[arrl-odv:17809] Fwd: Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, Appointed as Vice Director

Here's the message that I sent to my members, today. I am confident that Jim will do an outstanding job as my Vice Director, and that he will be an excellent addition to the Board Family. 73, Bob -- W6RGG ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: ARRL PC Division <memberlist@www.arrl.org> Date: Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:02 PM Subject: Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, Appointed as Vice Director To: w6rgg@arrl.org ARRL President Joel Harrison, with the approval of the ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee, has appointed Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, to serve the remainder of Andy Oppel's, N6AJO, term as Pacific Division Vice Director. Jim is an attorney in private practice in Oakland. He plans to attend the Board meeting next month. Jim was deeply honored to be chosen to fill the vacancy left by Andy Oppel's resignation, and because Amateur Radio certainly has enriched and added value to many aspects of his life, he is elated to have the opportunity to contribute something back to the hobby. Jim believes that the future of Amateur Radio is at a critical crossroads which will involve our appeal to youth. (Jim and his XYL, Lilah, KE6EHD, have twin boys, Robert, and Matthew, who is licensed as KI6IHP.) An Amateur Extra class licensee and ARRL Diamond Club Member, Jim was first licensed in 1970 as WN9ELU. Since then, he has also held the call signs: WB9ELU, N6OIK, V26JAT and 3D2TJ. Presently, he is the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) of the ARRL's East Bay Section. Jim's favorite Ham Radio pastimes are contesting (more wallpaper than wall, he says), DXing (the easy 300 confirmed), and Dxpeditions (a poor, but adequate excuse for a vacation). He has operated as 3D2TJ, PJ2/K6JAT and KH6/K6JAT, and from V26DX. However, he has long been involved in the public service aspects of the hobby. As a member of the Oakland ARES group, Jim responded to the Loma Prieta Earthquake (1989) and Oakland Hills Firestorm (1991) disasters. He worked with Oakland Hams and City officials to gain RACES recognition and was instrumental in forging a formal Letter of Understanding (LOU). In addition, he assisted Oakland ARES/RACES in successfully championing a proposal to use post-firestorm, bond Measure I funds to acquire and install amateur radio equipment in the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and each of its 30 fire stations, dubbed the Emergency Communication Ham Operation (ECHO) system. Jim served as Oakland's RACES Radio Officer for over 14 years. In 1998, Jim acted as the incorporator of the Oakland Radio Communication Association (ORCA), an ARRL affiliated club, was a founding director and became its first president. Presently, he remains a member of ORCA's board of directors and trustee of the club's callsign: WW6OR. In addition, Jim is a member of the Northern California Contest Club (NCCC), the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA), contributes to the Northern California DX Foundation and holds 10-10 membership number 7686. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Pacific Division Director: Robert Vallio, W6RGG w6rgg@arrl.org -------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is being sent to you via the ARRL Members Only Web site. If you do not want to receive further messages, go to the site at: http://www.arrl.org/members-only/memdata.html?modify=1 Log in with your username and password and change your email options. Unchecking the "News and information from your Division Director and Section Manager" box will prevent messages such as this one from being sent to you. -- webmaster@arrl.org
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Bob Vallio