[ARRL-ODV:7982] Re: arrl.net blocked

If I am not mistaken don't our Nigerian friends use Yahoo? They will probably be next to try to block the arrl.net address. Shelley, Barry, N1VXY wrote:
Thanks for pointing that out. I had a statement to that affect in the first draft of the note, but deleted it as I thought it might be too judgemental. Of course, my personal opinion is that these two entities could be the two largest purveyors (or at least "allowers") of spam on the Internet!
73, Barry, N1VXY
-----Original Message----- From: Edgar, William (SM, Western PA) Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 3:12 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7977] [ARRL-ODV:7976] arrl.net blocked
I find this fascinating in that a lot of spam that I get comes from juno or hotmail accounts. <grin>
- Bill N3LLR
AR>I wanted the Board to know the following in case you started to hear from members.
We just received word this morning that both Hotmail and Juno.com have blocked all e-mail traffic coming from the arrl.net server. This is ostensibly a "bully list" type of procedure to try and have others deal with the problem of spam on the Internet. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more frequent. At the moment, approximately 5,800 of our members are affected by this action. (roughly 10% of the arrl.net users)
We are in the process of working, through DCC the arrl.net vendor, to try and get the blocks removed but this is not something that will be accomplished in short order, if they even bend to our position. We will send a message directly to those affected members to let them know of the situation as well as post a item on the web page.
There is some indication that the Hotmail block (they are owned by MSN) is a block on all 3rd party provider e-mail but this is not confirmed at the moment. Beyond the current situation we are concerned that they may be sharing this information with others and, if so, similar blocks might be in the offing. If AOL were to take a similar action, another 6,800 members would be affected.
We will keep you apprised of any information as we go forward.
73, Barry, N1VXY
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Tuck Miller NZ6T ARRL SWD Vice Director