<<010610.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 33, No. 1 January 6, 2010 -- Covers the period December 27-January 2. Upcoming Meetings and Events Annual Board Meeting: January 15-16, 2010 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Administration &Finance Committee: January 14, 2010 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Programs & Services Committee: January 14, 2010 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Technical Relations Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX ARRL continues to contest a proposed addition to the ITU-R PLT report by Current Technologies. The submission can only be described as a puff piece for smart grid applications of PLT. Jon Siverling has well and persuasively argued against this addition, and has garnered support from CBS and, to some extent, the Department of Commerce. The FCC is attempting to organize a meeting with the NTIA, ARRL, and the US Coast Guard to resolve the impasse on Agenda Item 1.23. Currently, this meeting is scheduled for early in the week of January 11. Brennan Price is attending United States preparations for the Radiocommunication Advisory Group, to be held mid-February in Geneva. There has been some controversy as to the delineation of PLT work (among other items) between the ITU T and R sectors, and this is likely to be discussed at the RAG. Our objective is to improve the involvement of the R sector while maintaining aspects of a T sector home networking recommendation that are favorable to Amateur Radio. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP Returning from vacation I was happy to put two new topics onto the www.WeDoThat-Radio.org website showing off Amateur Radio related technologies: Satellite HO-68 and the Carolina Flashers' piece on photonic communications. An hour long interview was done on Jan 4th for Liberty Radio and the January CONTACT! e-zine was published. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Development wrapped up 2009 with receipt of a burst of contributions to the Spectrum Defense Fund, the Education & Technology Fund and the ARRL Diamond Club. Revenues for operating activities reached $785,476 or 87.8% of the 2009 target. Development added $104,190 to the Endowment in 2009 with proceeds from five estates. For the year, Development revenues from all sources reached $946,479 or 101% of the 2009 target of $936,425. