IN-Newsletter Vol. 28, No. 13 March 30, 2005 Upcoming Meeting April 9th in Denver, CO at 8:30am Executive Committee Meeting Development A second $25,000 contribution has been committed to the Teachers Institute program. This pledge brings the total raised for the 2005 sessions to $54,000. This means that 24 teachers will be able to travel to Newington to participate in the Institute and return home with curricula, activities, hands-on projects and more for their students. With additional proposals in the hands of donors, we hope to expand this program further. Invitations for the Donor Reception in Dayton in May are in the mail. We expect about 80 - 85 attendees at the Thursday evening reception. The 2005 Education & Technology Program solicitation is in the mail. This effort will fund stations in schools and our long-term efforts to influence science and math curriculum. A budget has been provided to Zach DeWaters for the $500,000 line item appropriation for a new EmComm training module (biological/chemical./nuclear disaster) which CT Representative John Larsen will endorse. Zach will speak to staff of CT Senators Leiberman and Dodd seeking support for the appropriation in the US Senate. This is a long process which may not reach culmination until late fall 2005. Media & Public Relations With the help of Sue Fagan, a special ARRL/ARES brochure for Topoff3 was completed in record time. It is intended for use if we cannot use the full media kits. Mary Hobart and I will be in New London at the media center Sunday through Tuesday next week. Field Day materials are up on the website for PIOs http://www.arrl.org/pio/contact/2005/04/ I used CONTACT! as the platform for this. Annual Report text is being collected and edited. Swiss Knife 05 and PSA requests have (finally) begun to taper off. Production/Editorial Work is wrapping up on the May/June issue of QEX. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 12, distributed to 66,068 members March 24. Rick prepared/edited stories on ARRL's "Opposition" filing on three BPL reconsideration petitions, Dave Sumner's comments on BPL to the CITI broadband conference at Columbia U, an ARISS school group QSO with an Australian school, new "smart radio" rules, RSGB's opposition to deregulation, the "Amateur Amateur" column, Rush Drake, W7RM, SK, and several news briefs and announcements. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for March 25. Sales and Marketing Kathy Capodicasa and Bob Inderbitzen attended the National Postal Forum in Nashville, TN from March 20-23. The Forum offered numerous workshops and symposiums on many postal subjects. Bob followed a direct mail marketing track. Kathy participated in a number of workshops geared for non-profit and periodical mailers. She also attended a workshop on PostalOne; the ability in the near future to pay postage and replenish permit accounts on-line. The QST Sworn Circulation Statement for the six-month period July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 has been completed. This statement indicates a decline of 1,400 copies of QST in circulation over the prior six-month period. May 2005 QST left for the printer on Thursday. We anticipate that ad revenue for this issue will exceed forecast by over $10,000. The Dayton Theme Pull-Out Section was filled to capacity with 26 advertisers, quite a few of them new to QST. By comparison, the May 2004 Dayton Pull-Out contained ads from only nine advertisers. Several of these 2005 advertisers have already reserved space in future QST pull-outs. In addition, despite the fact that several advertisers sent ad materials that were late and/or graphically challenging, Graphic Designer Diane Szlachetka had all QST body and Pull-Out ads ready to leave for press before our deadline. Congratulations, Di! In addition to the Pull-Out success, several new and returning advertisers will be found in May 2005 QST. Staff had concerns that the increased number of advertiser names might not fit in the Index of Advertisers, a very happy problem, which was solved by slightly reducing font size. Advertising staff continues to collect advertising insertions for the "ARRL Passport" that will be distributed in the ARRL EXPO area to 5,000 attendees on a first-come first served basis. Covers 2 and 3 of the Passport have been sold and we also persuaded several advertisers to take full-page ads. However, by far the most popular advertiser choice is a low-cost single line entry listing the exhibitor name and booth number(s). We are currently finishing up work on National Contest Journal and QEX advertising insertions as well as soliciting ads for the New Ham Express. With a great assist by Sue Fagan, Dan Wolfgang, and Mark Spencer, Sales & Marketing staff put together a colorful, full page, advertisement focusing on the ARRL EXPO Youth area at Dayton Hamvention. The primary "stars" of the advertisement are three radio-controlled robots. A blow-up of the ad is on display in our lobby along side the robot exhibit. An ARRL exhibit was shipped to Amateur Electronic Supply, for their in-store "Superfest." This year's event is being held April 1-2. ARRL representatives include Central Director Dick Isely, Wisconsin SM Don Michalski, and Bob Inderbitzen. ARRL National Convention Planning Additional content has been added to the official ARRL National Convention web page, www.arrl.org/expo. Please visit the site often for updates as we approach the event. