all ARRL advertisers with store-fronts in an attempt to persuade them to become ARRL Publication Dealers. The promotions focus is the extremely attractive margin between dealer pricing and their retail selling price. Pricing has been received from R.R. Donnelley for a two-sided four-color flyer that can be bound into QST as well as utilizing their services to print over-run pieces. Advertisers that take advantage of this venue will receive enhanced exposure in the magazine AND be able to have promotional pieces, at a low cost, for other promotional uses at trade shows, etc. The United States Power Squadrons conducted a very fun and successful operating event at W1AW on June 2 & 3 in recognition of National Safe Boating Week. A reception was held on Friday where Dave Sumner, K1ZZ presented a letter of welcome to Don Stark, N3HOW on behalf of President Harrison. Don Stark in turn presented a certificate to Dave Sumner. Thanks to Joe Carcia for managing the station all day Saturday while Katie volunteered and enjoyed her first on-air experience on 17 meters. There were seven USPS guests operating and made approximately 501 QSOs for the two days, running on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15 and 6 meters with SSB, RTTY and PSK31. We also tried making a satellite contact with Mark Spencer, WA8SME but did not have great success. Final returns for May either met or exceeded our projections on the mailing to 100,000 lapsed members. For the Technicians, we budgeted for a 1.3% response and had a 1.6% response with 804 renewed Techs. The lapsed General, Extra and Advanced mailing (also to 50,000) was budgeted for a 3% return and we are on-target with 2.7% response which is 1,367 renewals. The overall mailing budgeted for 2,150 renewals and as of May 31, there were 2,171 renewed members. The May 2006 membership figures are at the highest level weve seen in nearly a year, with an increase of 1,003 from April, we are at 149,332 members. The new Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination met final approvals and has gone to the printer. Thank you to Bob, Amy, Maria and Diane for putting their thoughtful and creative ideas behind this project. Were delighted with the overwhelmingly positive response to ARRL EXPO at Dayton Hamvention 2006. Members, volunteers and staff continue to remark on the high level of relationship-building experienced throughout the event. This years membership and sales tabulations were equally satisfying; especially considering the event followed last years ARRL National Convention in Dayton: Membership: 827 Members for $37,984 ($38,025 in 2005) Publication and Product Sales: $45,264 ($47,456 in 2006) ARRL apparel sales and custom orders: $5,300 May product sales were $277,073; $36,829 over forecast. The overage is attributed to the early delivery of The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, and considerable gains among Training Aids and Membership Supplies. There were lower-than-forecasted sales of the Handbook and some other ARRL titles. Savannah Lago will join our team as our newest Customer Service Representative on June 6. She resides in Berlin and is currently enrolled at Tunxis Community College for Criminal Justice. Exhibit materials were shipped for ARRLs booth at the International Exhibition for Radio Amateurs in Friedrichshafen, Germany (June 23-25). Bob Inderbitzen and Bill Moore are traveling to the event, along with a small contingent of officials representing ARRL and IARU. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Endorsements1WAS Certs. Issued (LoTW)3A-1 Operator Nominations9A-1 Operator Certificates Issued9VUCC Initial Applications/Grids3 / 205VUCC End Applications/Grids7 / 331Awards Mailed18 Awards Branch turnaround time is approximately 2 weeks. DXCC Branch For the Week of: June 4, 2006Beginning Credits43,788Credits Received9,703Credits Processed12,893Ending Credits40,598 Applications Pending381Processing time4.4 Weeks Year-to-date (2006) Credits Received154,109Credits Returned246,012 DXCC is currently entering credits received on May 19, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 2, 2006. Contest Branch The 2005 November Sweepstakes certificates were mailed as well as certificates for the 2005 160 Meter contest and 2006 RTTY contest. Various questions for 2006 Field Day are being answered by email and phone. We are also awaiting approval of the 2005 November Sweepstakes plaque plates from ICOM. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system101,917,499QSL records have resulted 5,775,609Logs Processed229,692Active Certificates19,216Users registered in the system12,701Hybrids Pending Mail79 QSL Branch There is a 1 day processing time delay. This week, 79 pounds of cards were received from members. The next scheduled shipping date is Friday, June 9 2006. W1AW The US Power Squadrons operated W1AW on Friday and Saturday as part of a special event celebration commemorating National Safe Boating Week. During the two-day event, they made 483 contacts overall, using SSB, RTTY and PSK31, on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15 and 6 meters. On Thursday, June 1, W1AW took a direct lightning hit to the 120 foot tower. Thankfully, the grounding system carried most of the strike to ground. The only apparent damage was to the rotator. The strike must have jumped to the tower fence for the moss around the fence looks to have popped off the ground. And, a small chunk of concrete (on one of the fence posts) was blown off. The stations antenna contractor will be down to replace the damaged rotator and perform a quick check of the tower. Joe hosted the USPS operators on Saturday. He also repaired one of the rotator control consoles that was affected by the damaged rotator. (The controller wasnt damaged by lightning; rather when trying to test the damaged rotator itself.) Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the first part of June. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams has been updating section budgets and getting in touch with Section Managers via email with updates concerning their budgets. She has also been updating the database with over 20 new appointments along with changes and cancellations. She sent out two Official Observer exam packets to applicants from the Minnesota section. A second nomination petition was received for Betsey Doane, K1EIC for the Connecticut section. Leona also sent acknowledgement letters to the candidates running for the Section Manager position in Ohio and Idaho in the upcoming elections beginning October 1, 2006. Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch monthly report to the IARU Region 2 coordinator. Documentation was received and forwarded to the FCC regarding a 2 meter interference case in the northwest. Chuck received a good comment back for help he coordinated in resolving an intruder on 40 meters causing interference to a RV Service Net. Received several complaints about the Chinese SW station on 17 meters, updated our report to the FCC. Steve Ewald attended the National Citizen Corps Council Meeting and Citizen Corps Program Partners and Affiliates meeting in Washington DC on June 1 and 2. ARISS For ARRL Members: Rosalie teleconferenced with Harold to answer his questions on how the 2004-2005 Community Education Program was geared up and run, and what its successes were. During the official NASA debrief meeting of astronaut Bill McArthur, he was overflowing with thanks to all ARISS volunteers and to ARRL and AMSAT. ARISS News Updates: Rosalie, as ARRL ARISS Program Manager, is a paid consultant, but she also volunteers about 8 hours per week for ARISS. (Hours are even more during big activity such as SuitSat.) Her agreement with ARRL was to find a volunteer to help, and she was successful! Her new assistant is Rita Wright, KC9CDL, a recently retired teacher near Chicago. Rita was the first teacher to have an ARISS QSO (Dec 2000). She got her license while waiting for the QSO. She also started a ham club in her school, and involved teachers at all grade levels in developing ARISS-related lessons. She recently earned her General Class license, and is excited about writing SuitSat lesson plans, testing NASA lesson plans, etc. ARISS Effect on Students: Johnson Space Center (JSC), new sponsor of ARISS, asked us to partner more with NASA Explorer Schools to help us gain greater visibility with Congress and education groups. JSC will help us target who gets our PR, such as the NASA Legislative Affairs Office, Congressional aides, NASA Education regional directors and Aerospace Education Specialists. JSC asked us to broaden our school descriptions to include even more demographics on minorities and under-represented students. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer Requests for CD-ROM materials continue to come in from Dayton participants. I have requested participants for the Newington TIs to begin setting up flight arrangements. The hotel accommodations have been reserved. I have received approval from the New Jersey Board of Education for the TI to satisfy the states continuing education requirements for NJ teachers. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 7/4 Holiday Dave Sumner 7/5-7/12 Florianopolis, Brazil for WRTC-Vacation Lisa Kustosik 6/19-6/23 Vacation Mary Hobart 6/9-6/11 Ham Comm, Plano, TX Joe Carcia 6/30-7/7 Vacation `` 7/14 Vacation `` 7/21 Vacation `` 7/28 Vacation Kathy Allison 7/7-7/14 Vacation Katie Breen 6/26-7/5 Vacation Ed Hare 6/9-6/11 Midwest Division Convention, Sioux City, NE `` 6/22-6/24 IEEE BPL Meeting, Montreal, Canada Joel Kleinman 5/31-6/9 Vacation Steve Ford 6/13-6/14 Assoc. Publishing Conference, Washington, DC Bill Moore 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention Bob Inderbitzen 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention & Vacation Jo-Ann Arel 6/28 Vacation `` 7/17-7/21 Vacation Perry Williams 6/23-7/15 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 6/8-6/11 Ham-Com, Plano, TX Dennis Motschenbacher 6/8-6/12 Vacation !TVstªÌÓÚÛù š © úöïäïÜïÕÌÃÕµ§sdYÜQF>hÓ«CJaJhÓ«hÓ«CJaJhÓ«hÓ«5h@!th«xÝCJaJhJîhJîB*CJaJph33hJî>*B*CJaJph33hJî5B*CJaJph33hJîB*CJaJph33h«xÝB*CJaJph33h«xÝ>*B*CJaJph33h«xÝ5B*CJaJph33h«xÝ>*CJ\h«xÝ5CJ\ h«xÝCJ\h«xÝCJaJh«xÝ5CJ\aJh«xÝ5\h«xÝ h«xÝ5 !TUVst©ªÌÚÛù ! 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