[arrl-odv:14983] IN-News

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Upcoming Meetings and Events Administration &Finance Committee January 18 in Newington, CT Annual Board Meeting January 19-20, 2007 in Windsor, CT CEO The office will be closed on Monday, December 25 for the Christmas holiday and again on Monday, January 1 for New Year's day. Happy holidays and a healthy 2007 to everyone. Development The results of the fall Spectrum Defense Campaign have improved significantly since the mailing of the follow up letter in November. That solicitation, augmented by ads in QST and web and ARRL Letter pieces by Rick Lindquist have produced strong daily revenues that have pushed the Spectrum Defense totals past the July reforecast goal. As of 12/19/06 the fall campaign has topped $239,000 from more than 4400 donors, bringing the Year to Date totals to 7688 responses totaling $444,071. The fall Spectrum Defense campaign has produced a flurry of new major donors, including two new Maxim Society donors. One new Legacy Circle commitment has been added that brings the total number of Legacy Circle members to 63. The Diamond Club results are still short of the reforecast goal by more than $41,000 through November. December is expected to bring in $15,000 - $20,000 so the program will experience a shortfall at year end. Media & Public Relations Work on several projects continues including the 2007 resources for PIOs, the Hello event Dec 29-30, preparing for the 2007 EmComm theme and the anticipated, but unexpected suddenness, of the FCC R&O release. A formal press release went out on PR reflector and also PR Newswire on Monday as well as being posted to websites, and interviews are being done for media on the topic. Four Leonard Award nominees are being considered by the PR Committee. Confirmation was received that Allen Pitts will be a key speaker for Amateur Radio at the 2007 EmComm convention in Reno, NV. Amateur Radio operators are still invited (and needed) to come to W1AW for the Hello operating event - please talk to Allen about it. Production/Editorial Thanks to some excellent teamwork, graphics, editorial and production staff worked to get news of the FCCs Morse code decision posted to the ARRLWeb and into the February issue of QST. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 49, distributed to 64,946 members on Dec 15. Rick (on Friday evening, well after hours) prepared/edited news items on the FCC's decision to drop the Morse code requirement and to establish automatically controlled data segment at 3585-3600 kHz; new frequency allocations go into effect; ham radio satellites ready for launch, deployment; FCC orders hearing in ham radio identity theft case; 500 kHz experiment wants reception reports; Dayton Hamvention invites award nominees, and several announcements and news briefs. With voiceover assistance from Khrystyne Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Dec 15. Lab BPL The end of an era: Ed Hare reports that the trusty BPL Mobile, his 1989 Subaru, has given its all to the cause. The body finally gave way, with major structural damage that exceeds any practical repair. It was unceremoniously driven carefully to the scrapyard. Ed reports that he did save a few lug nuts and plans to give one to one of his favorite people in the BPL industry. He reports that he will probably convert his 1991 Jeep Cherokee to the cause if he can get it as RF quiet as the old Subaru. BPL in VK: The Wireless Institute of Australia released a report of its findings of strong interference from the BPL system in Mount Beauty. See HYPERLINK "http://www.wia.org.au/news/2006/20061215-01.php" http://www.wia.org.au/news/2006/20061215-01.php. Although the Australian regulations do not have limits for BPL as does the FCC, the emissions there were reported to be as much as 10 dB over the FCCs limits, and a measured 40 dB over the generally accepted levels of man-made noise outlined in ITU-R P372.8. EMC Ed Hare and Harold Kramer paid a site visit to TUV Rheinland, an EMC Lab in Newtown, CT that does testing for FCC compliance and certification of a wide range of products. Dana Craig, KC6USX, Division Manager for EMC and Telecomm, personally met with Ed and Harold to explain how EMC testing is performed and what requirements are placed on Laboratories that do such work under TUV Rheinlands oversight. The FCC Tampa office has responded to Mike Grubers offer to assist in a power line noise case in Florida. This case has already resulted in a citation (May 2006) but the noise remains ongoing. Mike Gruber is working on setting up an EMC Committee meeting next Spring or Summer. Sales and Marketing Membership Update The first 32 membership applications have been returned in the few days following the mailing to 60,000 Technician licensees. The other three major direct mailings conducted throughout the year continue to see returns as well. The first mailing for 2007 is in the final stages of development, for mailing in January. Modifications to the renewal notice schedule have been completed. Testing begins in early 2007. Well also test some new content and messaging in these notices. The schedule includes an additional email notice. Among our goals is to glean better results on the 1st and 2nd notices, hoping to eliminate the need for the 5th notice. We are pleased to welcome back our volunteer tour guide, Bob Allison, WB1GCM, who has been out due to an injury. Product Sales Update We are accumulating pre-orders for the 2006 ARRL Periodicals on CD-ROM, ARRL Order No. 9841retail $19.95. The fully-searchable CD includes all issues of QST, NCJ and QEX, published