[arrl-odv:32184] EC Meeting

Hi all: We have an EC meeting scheduled for Monday, April 5, at 11:00 AM Eastern. Listed below is the agenda at this point in time. I'll send the zoom info when I receive it. 73,Rick - K5UR AGENDA – ARRL Executive Committee Meeting 11:00 AM Eastern April 5, 2021 via Zoom 1. Welcomeand consideration of the agenda for the meeting 2. Approvalof agenda 3. July BoardMeeting arrangements 4. ChiefExecutive Officer/Secretary's Report 5. FCCCounsel's Report 6. InternationalMatters - Appointment of IARU Secretary 7. Legislative Advocacy Committee status report 8. Investment Management Committee preliminary status report 9. Non-marketableimported radios sold in the amateur radio market 10 Recognitionof new Life Members 11. Other business 12. Adjournment
participants (1)