[arrl-odv:22607] Board request for Centennial Convention

Dan Henderson asked me to pass this along to the ODV list. 73, Harold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Centennial Planning Committee is excited about the 70 hours of programs we have scheduled for the Friday and Saturday of the ARRL Centennial Convention. It is our goal to have each of the 70 programs introduced by a member of the Board family - Directors, Vice-Directors or Officers. To accomplish this, I would like to ask that each member of the Board family agree to do one brief introduction on both Friday and Saturday. We will provide you with a short, prepared welcome and introductory remarks which will last no more than a minute or two. You would then be free to either enjoy the forum as a spectator or resume your other responsibilities at the convention. The forum rooms are all located along one corridor on the top level of the convention center. There is a "work area" at the start of the corridor which I will be using as the "forum's office" for the show. I would ask that you check in with me there ten-minutes before your assigned time slot. We will then give you a card with the introduction and get you to the appropriate forum room. In total, this will last about 15-minutes of your time each day. In order to try to accommodate any special time requests, could I ask that you each (O-D-V) drop me a direct email consenting to assist with this brief project? Please include any special time requests to avoid scheduling you if you can. Thanks in advance. I hope you will be impressed with the quality of the programs we have been fortunate enough to assemble. Dan Henderson, N1ND Regulatory Information Manager / ARRL Centennial Convention Program and Forum Chairman ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio 860-594-0236 dhenderson@arrl.org
participants (1)
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B