This afternoon we learned that the FCC's proposal for next year's vanity call sign fee is $14.50 (up from $12 today). We'll have a bulletin on it later today (text below). A PDF file of the entire 64-page NPRM dealing with FY2002 fees is on the FCC Web site at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-92A1 73, Mark K1RO _______ Bulletin text FCC proposes to raise vanity fee The FCC has proposed raising the regulatory fee it charges vanity call sign applicants from $12 to $14.50 for the 10-year license term. The FCC included the proposed new fee in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (MD Docket No. 02-64) released March 27 to set Fiscal Year 2002 fees. The effective date will be announced in the Report and Order that terminates the proceeding. If it's approved, the new fee likely will become effective sometime in September. The FCC has estimated that 8000 applicants would apply for vanity call signs in FY2001. Applicants for Amateur Vanity Call-Signs will continue to pay the $12 regulatory fee per call sign (per 10-year license term) until the FY2002 fee schedule becomes effective. The vanity fee is paid at the time of application for a new, renewal or reinstated vanity license. Comments are due April 23; reply comments are due May 3.
participants (1)
Wilson, Mark K1RO