[arrl-odv:18362] Fwd: LOTW grateful thanks

Dave, Please pass on to Norm, Dave Patton, Harold and anyone else that may have been in the loop. Joel ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: m0ovl <m0ovl@btinternet.com> Date: Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 3:52 PM Subject: LOTW grateful thanks To: w5zn@arrl.org Hello Joel As you are President of the ARRL I felt you should hear briefly about my recent drama in losing all my computer logs whilst transferring data from a dying laptop to a slightly less terminally ill model. This was on Christmas eve. Due to errors on my part, i lost everything, my dxpedition logs ,the lot. they were the back up. the only other place i knew the data was recorded was LOTW. knowing that it was a long shot I contacted Help at LOTW on Christmas day expecting the e mail to be picked up in the new year. within 24 hours W3IZ Norm Fusaro a LOTW rep had sent me my entire log info in ADIF format to be reinserted in my regretably cleansed logging program. LOTW is not a retreival system or a back up for hams logs. but Norm saved the day and if you have an award or something within your league for duties above and beyond, then this guy really deserves a mention in despatches. many thanks and kind regards jon hirst m0ovl 2e0ovl m3ovl
participants (1)
Joel Harrison