Fwd: SEC:Unclassified. Suspected Interference with domestic wattmeters

And I thought it was just we Californians that were getting the shaft from the power companies!! 73, Rod
Status: U From: "Rouse, SQNLDR Ian" <Ian.Rouse@defence.gov.au> To: "'w6rod@arrl.org'" <w6rod@arrl.org> Subject: SEC:Unclassified. Suspected Interference with domestic wattmeter s Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 14:35:00 +1100
I am writing to you in the hope (and with some desperation)that there may be some information out there in amateur radio land that will help me with an electricity supply problem. The problem goes like this:
I have just received an electricity bill for $586.00 (Oct, Dec 01, Jan 02). My last bill was $124.00 (Jul, Aug, Sep 01). The bill for the corresponding period last year was $230.00 (Oct, Dec 00, Jan 01). The consumption as measured by the wattmeters for the standard supply and off peak (hot water) supply have both risen significantly. I am suspicious that both the meters may have been permanently affected by RF interference from my ham rig to the extent that they both read high (about 2 1/2 times the normal rate). I use a random length wire, with the wire passing within 30cm of both meters. I use an Ameritron AL811A amplifier that I can easily load up to about 500W, although I only operate at 400W max. I have only been using this radio set up since Oct 01. I used similar power at a previous address with no effect on the power bill; however the antenna was quite different being dipoles fed with coax. The usage of the power amplifier could not have possibly increased the bill by the amount cited above - I still keep a log book which will verify this assertion.
My question is: have any other hams had any similar experiences, or can anyone point me to documentation that I may use to prove my case with the electricity retailers?
The local association has been of little help.
Please note that I am currently not a member of the ARRL, but I am a member of a club (Geelong Amateur Radio Club) affiliated with the Wireless Institute of Australia.
This could be a good article for amateur radio magazines!
Best 73 de Ian VK3BFR
participants (1)
Rod Stafford W6ROD