<<081512.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 35, No. 33 August 15, 2012 -- Covers the period August 5-11. Upcoming Meetings and Events Section Managers' Workshop September 14-16 - ARRL HQ Executive Committee: September 29 @ 8:30am - Denver, CO United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) October 1-5 - ARRL HQ Director/Vice Director Elections November 16 Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP ARRL license study books have been received by Brian Wingate, a Foreign Service Officer working with Haiti. They will be presented to Haitian officials next week in a meeting to discuss improving Haiti's Amateur Radio situation. With help from several sources the centennial timeline graphic is almost completed. Actions were taken to prevent some bad situations from escalating. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD The Development team has been working to freshen up and consolidate our web pages - special thanks to Mags W1MGZ for all her help and assistance! To date: The Spectrum Defense Fund has received $136,505 from a total of 1,278 donors. The Diamond Club has received $130,285 in contributions from 702 donors. The W1AW Endowment Campaign has received $51,663 in contributions from 847 donors. The Education & Technology Program has received $55,672 in contributions from 580 donors. An additional $109,194 from six donors has been received in support of the Teachers Institute Program. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the August 9 ARRL Letter and produced and voiced Audio News. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Bob Allison completed testing of a modern HF/6 meter portable transceiver. Overall, test results were good, but Bob found a few quirks. This information was shared with the manufacturer, along with data tables and charts, to assist them with the improvement needed of their product. Bob also started evaluating a new, low lost spectrum analyzer for Product Review. Besides being a future tool for the Lab, it will be used for field work and demonstrations at conventions. IEEE EMC Society Ed Hare attended the IEEE EMC Society Symposium in Pittsburgh, PA. This event is a combination of peer-reviewed presentations, IEEE EMC standards meetings and a major networking opportunity for ARRL. Ed was re-elected as the IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee Secretary. Radio Frequency Interference Mike Gruber had a number of conversations with EFH concerning the K3GT power line noise case near Pittsburgh, PA. The utility has repaired some of his noise sources and, after an investigation, has concluded that the remaining noise is not caused by utility equipment. The location was within 15 miles of Ed's ride home from Pittsburgh, so he stayed an extra day to look at the problem. It was Ed's impression that the noise presently being heard at the complainant's station is a combination of power-line and other man-made noises caused by various devices. With the possibility that some of these noises may be new, or at least newly reported, the complainant has agreed to try to locate the noise sources and to contact the utility. He and Ed pretty much agreed that if the utility agrees to seriously work on the case, that would be a better alternative than trying to get the FCC to take additional action. EPub Support Zack Lau has been busy supporting Travel Plus and the new version of the Extra Class Review software-there is an issue in printing exams noted by a number of folks who had no issues with the Tech and General software. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Steve Capodicasa reports that, during the week, the warehouse crew fulfilled 768 packages for publication and product orders, 232 membership signing premiums, plus QST mailing supplements. Amy Hurtado reports that, during the week of 8/6-8/10, the Sales and Marketing Department telephone group handled 878 phone calls-over 23 calls per hour. On average, callers waited 46 seconds to speak with a representative. 83% of the calls were completed by the group (not requiring a transfer). The IT group has completed some changes to the e-store, to help improve shipping options available to our members and customers who order online. The domestic shipping component of the e-store has been updated, so we can once again offer online customers express shipping options (second day and overnight) on-the-fly. Also, freight options for international orders have been updated, so we can offer customers two FedEx options during check out: an International Mail service (non-trackable) based on a fixed fee shipping schedule (by total dollar amount of order), or International FedEx (tracked shipments) with shipping fees based on package weight and destination. We have finished collecting online registrations from staff, officials and volunteers traveling to the 2012 ARRL National Convention, hosted by Pacificon in October. A summary of ARRL exhibits and presentations planned for the event is posted on the website: http://www.arrl.org/2012-arrl-national-convention Bob Inderbitzen will attend the ARRL Southeastern Division Convention hosted by the Huntsville Hamfest, August 18-19 in Alabama. Bob will also attend the ARRL New England Division Convention hosted by FEMARA in Boxborough, Massachusetts, August 24-26. For both events, Bob has organized materials to support an ARRL membership booth. There is a full-time position opening posted for a Membership Service Representative within our membership and sales fulfillment team. