[arrl-odv:20329] IN-News

<<112311.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 47 November 23, 2011 -- Covers the period November 13-19. Upcoming Meetings and Events Annual Board Meeting January 13-14, 2012 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT CEO Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ The ARRL HQ will be closed on Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Sending good wishes your way for a safe and happy holiday weekend! Lisa and the Ethics & Elections Committee would like to thank Katie Glass, Margie Bourgoin, Greg Kwasowski, Khrystyne Keane, Mark Dzamba, Maryann Macdonald, China Chaney, Amy Leary, Gail Iannone, Kathy Bouchard, Phil Witham, Joe Johnsky and Amy Strickland for making ballot counting go so smoothly this year. Thanks also to the department managers who also contributed to the effort by supplying the staff. Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND During the last two weeks, we have been quite busy. We were asked to review a proposed zoning ordinance from Pulaski County AR. It does not appear to be a problem for amateur radio towers. At the request of Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, W5MPC, we reviewed a chapter for an upcoming publication and suggested some editorial changes. We also authored a side bar on some common questions about legally operating in support of disaster relief. With holiday travel coming, there has been an increase of requests for information on reciprocal operating both in the US and by US licensees traveling abroad. At the request of the VEC Department, we were asked to inquire if there was any movement on the ARRL petition to reconsider portions of the Vanity Callsign Report and Order from earlier in the year. The VEC has received a request from a club in Pennsylvania for an additional 20 sequentially issued club callsigns. The problem arises in the applications are all listing the same licensee as trustee. The rules change that went into effect February 14, 2011 changed Part 97.17 (d) to allow a licensee to serve as trustee for only a single club call sign for new applications. Discussions between the Wireless Bureau office in DC and staff in Gettysburg will be held to resolve a discrepancy in how these are being handled by the FCC. At the request of COO Harold Kramer, WJ1B, the RIB manager has joined the team working on the redesign of QST. We have also agreed to work with the "Feedline" team at his request. Several queries were received regarding identification when operating as an organized net. The FCC rules require each station to ID every ten minutes when they are communicating and at the end of the contact. Part 97 does not require the club callsign to be used by the net control station when running a club net (though the trustee of the club callsign may authorize the net control station to use the club call). Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP More things for the coming DIY outreach were assembled and organized. The brochures came in. More video clips put on the website for it. Launch date remains Dec 27th. In a pleasant confluence of events, Gary Pearce will be guest hosting the HamNation webcast show that evening. Together (with me talking from W1AW) we have the opportunity to get things off to a good start by plugging it as the main topic for the show that night. On Nov 22, Michelle Macaluso of Fox TV News (national) published her very positive article on the growth of Amateur Radio. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/11/17/radio-days-are-back-ham-radio- licenses-at-all-time-high/. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH This is the time of year when we expect some of the larger donations to support areas not funded by member dues, and some have already arrived. Two $10,000 contributions came in last week and each was divided between the Spectrum Defense Fund and the Education & Technology Fund. Today (11/22) a gift of $5,000 was received for a Diamond Club renewal. To date, Development has reached $761,564 or 79% of its 2011 goal with five weeks to go. Lauren Clark is working on some tweaking of the renewal process for the Diamond Club over the next 6 months or so. Her efforts are focused on growing participation in that key area of unrestricted giving. The final issue of Spectrum Defense Matters will be sent electronically this week to members requested it in that format and to more than 90,000 ARRL members who have opted in for information and special offers from ARRL. Print materials for the Second Century Campaign are expected to go to the printer before Thanksgiving. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The January 2012 issue of QST was released to the printer November 21. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for November 17, 2011. This week's ARRL Letter will be distributed November 23. ARRL Audio News will resume December 1. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Member Services staff continue to keep pace with brisk levels of ordering and membership workflow as we head into the holiday season. The warehouse crew fulfilled 884 packages for publication and product orders, 278 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements. Bob Inderbitzen prepared presentations for the Administration and Finance Committee. A Holiday Gift Guide featuring a selection of ARRL publications and products mailed last week-and has just started to reach mailboxes. Our planning for Dayton Hamvention 2012 (May 18-20) is underway. Amy Hurtado has committed hotel accommodations for ARRL staff and officials attending the event (Courtyard Marriot, Dayton University). Registration forms will be circulated sometime in January. Hamvention's 2012 theme is "Internationally Connected" emphasizing the many ways Amateur Radio contributes to international goodwill. A large membership campaign that mailed last week has started returning membership applications. In addition, emailings have brought in 130+ memberships this month. A holiday-themed membership postcard is being readied to send to a selection of lased members in early December. Table throws, stand up banners, and table top displays have been reordered to help re-supply the Forms and Media Warehouse <http://www.arrl.org/shop/Forms-and-Media-Warehouse/> . The items are popular with officials who represent ARRL at events, and with other volunteers who organize Amateur Radio demonstrations and displays. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW Thanks to Southwestern Division Vice Director Marty Woll, N6VI, for operating W1AW in the 2011 ARRL SSB Sweepstakes. He made 538 QSOs with 71 sections, on 80 and 20 meters, for an initial claimed score of 76,396. Joe updated the web code practice files and the December Qualifying Run and weekly QST practice source web schedules and pages. He processed regular QSL card requests and three (3) Qualifying Run certificates. He also readied the station for the weekend's contest activity. Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly Official Observer summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. One amateur from Los Angeles successfully completed requirements to become an Official Observer this week. Documentation was received regarding 3910 kHz, and this information was forwarded to the FCC. A status update was received regarding interference to an Eastern Massachusetts repeater. Other matters that were dealt with included reports of interference to the Maritime Net on 14.300 MHz, the YL Net on 14.332 MHz, and the County Hunters Net on 14.336 MHz. Complaints were received about the 147.435 MHz repeater in California and operation on 14.313 MHz. Several amateurs were sent information about the OO program after they requested information. Also, after a recent incident was reported to Laura Smith at the FCC, she responded by saying, "Tell the OO that he did the right thing, I will support him 100%. The Field Organization Team, along with support of others within the Membership and Volunteer Programs Department, continued to prepare to count Section Manager election ballots on Tuesday, November 22, for elections in Kansas, Tennessee and New Mexico. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 11/24-11/25 Holiday Leona Adams 11/30pm Vacation Joe Carcia 11/23pm Vacation `` 11/30 Vacation Steve Ewald 11/28-12/2 Vacation Steve Ford 11/23 Vacation `` 12/22-1/2 Vacation Scott Gee 12/23-12/27 Vacation Ed Hare 11/21-11/23 BPL Field Work in NC, VA & PA Dan Henderson 11/21-11/29 Vacation `` 12/16-1/5 Vacation Joel Kleinman 11/22-11/28 Vacation Barry Shelley 12/5-12/9 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