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked 100 WAS Certs. (250 QSLs ES/C) 5 WAS Certs. (100 QSLs F/C) 2 5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs ES/C) 1 5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs F/C) 1 Extra Class Certs. 8 WAS in the 90th Certs. 2 Replacement Awards 2 A-1 Op. Noms. 2 LTMA Inquiries 4 VUCC Initial Apps. 1 Grids 102 VUCC End. Apps. 3 Grids 165 Awards Mailed 19 Also, worked on some LTMA projects (on-going). Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, foreign WAC awards, order 5BWAS plates, VUCC award processing/mailing, plus mail all other awards processed this week. Contest Branch The final results for the 2004 ARRL 160-Meter Contest were received from the log checker, merged into the master databases, and tables prepared and results sent to the author. We finished packaging the 2004 November Sweepstakes pins and delivered them to the mail room. We revised the RTTY Roundup online database to show band-by-band QSO breakdowns. The 2004 November Phone Sweepstakes main article was received from the author and was edited, photos selected and sent to Production while the initial material for the web version of SS Phone was sent to Web Services. Line scores for the PDF of the 2004 CW Sweepstakes were prepared and sent to Production. DXCC Branch For the week of: March 27, 2005 Beginning Credits 35,425 Credits Received 15,167 Credits Processed 15,589 Ending Credits 35,003 Applications Pending 275 Processing Time (Conventional) 3.8 Weeks Processing Time (LoTW) 1 Working Day DXCC is currently mailing applications received on March 2, 2005. DXCC is currently entering credits received on March 2, 2005. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system 67,485,332 QSL records have resulted 2,893,719 Logs Processed 109,678 Active Certificates 13,919 Users registered in the system 9,354 Hybrids Pending Mail 38 QSL Bureau Processing time is 7 days from receipt. This week (4 days) 120 pounds of cards were received from members. Cards mailed as of 03/27/05: 206,500. No cards were mailed this week. W1AW Thanks to Mark Spencer, WA8SME for his hosting four (4) Scouts at W1AW. In addition to earning their radio merit badges, they also were active on 40, 20 and 17 meters CW and SSB and made 55 contacts. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of March and early April. He is nearly completed with assembly of the SSB adapter module for the Elecraft K2 QRP transceiver. Scott also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Rosalie met with Harold and Dennis to discuss preliminary thoughts on pushing our online technical and Technician courses. She attended a TopOff informational session, and shared ideas with Mary on a grant proposal. Rosalie worked out initial plans with Tony England for his time at the ARRL National Convention. The ARISS Team is working on NASA/Russian agreements for SuitSat about its delivery to the Space Station, a space walk for deployment, and the crew training. The team is ensuring commands will capture and transmit SSTV pictures, and are developing experimental earth sensors (SuitSat is the testbed for using these in future ham satellites). The camera will be in the helmet. A finger of the glove may be cut off for cable routing, so the design has to handle partial pressure issues (arcing). SSTV outgassing tests were done at White Sands, NM. The team is designing the deployment box and the arming switch. Until the SSTV system is certified and delivered to Russia, it can't be manifested for a Progress rocket launch. Training was done at the Russian hydrolab with a mockup of the suit rotating head over heels. Field Education Team Reminder: For all those who have not sent back their Dayton Marriott Hotel Room Reservation Forms to Gail, please do so ASAP! Gail Iannone sent eight hamfest approval letters and two convention approval letters to sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of events as ARRL-sanctioned. She processed 14 handout and door prize orders, and three label requests for upcoming events. She sent nine letters to club officials stating the EC's approval of their clubs as ARRL-affiliated. Jean Wolfgang set up students for a hybrid class, processed this week's graduates of online courses, and printed a requested CEU certificate. She set up the next three technical online course sections and added several US mail registrations to the April EC-001 course. Jean processed the results of five field tests, and sent a kit for another one to be held. Spam filters continue to present a problem for online