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams reports that Western Pennsylvania Section Manager John Rodgers, N3MSE, has been nominated to run for another term of office. Petitions for this particular Section Manager election cycle are due at Headquarters by September 7. Radio amateurs from Arkansas, West Texas and the East Bay section successfully completed requirements to become Official Observers. An unidentified buzz- type signal was reported on 17 meters briefly, and unlicensed truckers were reported on 2 meters by a North Dakota station. Chuck Skolaut gathered several complaints regarding 14.313 MHz. The East Bay OOC reports successfully using direction finding techniques to locate a station that was causing problems on a 2 meter repeater. This information was passed on to the FCC. Here is an interesting follow-up to a reported emergency beacon noted on APRS by a Nebraska radio amateur regarding a German station. It appears it was unintentional and originating from a vehicle on a ferry off the German coast. The German thanked the ham, and said the problem had been resolved. Chuck also conducted four 9 AM code practice runs this week at W1AW and assisted visitors. He also conducted a tour of Headquarters for a member. Education Services Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ Nathan McCray K9CPO joined our staff in early July as Instruction and Resource Coordinator. He relocated here from Wisconsin with his wife Michelle. Scouting I wrote an article to promote the 55th annual JOTA event, which is published in Sept. QST. The JOTA web page is also updated with current content. We are in conversation with a content specialist and some leaders and staff in the Atlanta, GA office of the Girl Scouts, getting their advice on content for a Girl Scout radio patch that ARRL would sponsor. Together we are developing an outline of topics and activities for the program and Nathan will be developing the program resources that will support the lessons and activities. Licensing Instruction Nathan has reviewed some new materials to add to the instructor resource page. We met with Joyce Birmingham prior to the July board meeting to discuss ideas for the Instructor Registration program. Further discussion with the Education Committee appointed by the PSC will follow. Continuing Education Program A seasonal fall-off in registrations for the EC-001 course was reversed by a timely ad in the ARRL Letter. Thanks to Jackie Ferreira for coordinating that effort. Amy Strickland updated all Field Instructor records to include an end date for their term. This is in preparation for a new policy announcement that will be forthcoming. Changes in pre-requisites for the EC-016 course will also be implemented. Education & Technology Program All three of the Teachers Institutes planned for this summer were completed in July. Comments received from participants as well as impact reflected on the post session evaluations indicate that the instruction was well received. Teachers indicated their intention to use the training and resources they received. For more details, refer to the story <http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-teachers-institute-offers-instructors-wir eless-technology-skills-for-the-classroom> about this season's TIs on the ARRL website. The equipment from the May round of grants is being delivered to the schools at the current time. The atmospheric profiling sensor package being developed for the future teachers institute 2 on remote sensing is in the final stages of development. The equipment from the May round of grants was ordered and is being delivered to the schools before the start of the new school year. Mark Spencer, WA8SME, is in the final stages of development of the atmospheric profiling sensor package he is developing for the future TI-2 on remote sensing and data gathering. Mark, Nathan, Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD and I met with Penn State advisors, Robert Clarke, NJ4J, Associate Professor of Workforce Development and Bill Carlsen, KD3FLY, Professor of Science Education, to get their advice on how we might attract grant funding to further expand our educational outreach activities. Though the meeting was productive we did not identify any actionable tactics. Amateur Radio Education Partnership A new cooperative effort in support of ARISS and the upload of a replacement transceiver for the aging and failing equipment currently on the ISS has been developed and is rapidly gaining traction. Currently called AREA (ARISS Robotic Exploration Activity), it involves sending commands to control a robot's movements via packet radio and packets relayed through the ISS. In actually, the technology behind AREA is trivial, but also very powerful. Mark and Matt Severin, N8MS have demonstrated a proof of concept by actually commanding robot movements from a distant ground station. Refinement of the concept is ongoing, the only limiting factor is access to the ISS and the packet system. ARISS Nathan and I reviewed 24 proposals and participated in the recent proposal review process which resulted in selection of 11 schools for contacts during the November 2012 - May 2013 period. Three of the proposals/schools selected were led by teachers who previously attended our Teachers Institute. Some statistics recently prepared for NASA's Teaching from Space annual report reflect some positive outcomes for the new proposal process initiated a year ago. Proposal Submissions for the recent window closed July 2, 2012 121 inquiries received for ARISS contact information 24 organizations submitted proposals to be considered for an ARISS contact Submission breakdown 