[ARRL-ODV:8803] Re: More problems for us at 5 GHz

In a message dated 5/20/2003 2:37:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, frenaye@pcnet.com writes:
This was posted in the FCC Daily Digest last Thursday. Hadn't seen anything about it here or on the ARRL web. Looks like we get unlicensed wireless networks on the lower 75 Mhz of "our" band, as expected. The full NPRM text is apparently not available yet.
Yes, Rinaldo and I had noted that this was on the agenda for the May 15 open meeting, along with the secondary markets Report and Order, which has some potential concern. However, The 5650-5725 MHz band is the subject of one of the Minute 56 motions, which would directly affect the means by which we respond to this. The 255 MHz in the NPRM (and in the Boxer bill, which Derek Riker reports yesterday is not moving, because FCC is instead, which is satisfactory to the Hill) includes the amateur allocation below 5725 MHz. The NPRM is of course the result of the WECA petition. This is also slightly premature (as was the WECA petition) because a mobile allocation in the 5.4-5.7 GHz band is on the table at WRC-03. Not to give away the farm, but one of the Minute 56 study authors' proposals is not to oppose this, with a few caveats. I should have the draft motions to the executive committee today or tomorrow for consideration prior to sending the Minute 56 study to the entire Board, with the draft motions. 73, Chris W3KD
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