throughout the year. Shipping begins in mid-January. Circulation and Fulfillment Update Membership and product fulfillment continue to operate at peak levels. This activity has been spurred on by holiday ordering and increased demand for license training materials as result of the FCC Report and Order to drop Morse testing. QST foreign and Canadian distribution is being reviewed. An increase in rates for 2007 has resulted in our seeking competitive bids from other freight forwarding companies (presently managed by RR Donnelley). Our goal is to maintain or improve international delivery, and find some savings within this competitive market. Business Services Despite several advertisers downsizing their commitments for 2007, staff was able to seek out several new advertisers and revenue goals for the February 2007 will exceed expectations by over $6,000. Staff has been sending numerous proposals to YAESU for various advertising vehicles. After much discussion, they have formally committed to adding an additional full 4-color advertising page each month for the next 12 issues. This agreement commenced with the February 2007 issue. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificate (Manual)11WAS Certificate (LoTW)1WAC Certs2A-1 Op Nominations15A-1 Op Certificates4VUCC Initial apps/Grids4/437VUCC Endorsement/Grids1/101Awards Charges10Awards Mailed19Processing Time2 Weeks Contest Branch During the week staff: Completed the mailing of the gavels referred to in last weeks report; prepared the first wave (50) of DX plaques for mailing; and began data entry of the EME logs. DXCC Branch CategoryProcessedBeginning Credits20,712Credits Received11,360Credits Processed13,776Ending Credits18,296YTD Credits Received545,557YTD Applications Received5,111YTD Credits Returned601,886Applications Pending378Processing Time2.8 WeeksDXCC is currently entering credits received on December 12, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on November 27, 2006. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system115,505,957QSL records have resulted 7,056,319Logs Processed300,302Active Certificates21,744Users registered in the system14,354Hybrids Pending Mail101 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 3 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 132 pounds of cards were received from members. W1AW The last Harris exciter (model RF-3200) was finally taken out of service as a broadcast transmitter. The exciter developed extremely strong spurs on 10-meters. In addition, the quality of the CW note began to degrade (as it had with all of the other Harris exciters). The second Ten-Tec Orion I (that is in-house for evaluation) now resides in the 10-meter transmitter slot. The current transmitter complement is as follows: 160 metersTen-Tec Omni VI+80 metersTen-Tec Omni VI+40 metersTen-Tec Orion I (evaluation unit)20 metersTen-Tec Omni VI17 metersIcom IC-756Pro II (evaluation unit)15 metersIcom IC-756Pro II (evaluation unit)10 metersTen-Tec Orion I (evaluation unit) The transition to the new 80-meter digital frequency (in response to WT Docket 04-140) took place on Friday, December 15. The new frequency is 3597.5 kHz. Joe worked the early afternoon/night shifts on Monday and Tuesday for a vacationing Scott Gee. Joe processed two Code Proficiency certificates. In addition, he worked the day/night shifts on Thursday and Friday since Scott was out on sick leave these two days. Joe also took frequency measurements for all seven broadcast transmitters, and adjusted the transmitters (if necessary) to make sure theyre in line with the stations published operating frequencies. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Section Managers and Section Emergency Coordinators received from a copy of an informative article about the benefits of having a written mutual aid agreement with adjacent ARRL sections. This document was prepared by the National Emergency Response Planning Committee and distributed by ARRL HQ. Many sections leaders, in response, have asked for and have received a sample multi-section mutual agreement so that they, too, can study it and prepare one for themselves. Steve Ewald also received monthly Field Organization reports and prepared the QST Public Service column for February QST. In preparation for the Kentucky and North Texas Section Manager elections, candidates have been submitting their statements and photographs to Leona Adams. The SMs that were unopposed in the winter election cycle have received their letters and certificates to confirm their new upcoming terms of office. ARRL Section expenses continue to arrive at HQ at steady pace since the end of the year is getting closer. An Official Observer sent in documentation in response to an FCC monitoring request about a particular 75 meter frequency. Chuck Skolaut reviewed and forwarded it to the FCC. Another similar case in Wisconsin was also handled. We learned that the FCC performed an inspection of a station as a result of earlier complaints and monitoring efforts. Three different types of interference reports were received, and through further checking, they were found to be originating from a power substation, a computer router, and a plasma TV set. Other interference reports included excessive splatter on 14300 kHz and an over the horizon radar on 75 meters. ARISS PR: Rosalie wrote an item for possible use on the ARRL Web about the college seniors who are EE students, working on SuitSat-2s circuitry. For ARRL Members: Space Civilian Charles Simonyi and astronaut Tim Kopra were trained in ham radio licensing, and passed their exams. The Russian ARISS Team will train Fyodor