[ARRL logo-and-logotype black gold vertical] IN-Newsletter Vol. 42, No. 23 June 16, 2017 Covers the period June 4 - June 10, 2017 Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events: PCC.II June 26 - 29 @ Orlando, FL HAM RADIO 2017 July 14 - 16 @ Friedrichshafen, Germany Administrative & Finance Committee July 20 @ HQ, Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee July 20 @ HQ, Newington, CT ARRL 2nd Board Meeting July 21 - 22 @ Farmington, CT JARL (Tokyo Hamfest) September 2 - 3 @ Tokyo, Japan New England Division Convention September 8 - 10 @ Boxboro, MA ARRL Audio News Below is a link to last week's edition of the ARRL Audio News podcast, dated June 9, 2017: https://www.blubrry.com/arrlaudionews/24355593/arrl-audio-news-june-92017?sb... Chief Executive Office Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF Tom Gallagher filmed a new webisode of "60 Second Century" for his July QST editorial, "Mythbusting: ARRL Not 'Big Radio Club'." The video was shot by Michelle Patnode here at HQ and will appear on all ARRL's social media accounts. Below is a link to his June video: "Fighting the Last War, or the Next?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW1HnNIvzUI Carla Pereira passed the Technician's License exam. She is very excited to start operating. Her call sign is KC1HSX. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Discussions have been ongoing to finalize Terms of Reference documents for five new scholarships through the ARRL Foundation; three of these scholarships have been sent to the ARRL Foundation Board for official approval. Development is pleased to welcome two new members to the Legacy Circle: Debbie, KD5EFM, and Mickey, AK5D, Driver, and Ben Patton, N4AXE. Photos from the 17th Annual ARRL Donor Recognition Reception, held on May 18 at America's Packard Museum in Dayton, Ohio, can be viewed at: http://tinyurl.com/2017ARRL-Donor-Reception. Field Services Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization Leona reports that an SM nomination petition was received from SM, Jack Ciaccia, WMØG of the Colorado section for the term beginning October 1, 2017. As our SM nomination deadline was Friday, June 9th by 4 pm, Leona reports that there will be no upcoming SM elections for the term beginning October 1, 2017. The following SM's will continue as Section Manager for the following sections: Jack Ciaccia, WMØG - Colorado Mark Tharp, KB7HDX - Eastern Washington David Benoist, AG4ZR - Georgia Diana Feinberg, AI6DF - Los Angeles Carol Milazzo, KP4MD - Sacramento Valley Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV - San Francisco Lee Cooper, W5LHC - South Texas Darrell "Dan" Ringer, K8WV - West Virginia Monte Simpson, AF7PQ - Western Washington W1AW Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He also updated the code practice file QST source web page. Joe installed the temporary 40-meter antenna to be used for the regularly scheduled transmissions. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice texts for the upcoming week. He also processed VUCC applications and credits. Production Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY The August issue of QST is in production and goes to press on Wednesday, June 21. Nearly all of the text for the 2016 Annual Report is with the designer for layout. Radiosport Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 1 - 2 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 1 - 2 Business Days 2017 DXCC Applications 5563 2017 WAS Applications 639 2017 VUCC Applications 228 2017 WPX Applications 303 Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Yvette Vinci prepared the bulk email notification for the July 2017 digital edition of QST, distributed to ARRL members on Friday, June 9. The distribution list included 117,458 members. Yvette reports that in June we processed 23 paid-in-full Life Memberships and 20 new Life Membership pledges. "Reminder letters" were sent to 499 members making quarterly payments toward Life Membership. Jackie Ferreira reports that online ordering was brisk over the weekend, as members responded to a Handbook promotion bundling the title with a companion book. Sales and marketing information was prepared to support a publication planning meeting attended by Bob Inderbitzen and other colleagues. With ARRL Field Day fast approaching, final pushes were made to members promoting orders for 2017 Field Day supplies. Membership applications returned from the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, SEA-PAC (June 2-4) have all been processed. Of the 83 applications, 21 were from new and previous members. Materials are being prepared for ARRL's exhibit at the International Exhibition of Radio Amateurs, "HAM RADIO," July 14-16 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Now shipping: ARRL Frequency Chart<http://www.arrl.org/shop/ARRL-Frequency-Chart-11-17/>, 11 x 17-inches. These revised charts include the new 630 Meter and 2,200 Meter bands. The charts include a note explaining that the effective date of these new allocations has not yet been determined (more information<http://www.arrl.org/graphical-frequency-allocations>). Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Leona Adams 06/26 - 06/30 PTO Bob Allison 06/15 - 06/19 PTO Kathy Allison 06/15 - 06/19 PTO Ken Bailey 07/19 PTO Steve Capodicasa 06/16 PTO " 06/26 PTO Joe Carcia 06/15 - 06/16 PTO " 07/05 - 07/07 PTO " 07/14 PTO " 07/21 PTO " 07/28 PTO " 08/04 PTO " 08/07 - 08/11 PTO " 08/25 PTO " 09/05 - 09/08 PTO " 10/09 PTO Lauren Clarke 06/23 AFP Fundraising Day, NYC " 08/01 - 08/04 Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD Mike Corey 06/19 - 06/20 PTO " 06/21 NYC Marathon Communications Coordinators Meeting " 06/29 FEMA Region 1 Meeting Steve Ewald 06/12 - 06/17 PTO " 06/18 - 06/19 Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville " 06/20 PTO Tom Gallagher 06/22 - 06/28 PCC.II Meeting, Orlando, FL " 06/24 - 06/24 ARRL South Florida Field Day events with Vice Director Joe Tiritilli, N4ZUW " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT " 08/28 - 09/03 JARL (Tokyo HAMFEST), Tokyo, Japan " 09/04 - 09/11 PTO Regina Galuppi 07/10 PTO Scott Gee 06/29 - 06/30 PTO " 09/15 - 09/18 PTO " 09/22 - 09/25 PTO Jen Glifort 07/05 - 07/07 PTO Perry Green TBD Medical Leave Dan Henderson 06 28 - 06/30 PTO " 07/19 - 07/23 PSC Committee and Board of Directors meetings, HQ " 07/05 PTO " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT Gail Iannone 08/10 - 08/16 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 06/16 PTO " 06/30 - 07/05 PTO " 07/11 - 07/17 HAM RADIO, Friedrichshafen, Germany " 07/18 PTO " 08/21 - 08/25 PTO Sean Kutzko 06/29 - 07/09 PTO Maryann MacDonald 08/24-08/29 PTO Allie McLellan 05/25 - 08/01 On Leave Diane Middleton 06/23 PTO " 06/28 - 06/30 PTO Dave Patton 06/12 - 06/13 PTO Carla Pereira 07/05 PTO " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT " 07/31 PTO " 09-05 - 09/08 PTO Diane Petrilli 06/15 - 06/19 PTO " 06/26 - 06/30 PTO " 07/07 PTO " 07/14 PTO " 07/28 PTO " 08/04 - 08/11 PTO " 09/29 PTO John Proctor 06/14 - 06/28 PTO Andy Shefrin 06/19 PTO " 07/10 - 07/14 PTO Becky Shoenfeld 07/24 - 07/28 PTO Barry Shelley 06/09 - 06/12 PTO " 06/23 PTO " 06/27 PTO " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT Jon Siverling 07/19 - 07/29 PTO " 08/18 - 08/23 PTO " 10/06 PTO Deborah Voigt 06/15 - 06/21 PTO Compiled and Edited by: Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO
participants (1)
Pereira, Carla