63% K-12 organizations 21% science centers and community groups 17% higher education institutions 2 of the proposing organizations hosted an ARISS contact in 2010 and 2007, respectively. Students Reached US students reached via ARISS contacts FY '12 -6,045 U.S students (as of 7/23/12) FY '11 - 5,857 U.S students (Oct. 2010-Sept. 2011) Total students reached via ARISS contacts around the world FY '12 -13,472 (as of 7/23/12) FY '11 - 17,202 Direct vs Telebridge On average the annual percentage of contacts completed via the direct method in the US since 2000 has been approximately 58% of the total US contacts. Current data indicates that the implementation of the new proposal process has not had a negative impact on the number of US ARISS contacts accomplished via the direct method. As of Aug 1, 2012, 45% of the US contacts were accomplished via the direct method. It is anticipated that at the close of FY '12, 61% of the US contacts will have been accomplished via the direct method Recent US ARISS contacts have included the following: Space Jam Contact Successful. Scouts attending Space Jam 6, which was held at the Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum in Rantoul, Illinois, participated in an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with ISS astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, KE5DNI on Sunday, August 5. Hoshide was able to answer 22 space-related questions posed by the scouts before losing the radio connection. Space Jam focused on "The History of Aviation" this year and offered lessons on Space Exploration, Radio, Aviation, Electronics and Robotics among other STEM topics. Approximately 1000 scouts, leaders and parents turned out for Space Jam 6 this year. Girls from WE@RIT Camp Speak with Sunita Williams in Space. Fifth and sixth grade girls attending the "Everyday Engineering" camp at Kate Gleason College, sponsored by the Women in Engineering @ Rochester Institute of Technology (WE@RIT) in New York took part in an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Monday, July 23. The girls talked with on-orbit astronaut Sunita Williams, KD5PLB who currently holds the record for longest space flight by a woman. The contact highlighted camp activities that focus on engineering-based themes to teach the engineering design process through hands-on build and design activities. This year's camp theme is "World in Motion." Also attending the contact were students from the grade 7-9 camp (held two weeks ago), the students attending this week's RoboCamp, and the Lil' Kids on Campus Space Week kids. To view video of the contact, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdlpcw_VD4M Virginia Air and Space Center Contact Successful. On Thursday, July 26, Sunita Williams, KD5PLB held an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with youth volunteers from the Virginia Air and Space Center in Hampton, Virginia. The volunteers give tours, provide demonstrations to the public and support the center in its efforts to educate the public. The center has its own amateur radio exhibit and during these summer months, it also welcomes NASA exhibits Destination Station, the Orion Test Vehicle and the Mars Science Laboratory. ARISS Contact with Women in STEM. An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact was held with Women in STEM High School Aerospace Scholars in Houston, Texas on Tuesday, July 10 via telebridge station W6SRJ in California. The high school girls came from across the U.S. to participate in the program which provided them the opportunity to plan a space exploration mission and to learn from women that work at NASA. Joe Acaba, KE5DAR on ISS answered 23 questions during the Q&A session. Approximately 150 students and guests were present for the event. Video may be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igM-2qegJWo&feature=youtu.be Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 9/3 Holiday Margie Bourgoin 8/17 Vacation `` 10/4-10/5 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 8/28 Vacation Joe Carcia 8/24 Vacation `` 8/31 Vacation Jackie Ferreira 10/10-10/15 National Convention, Santa Clara, CA Scott Gee 8/30 Vacation Mike Gruber 8/20 Vacation `` 8/27-8/31 Vacation `` 10/1-10/5 Vacation `` 10/12 NearFEST, Deerfield, NH Joel Hallas 8/15 Vacation `` 8/21-8/23 Vacation `` 8/29 Vacation Ed Hare 8/17-8/21 Vacation `` 10/1-10/5 ANSI EMC Committee Meeting, Santa Clara, CA Dan Henderson 8/16-8/20 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV Amy Hurtado 8/23 Vacation `` 10/10-10/15 National Convention, Santa Clara, CA Gail Iannone 8/20-8/28 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 8/17-8/20 Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL `` 8/24-8/26 New England Division Convention, Boxborough, MA `` 10/10-10/15 National Convention, Santa Clara, CA Debra Johnson 9/17-9/22 Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley, WA / Vacation Khrystyne Keane 8/17 Vacation `` 8/24 Vacation `` 8/31 Vacation Joel Kleinman 8/16-8/17 `` 8/23 Lisa Kustosik 9/4 Vacation Maryann Macdonald 9/24-10/1 Vacation Diane Petrilli 8/17 Vacation `` 8/24 Vacation `` 8/31 Vacation `` 10/11-10/15 National Convention, Santa Clara, CA Allen Pitts 8/24-8/26 Western Pennsylvania Convention, New Kensington, PA `` 9/19-9/24 Radio & TV Digital News Assoc. Convention, Orlando, FL Becky Schoenfeld 8/10-8/16 Vacation Barry Shelley 8/11-8/17 Vacation `` 8/23-8/24 Vacation `` 9/21 Vacation `` 9/28 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 8/16-8/28 Kansas State Convention/Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