Final Draft, Novice Refarming Petition for Final Board Review

Greetings, folks. Minute 2.8 of the Northern Virginia EC meeting on March 2, 2002 noted that the EC considered a draft of the Novice Refarming Petition that we are planning to file. Remember that this will trigger the "biennial review" proceeding involving a series of petitions already on file at WTB, FCC. The EC wanted full Board review of this before filing. It includes some miscellaneous, mostly "cleanup" issues that we have been sitting on for awhile, and some items that the Board ordered be included. The attached is a word file including the petition, as edited by the instructions of the EC, and the Appendix, which is fully edited as well. Thanks go to Paul Rinaldo for helping draft the appendix and editing the petition with me. Remaining errors are my own, however, and not Paul's. Please review this. I can make edits through Friday, but need to file it by Friday afternoon, no later, due to FCC's timetable for the proceeding. In addition, I will be out of the office for a week beginning next Monday morning. So, time's a-wastin'. Your edits are welcome, as always. 73, Chris W3KD
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