[ARRL-ODV:11361] Re: The Arrogance of Powell

If you really wanted to be fair about this, we should send a copy to Vice President Dick Cheney also. <grin>
I heartily approve Chris Imlay's message to the Inspector General, but it does not go far enough.
I now urge that this message - with applicable legal statutory references - be sent to the following additional government officials, candidates, and the media.
Senator John Kerry Senator John Edwards President George Bush (have to be fair about this) Members of House & Senate Telecommunication Committees Any other House and Senate committees that have over-site in this arena ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC
In concert with this, we must also brief our membership and ask them to complain about this activity.
I think we should make an immediate huge public stink about Michael Powell's arrogance. If this gets wide enough distribution, it just might cause this particular train to get derailed. IMHO, we have nothing to lose, at this point, in this fight.
- Dick Isely, W9GIG
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