To be totally fair and candidate-neutral, I would suggest that there is a reminder 2 weeks after the beginning of EVERY contested ARRL election that is sent out by ARRL HQ. That responsibility should not be shouldered by the Director. The reminder should encourage members to vote, and for SM's, that they should have received a ballot in the mail. Those who did not receive a ballot should have an easy to follow process to have a replacement sent to them upon request. All of these reminder e-mails need to have a similar template, and (of course) sent out only to the involved Sections/Divisions. For Electronic elections, members have generally received one e-mail. Granted that a larger voter turnout does not favor the incumbent, but what is the probability that ONE e-mail reminder will significantly affect an election? Low turn-outs for elections is a concern, but if we are not interested in trying to improve voter turn-outs, is there a reason to even discuss the issue? '73 de JIM N2ZZ
participants (1)
James F. Boehner MD