I've never been in favor of last-minute decisions made because someone was offering a price reduction which was only good for a few days. This instance may be an exception, however it seems to me that most of these deals often end up proving the adage that haste does indeed make waste. Bob Vallio On 3/8/07, Shelley, Barry, N1VXY <bshelley@arrl.org> wrote:
At the November meeting, the Committee expressed some concern about our data back-up to W1AW. At that time, they asked the staff (specifically Don Durand and me) to investigate what it would take to provide true off-site back-up of our electronic data files. The attached proposal is a result of that work.
As you will see, the annual cost of on-line data back-up which was discussed at the meeting, is significant. However, Don has come up with a solution that provides back-up of our data completely off the property using technology we're currently using, for a capital investment that is less than the annual cost of on-line facilities. The one fly in the oinment is that we've been offered the opportunity to acquire the necessary equipment for almost 40% less ($25,000 versus $40,000) if we issue a purchase order by March 13th. After that, the cost of the equipment reverts to the $40,000 price.
I apologize for the short fuse on this, but the offer came up was presented only recently during the course of our research. We believe this is a good, workable solution to enhance our off site data back-up.
If there are any questions, please let Don and I know and we will answer them as quickly as possible.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this proposal.
73, Barry, N1VXY
<<Offsite backup proposal.doc>>
participants (1)
Bob Vallio