[arrl-odv:26763] Fwd: Update #2 from our team

Not for external distribution: ODV only. Date: September 30, 2017 at 7:42:08 PM EDT Situation report from Ham volunteers at San Juan and various outposts through out the island. --TJG This is a lengthy one, but lots of good news. W1AW is currently checked in to SATERN net. Op is Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Director of Operations for VOIP Hurricane Net. He had direct contact with two of our volunteers deployed in Mayaguez. They advised they were doing fine and had just recently arrived at their assignment (info in update). This information is not to be distributed, update is for our information only. Amateur Radio Daily Sit Rep ~ 9/30/2017 1. Deployed 4 amateur radio operators to accompany and provide VHF communications at 4 American Red Cross distribution centers. They will be doing this daily. In and back same day. Deployed unescorted 2-man team this am to Culebra Island to establish VHF and HF communications. Once comms are established this will be the 1st communication on the island since Maria. 1. Deployed unescorted 2 man team this am to Yauco with VHF and HF capabilities. 1. Deployed unescorted 2 man team this am to Mayaguez to establish VHF and HF capabilities. Since deployment, they have already made contact with the US on HF. 1. We have deployed 1 escorted amateur radio operator to Juncos to set up and provide communications at the Fire department USAR base of operations at Juncos town.In exchange for this the Fire Chief Aberto Cruz and Lt Joel Figueroa have offered all Amateur radio operators and American Red Cross volunteers and personnel safe haven, food, shelter, and water at ANY fire station on the island, should an emergency or the need arise. The radio has arrived on station and checked in with net control. 1. We are currently in the process of deploying a ham radio operator to Quebradillas Fire station this evening. He will provide either emergency communications (if the need arises) and/or communication between the power company (AEE) and Monacillo Power Authority Control Center for controlling the current emergency with the Guajataca Dam. 1. We added a radio station for the American Red Cross to conduct low band communications. 1. We received tremendous support from the American Red Cross for VHF mobile equipment, transportation, food, water, shelter, and communication facilities. 1. We are completing our installation of the ham radio station for relaying directly to the Puerto Rico Emergency Operations Center (PREOC). 1. Starting tomorrow we will be changing our American Red Cross HQ net operations from 7am-9pm to 24 hour net operations to assist with the potential dam emergency. 1. We've been asked to establish Amateur radio VHF communications at 51 hospitals throughout Puerto Rico so they can have direct communication to the PREOC. We will try to use 51 local hams temporarily until stateside hams can be deployed. 1. We have an amateur radio operator serving as liaison to the PREOC and FEMA Emergency Support Function 2 (ESF-2) Task Force to relay information between the American Red Cross, the ARRL, FEMA, and the ESF-2 TASK Force. This amateur is currently embedded in the PREOC. 1. Since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico on Wednesday September 20, 2017, the ARRL Section Manager and his staff have had a continuous radio net on VHF and HF frequencies despite damage to their homes. This net covers approximately 60 per cent of the island, servicing and relaying information for the Puerto Rico electrical power authority and relaying emergency information to local and state authorities. Flare 1) We were invited to the very first big wig communication meeting this morning at 8am. Lots of power players...including Secret service liaison. Flare 2) As soon as we talked about what we've been doing and what we can do, the entire room lit up. As soon as the meeting ended, we were swarmed literally with all the players in the room. Flare 3) Per Tom Meno (FEMA), once the White House situation room heard of what us ham radio operators are doing, they were extremely happy and excited. Flare 4) This was in the sit rep, but want to stress the importance of the fact that once we aided the Fire Dept with Juntas, they were willing to provide safe haven etc with all ARC volunteers. This is HUGE and great PR between our efforts and the Red Cross. Oscar, Gary and I now have official credentials to move freely at the PREOC. 73, Mike Corey, KI1U Emergency Preparedness Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio® 225 Main Street Newington CT 06111-1494 Telephone: 860-594-0222 Fax: 860-594-0259 email: ki1u@arrl.org<mailto:ki1u@arrl.org>
participants (1)
Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF (CEO)