[ARRL-ODV:7401] Re: Section News QST and the Web, Part 2

As Jay said, "It is time to move ahead." I believe that Jay and Wade have it right. This is no longer a burning issue. Yes, I heard some negative comments last December and January and that has since stopped. The web is a better way to handle the Section News. The SM in my division who was very vocal and negative on the issue is also the heaviest user of the web. He puts out a very interesting monthly newsletter via the web. He also conduced a survey and asked members to respond to me. (I call that torture by e-mail.) The torture did not last long and I did not recant. His survey showed that most members did not read the QST SM column but liked his monthly web based SM news. The issue has, for the most part, gone away. We have a better technology for this information and we can also improve it's length, depth (pictures) and timeliness. We also have a method for dealing with the web challenged. It's time to make it official. It's a bit like trying to hold on to spark here! I am constantly amazed that a segment of our ham radio hobby/service, which is so steeped in technology, has a small group who again and again resist any move to a new and better way. Oh well. But we were guilty of not having the program up and running before we rammed it down members throats and I think that is why we had a problem in the first place. Frank....N2FF.....
participants (1)
Frank Fallon