Yurchikhin. The team met with Malaysian astronaut Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor and discussed amateur radio with him; he is interested and will train for his flight next year. ARISS News Update: Janet and Chip Margelli have donated a Yaesu FT-817 to ARISS. The ARISS Team had voted to replace the old D-700 with the 817. The ARISS Team is required to have 6 units, ie test unit, flight unit, back-up unit, unit for Russian Mission Control, etc. Lou McFadin is reviewing what mods will need to be made to the 817, ie converting the data connector (for connecting to SSTV module) to match the pin-outs of the D-700s cables that are on board. ARISS Effect on Schools: Rosalie conferred with the SuitSat-2 team leader about possibilities for student experiments submitted for SuitSat-2. International Aspects: Students at the Russian Aviation Institute, which has a good ham station, have asked for a QSO on Dec 26 with Cosmonaut Tyurin. Field & Education Team Hamfest & ConventionsHamfestsHamfest Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval11Hamfest Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor11Handouts and Door Prize Material Orders Processed12Label Requests for Upcoming Events2Conventions Convention Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval2Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor3Convention Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval0EC Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor10Clubs New Club Apps. Reviewed1Acknowledgement Letters Sent to Club Officials1New Club Apps. Sent to Directors and SMs for Approval1New Club Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval0EC Approval Letters Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs0Charter of Affiliation Certs. Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs0Newly-Affiliated Clubs Entered into Siebel0New SSC Apps. sent to Director, SM, & ACC for Approval0SSC Approval Letter Sent to Club Official0SSC Certificate Sent to Newly-Designated SSC Club0 Clubs & MentorsClubsClub Updates47Club assistance and histories Below 51% notification SSC SSC sent to ACC SSC Certificates 7 letters sent3Instructors Instructor Reg 6Teachers Teacher Reg Materials & Brochures Class Materials Graduation Kits20Exhibit Kits/ brochure requests9Jota Kits Label Requests Filled Sales Orders Processed Public Service Reports Regulatory Information We worked with Wisconsin Section Manager Don Michalski to wrap up recommendations to the amateurs involved in the Wisconsin case previously reported. The bottom line is that while there appears to be some problem with the cable TV boxes in use in the building, the amateur involved are still bound by the terms of their signed lease agreements. We also worked with Perry Green of the VEC in reviewing the final draft of the proposed Element 3 question pool from the NCVECs Question Pool Committee. We verified the automatic updates of the online versions of Part 97 and new frequency allocation charts were ready, and they went live ay 12:01 AM EST Friday morning when the new allocations went into effect. We also answered numerous phone calls and emails related to the implementation of 04-140, the ARRLs petition to reconsider and the status of 05-235. A request was received from the Town Planner in Wrentham, MA seeking advice on a consulting engineer to work with the town as they dealt with an application for a 125-tower (we have not been informed of whom the applicant was in this matter). A series of discussions was also held with an amateur in Las Vegas, NV who lives in an un-zoned community who is having problems with the town on erecting a tower on a very spacious lot that is not covered by zoning. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer I completed three days of training in Portland Maine presented by the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) on science literacy and developing science education standards and curriculum. On one hand the training validates current goals and efforts of the ETP, on the other hand the material presented some major issues that we face in the ETP in advancing those goals. It will take some time to assimilate the information presented into an action plan. Aint wireless technology wonderful? I was able to keep up with correspondence while on the road so my recovery time upon return to CA should be minimal. All the resources needed to construct the L/C/R boards for the TIs are now in place and construction of the boards will begin Monday. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 12/25 Holiday All Staff 1/1 Holiday Zoe Belliveau 12/28-12/29 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 12/26 Vacation Steve Ford 12/25-1/2 Vacation Scott Gee 12/22-12/26 Vacation Joel Hallas 12/26-12/29 Vacation Dan Henderson 12/20-1/3 Vacation Tom Hogerty 12/26-12/29 Vacation Amy Hurtado 12/21-12/22 Vacation `` 12/27 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/26-12/29 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 12/26 Vacation `` 12/29 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 12/26 Vacation `` 12/29 Vacation Mindy Lajoie 12/26-12/27 Vacation `` 1/2 Vacation Rick Lindquist 12/26-12/29 Vacation Wayne Mills 12/27-1/3 Vacation Bill Moore 12/22-1/2 Vacation Allen Pitts 12/26-12/27 Vacation `` 12/29-12/30 Hello Climax Dave Sumner 12/26-1/2 Vacation Sharon Taratula 12/28-12/29 Vacation Mike Tracy 12/22 Vacation `` 12/26-12/29 Vacation !*,JSXYZ[\eyzŠªµž¹Î÷ìâÛÔâÆÛÔâÛÔÛ⟳Ûâ¬|mamWNh³5CJ\h:~h³CJ\h³B*CJaJph33hXEh³B*CJaJph33h³>*B*CJaJph33 hXEh³>*B*CJaJph33 hXEh³5B*CJaJph33 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