I don't know how many on this list knew Frank Schwab, W8OK, of the Dayton, OH area. He was given the credit for beginning the Dayton Hamvention and was an avid DXer who, I guess, had at least as many countries to his credit as any one else. He died a couple of days ago. His visitation is Sunday and funeral is Monday. I'm providing a link to a newspaper article about him that happened to run several days ago in case anyone wishes to read it. Because of his seemingly League membership "from the beginning of time," his amateur activities and my availability to the visitation, I plan to attend it if not the funeral. I apologize for taking the time of any of you who have no awareness of and, therefore, interest in Frank. http://www.daytondailynews.com/localnews/content/localnews/daily/0525dal e.html. 73, CUL, Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division k8je@arrl.org - Tel. 513-459-0142 ARRL -- The reason Amateur Radio is! GREAT LAKES DIVISION CONVENTION, September 6, 2003: See http://greatlakes.arrl.org
participants (1)
Jim Weaver