[arrl-odv:13458] Northwestern Division Vice Director Appointment

I am pleased to announce that President Haynie has appointed William J. Sawders, K7ZM to fill the remainder of the term as Northwestern Division Vice Director. The Election and Ethics Committee has verified his eligibility. Bill is a former Section Manager. His address is: 19821 Ponderosa St., Bend, OR 97702 Phone: 541 389 6258 Email: k7zm@arrl.org A good, short amateur radio bio for Bill is on www.qrz.com <http://www.qrz.com> . It reads: _____ Bill was first licensed in 1957 at the age of 12. He has held an Extra Class License since 1968. Previous call signs were K6ZMZ and W7KWK. He received the call sign K7ZM in 1977. His wife, Vicki is a licensed General Class operator and holds the call sign K7VKI. Bill was the ARRL Oregon Section Manager from 1998 to 2002, and is Past President of the San Diego DX Club (1968), Central Oregon Radio Amateurs (1992), Central Oregon DX Club (1989-1998) and is currently President of the Central Oregon Contest Club. Bill is the owner of the 145.490- repeater. At 3,900 feet elevation, it's located on the south end of Bend. In 2006, this repeater will move to La Pine, Oregon, and be switched to 146.960-. At 4,500 feet elevation, this repeater will serve south central Oregon, including the very popular Crater Lake National Park. Locals and visitors are invited to use the repeater at any time. The repeater is linked to ECHOLINK and listed at Echolink as K7ZM-R. The node number is 1584. Echolink users are invited to link to this central Oregon repeater at any time. _____ Bill has not been added to the ODV remailer yet, but will be tomorrow. He is arranging to attend the Board Meeting. David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