Jay, Excellent considerations. Why have a National Convention? Its purpose? In my opinion, a National Convention out to showcase the whats, whys and hows of ARRL in its quest to support Amateur Radio. Provided we do this adequately, the Convention, in turn, ought to bring us more members as well as more dedicated members. I also think that if we go into a National with the idea merely of hanging our name onto something already there, it is a waste of time. This is the reason weve included words including: ACTION: Upon adoption of this motion, CEO Sumner is instructed to take actions as are appropriate through Staff to implement the Convention and President Haynie is instructed to designate such persons as may be appropriate to work with the Hamvention Committee to coordinate developing the program and other ARRL aspects of the combined event. Staff is especially instructed to explore and develop means to leverage the Hamvention-Convention to take advantage of an expected heightened presence of ARRL to enhance sales of membership and publications. as part of the motion and its directives. I am fully confident that we have good and dedicated folks at HQ who can and will form an ARRL skunk works that will come up with unique and aggressive ideas for promoting the League. I also think that members of the Board Family can join with Staff to facilitate and enhance their work. This, then, is the principal why a National Convention in my opinion. There may be additional benefits, but these are relatively minor, I think. I agree that a bit of discussion on this topic should be worthwhile. If nothing else, we may find ways to stretch our efforts in R&R still further. 73, Jim W. Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communication system in the world. -----Original Message----- From: JBellows [mailto:jbellows@skypoint.com] Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 1:26 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10789] Re: PLANNED MOTION CONCERNING A 2005 ARRL NATIONAL CONVENTION There doesnt seem to be much guidance in the Rules and Regulations regarding the when where or why ARRL has a national convention. The Rules attached to the Bylaws simply state: 5. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Board of Directors may authorize or direct upon such terms as it may prescribe, the holding, as a National Convention, of a meeting of persons interested in Amateur Radio from throughout the operating territory of the League. The President will assign a member of the Board to work with the staff to evaluate National Convention applications and negotiate ARRL participation. The management, program and financial plans of every such convention shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. I understand why the folks at the Hamvention would like us to designate the 2005 Hamvention an ARRL National Convention. Before voting on this I would like to know if there really is some substance and purpose to a national convention. Im not necessarily opposed to the idea but if the purpose is simply to give the Hamvention (or any other event) a little window dressing it concerns me that we may appear to be renting out the name of the League. If the term ARRL National Convention is to have any meaning we need to identify some substantial and distinguishing features or aspects of the event peculiarly identified with ARRL and of particular benefit to ARRL and its members. That may be challenging, particularly in the context of an event as large and multifaceted as the Hamvention but we ought to try. Perhaps this is fodder for Thursday evening pre-meeting discussion. Jay, KØQB -----Original Message----- From: Jim K8JE [mailto:K8JE@arrl.org] Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:05 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10759] Re: PLANNED MOTION CONCERNING A 2005 ARRL NATIONAL CONVENTION Kay, Ive inserted my comments into your note. You raise valid and interesting points. I think I can answer most of them. Let me know if you have further questions, please. 73, Jim W. Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communication system in the world. -----Original Message----- From: Kay Craigie [mailto:wt3p@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 7:26 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10755] Re: PLANNED MOTION CONCERNING A 2005 ARRL NATIONAL CONVENTION Joel has expressed many of my concerns very well. We must be very specific and very realistic about what is in it for the ARRL to have a National Convention ... at Dayton or anywhere. When we had the National at Dayton before, several people came to the booth and asked me, "So, how is this Dayton any different from other Daytons?" The answer I could give them, "There are more ARRL-related forums than in other years," didn't impress them much. It didn't impress me much, either, come to think of it. The allure of getting to go to Dayton at no personal expense should not distract us from asking hard questions about what the League will gain in concrete, measurable benefits from having a National. WITH THE COOPERATION GARY DES COMBES HAS GUARANTEED TO ME, IT WILL BE LARGELY UP TO US TO COME UP WITH IDEAS TO DISTINGUISH THIS CONVENTION FROM THE HAMVENTION. ESPECIALLY IF HQ DOES THEIR JOBS IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS THAT LEVERAGE THE DISTINCT POTENTIAL VALUE OF HAVING 20,000 OR SO HAMS IN ONE PLACE, WE CAN AND MUST DO THE JOB. IF WE DONT DO OUR PART, WE WILL FAIL. I WOULD NOT INTEND FOR US TO FAIL. It's true that travel expenses for Directors and Officers come from their existing budgets. However, if you spend Division budget money going to a National, that's money you don't have available to spend on membership contact within your Division. This presents a choice to Directors: go to a National where you may not be interacting with many of your members, or skip the National and do your customary in-Division travel, or do it all and over-spend your budget. Any of these choices has down-sides for the organization. If we have so much money allocated to Governance that Divisions can absorb a Director's trip to a National without cutting back on other activity that year, then that raises interesting questions, doesn't it? YOU BET IT RAISES INTERESTING ISSUES. PLEASE NOTICE THAT EVEN AFTER WE CUT DIVISION BUDGETS IN JANUARY, MOST DIVISIONS STILL DO NOT COME CLOSE TO SPENDING THEIR BUDGET ALLOCATIONS EACH YEAR. I WAS VERY SURPRISED WHEN I GOT THE FIGURES FROM COY WHO IN TURN GOT THEM FROM BARRY. IM ALSO SURPRISED THAT WE ALLOW PEOPLE SO MUCH FISCAL FREEDOM THAT THEY WILLY NILLY OVERSPEND BUDGETS. I INADVERTENTLY OVERSPENT MINE BY A COUPLE OR THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS LAST YEAR AND FELL OFF MY CHAIR WHEN I WAS NOT CHASTISED FOR THIS. I HAD EXPECTED THAT IF I OVERSPENT, THE OVERAGE WOULD BE DENIED. WHY WASNT IT? There's something else I want to bring into the discussion of Nationals: I believe the Board needs to develop guidelines for the Director's Workbook suggesting what Directors and Officers should do at Nationals that we attend. Otherwise, it seems to me like we are getting to go to Dayton -- or wherever -- on the membership's nickel to shop, shmoose with our friends, and enjoy ourselves without being expected to do any particular work on behalf of the League. Walking around all day with a red badge on and stopping by the booth for 15 or 20 minutes doesn't fill the bill for me. Now I am not saying we should have to fill out some kind of dumb-ass time cards saying how many hours we did this and how many times we did that. I am suggesting, however, that as a body the volunteer members of the Board should come to an agreement about what work we expect ourselves to do for the League in return for the privilege of attending a National Convention at the membership's expense. Then we put it in the Director's Workbook and leave it to the honor and conscience of individuals to live up to the guidelines we've set for ourselves. I WILL SUPPORT SUCH A MOTION. IN FACT, IF YOU WANT ME TO WORK WITH YOU, ILL BE HAPPY TO PRESENT JUST SUCH A MOTION. 73 - Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Jim K8JE