I would assume that ItsUrCall is authorized somehow to use the ARES logo as a third party, collect payment and forward $5 to ARRL. Maybe this has been done previously for shirts, banners, etc. Howie, K9KM ________________________________ From: Jim Weaver, K8JE [mailto:k8je@arrl.org] Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:08 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:13772] USING OUR FIELD ORGANIZATION TO ADVERTISE? I've already heard from two of my SMs who think the following message is way out of line. The product being advertised and promoted in a manner supposedly fully compliant with League policy may be nice and represent good value and all this, but . . . Isn't this going a bit far to ask our SMs to become proponents of goods? Would we approve of this advertising strategy if it was any number of other non-essential-but-nice items related to Amateur Radio? Would we approve of this strategy if it was in support of a new Ten Tec or Icon or Vertex or whatever rig? I have my opinions, but I really am asking where the heck everyone thinks the line ought to be drawn. We need revenue, but I wouldn't set up a brothel to get it. Greetings ARRL Section Manager, We have entered into a business agreement with ARRL and we request your help and support. We are ARRL/ARES members in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We have designed the original ARES(r) commemorative belt buckle. It is cast in solid brass and is customized to carry the ARES operator's call letters. Each one is unique. They are labor-intensive and take 60 to 90 days for delivery. Please view our product at www.ItsUrCall.com We ask that you consider asking your ARES Section Emergency Coordinator to pass the word to all ARES members in your section so that they all might have the opportunity to purchase one of these fine buckles. $5.00 is given to the ARRL with each buckle purchased. The is the ad we request you pass on to the ARES members: ARES(r) First Commemorative Brass Belt Buckle with your call letters cast--not engraved--in solid brass. A great birthday gift for that amateur! A collectible to be viewed and ordered at www.ItsUrCall.com. We thank you in advance for your consideration. 73, Chris Skolt, K4CES ItsUrCall.com <http://www.ItsUrCall.com> Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, ARRL Great Lakes Division Chairman, ARRL Legislative Action Committee 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel: 513-459-0142 ARRL, the Reason Amateur Radio is! Members, the Reason ARRL is!
participants (1)
Huntington Howard-CADV02