[arrl-odv:26961] Fwd: Amateur Radio at SCaLE 16x

FYI Amateur Radio activity in Southern California directed toward attracting a younger generation - From: Vern(engunir-a) <engunir@verizon.net> Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 10:18 PM Subject: Amateur Radio at SCaLE 16x To: "Fortney, James T - n6aa@arrl.org SPECIAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: The 16th annual Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) will be held on March 8-11, 2018 at the Pasadena Convention Center (PCC). "What does that have to do with Ham Radio?", you might ask. Well, the answer would be, "quite a bit, actually; in fact, more and more every year!" SCaLE is unique among computer shows, in that they offer event-resources to any Open-source software group that has a good story to tell. As a result, of the 150+ booths on the Exposition floor, about a third aren't trying to sell you anything ... not for money, anyway. :-) For years, SCaLE has highlighted many specialty areas where technology overlaps with the Linux and Open-source Community; and in 2015, SCaLE began hosting annual Amateur Radio representation as well, in the form of: - A "Special Event" radio station ("N6S"), operating live from PCC; and manned by Hams from VCARS (Ventura County Amateur Radio Society) to answer questions about Amateur Radio, and how it relates to Linux and the Open-source community. - A specialty booth on the Exhibit Floor, manned by AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network), demonstrating and answering questions about the "Ham Mesh Net" project (see below). - A license exam session (Sunday, March 11; open to the public). For reference, AREDN writes firmware to move Ubiquiti and TP-Link wireless access points down into the Part-97 portions of the 2.4, 3.4, and 5.8 GHZ bands. Users of the AREDN code have been creating local ad-hoc networks (i.e., Ham Mesh Net), and providing resources (e.g., web sites, VOP phone switches, webcams, etc) for Hams and emergency responders. As an example, images from these resources recently provided live images from the Thomas fire in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. In addition, SCaLE invites people to present Papers and discussions from all aspects of the user community; and this year, they began hosting an Amateur Radio related Track of speaker sessions. This year's sessions include: - Orv Beach (KB6I) - "Linux and the Ham Radio 'Internet'" - Dr. Kate Hutton (K6HTN) - "Amateur Radio Messaging, alive and well in the 21st Century" - Ben Kuo (AI6YR) - "How Social Media, the Internet, and Ham Radio saved the day after Hurricane Maria in Dominica" - Stu Sheldon (AG6AG) - "I just got my Amateur Radio License, Now what???" For those interested in getting started with Linux, SCALE holds training sessions (e.g., Saturday and Sunday mornings). These sessions include an install-fest, encouraging participants to bring a machine and work one-on-one with SCALE training proctors to help get Linux installed and operational. In the afternoon, a trainer from the Linux Foundation covers basic system administration skills. These classes are first come, first served; so if you're interested, come early to get a seat. Hardware requirements and other event related information is posted on the SCALE web site (https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/16x). As organizers of SCaLE, Orv Beach (W6BI, orv.beach@gmail.com) and I expect to have some FREE admissions to hand out to interested Hams. Ping either of us, if you're interested. As many past participants (and volunteers) can attest, SCaLE is a fun event! I'm sure that if you come, you'll enjoy yourself more than you might think; and who knows, you might even learn a thing or two in the process! 73s Vern (W6NCT, w6nct@arrl.net)
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton, N6AA