course; students register for a course but subsequent ARRL/mentor/CTDLC emails to students appear to be filtered out. Jean then has to do further work to ensure contact between the student and mentor. Norm Fusaro finished his web article of tips on passing the Element 1 CW exam. The story points out relevant reasons to upgrade instead of waiting on Restructuring to occur. Norm represented ARRL at the Oklahoma State Convention where he met with members and addressed the audience about the importance of mentoring and the future of Amateur Radio. Field Organization/Public Service Leona received SM election statements for New Hampshire and West Texas and formatted them with pictures. SM ballot cards and statements were printed and sent. Leona began shipping initial supplies and ordered SM badges for new SMs who begin their term April 1: David Norris, K5UZ, Arkansas; Tom Blackwell, N5GAR, North Texas; and Tom Fagan, WB7NXH, Arizona. She prepared certificates for them and for incumbents. Leona is updating Field Organization appointment reports, and sending initial supplies to the new appointees. She entered expense numbers into the proper section budgets. Chuck Skolaut received documentation for infractions on 75 meters in the northeast and 2 meters in California, plus signals on 3890 similar to Yosemite Sam. A long-standing history of interference to a daily southern traffic net on 75 meters was received and is being investigated. An Indiana amateur forwarded another report of five-letter code groups being heard on 30 meters. We received a request from the FCC to assist in verifying a complaint on a 2-meter simplex frequency. Chuck participated in the monthly Citizen Corps Affiliates conference call in Steve's absence, and handled other duties for Steve. Chuck attended a TopOff informational meeting. Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program Mark Spencer added more schools to the ETP (total is now 134) as a result of exposure of the program in QST and on the web front page. Joel Hallas provided another critique increment of the Basic Electronics Course, and one more round should complete it. Boards and parts were ordered for the next activity board kit, a transistor amplifier study board. An Omni-5 was shipped to Nicaragua at Mr. Haynie's request. The fox controller prototype board has been completed and will be turned into lesson activities. Radio Merit Badge-in-a-day was held at W1AW. Regulatory Information John Hennessee attended an informational Topoff meeting, and reports that he has received Part 97 rules questions about it. He received a number of questions recently as the result of an article in the QCWA Journal by former FCC staffer John Johnston, W3BE, now President of QCWA. John assisted amateurs with local government zoning problems in La Jolla, CA (Harold White, call pending) and Tolland, CT (K1KEV) as well as with a covenant problem in Martinsville, IN (AA9RZ). Community Education Program Bill Barrett has scheduled his Silver City, NM, presentation for the April 5-7 time frame. The Birmingham, AL, show will be for the April 19-21 time frame. Citizen Corps Councils (CCC) in two locales haven't yet picked their dates. Bill developed a "road map" for CCCs on what we hope happens after the presentations. He also drafted a follow-up letter for CCCs to measure longer-term effects Sincerely, Dave Patton, NN1N Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer DCP: lk Staff Absentee List Dave Sumner 4/9 Executive Committee Meeting, Denver, CO `` 4/13-4/18 IARU Reg. 1 Conference Preparatory Meeting, Croatia Mary Hobart 4/3-5 Topoff3 4/13-4/18 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA `` 5/18-5/23 Dayton Hamvention Debra Johnson 5/19-5/23 Dayton Hamvention `` 5/24 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 4/7-4/8 Int'l Wireless Conference Bob Inderbitzen 3/31-4/1 AES Superfest `` 4/13 Vendor visit-Barker Specialty, Cheshire, CT Kathy Capodicasa 4/14-4/18 Vacation `` 5/9-5/13 Vacation Judy Miller 3/28-3/30 Vacation `` 4/5 Topoff3 `` 4/6 Vacation Cathy Stepina 4/4-4/15 Vacation Steve Ewald 4/1 MD State Convention Rose-Ann Lawrence 4/4-4/8 Topoff3 Zak Lau 4/4-4/8 Vacation Ed Hare 4/6-4/8 IEEE Group Meeting, Vancouver, WA `` 4/18-4/20 IEEE Chapter Meeting, Chicago, IL `` 4/21-4/22 Vacation `` 4/25-4/29 ANSI Committee Meeting, Piscataway, NJ `` 5/18-5/22 Vacation Sharon Taratula 4/4 Jury Duty Wayne Mills 4/14-4/29 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA & Vacation Bill Moore 4/16-4/18 Section Convention, Raleigh, NC `` 4/28-5/1 State Convention, Birmingham, AL & Vacation Janet Rocco 4/13 Vendor visit-Barker Specialty, Cheshire, CT Stu Cohen 4/8-4/12 Vacation Mark Spencer 3/30-4/4 Natl Sci Teachers Assn national convention, visit to LBJ HS Rosalie White 4/15-4/17 South Dakota Section Convention Dan Miller 3/31-4/4 Communications Academy, Shoreline, WA `` 4/7-4/8 CPTV Science Fair `` 4/18-4/21 OH Homeland Security Symposium, Columbus, OH
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