[arrl-odv:19339] FW: [smlist:6228] ARRL EmComm Course Graduates Now Available

In case you are not on the SM list, here is a Web update that was sent today. 73, Harold From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X [mailto:wv1x@arrl.org] Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 1:04 PM To: smlist Subject: [smlist:6228] ARRL EmComm Course Graduates Now Available Hello, Section Managers. We have reinstated the Section Manager Web page access to the Continuing Education Program's database of Emergency Communications Course graduates. As you may recall, this window into the database allows you (Section Managers) to identify those in your section who have completed ARRL Emergency Communication Courses. Over the years, we've had requests to improve the utility of this information. With those requests in mind, we added an Excel download feature that will permit you to sort the data fields, by name, course, county, or do look-ups by call sign, etc. We also included the date of course completion so you will be able to identify recent graduates. Here's the direct URL: http://www.arrl.org/emcomm-graduate-list. You'll find a link to this URL on the Section Managers Only Web page. It is presently at the bottom of the list of "Resources for SMs" in the center of the page. Look for the title, "ARRL EmComm Training Course Graduates." This Web page link to Emergency Communications Course graduates may also be found by way of the Licensing, Education & Training menu (up on top of the ARRL Web page), and then under "Courses & Training." Access to this data base is restricted to Section Managers and Officers, Directors and Vice Directors. Good wishes to everyone for the upcoming weekend. 73, Steve Ewald, WV1X Supervisor, Field Organization Team ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 860-594-0265 sewald@arrl.org
participants (1)
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B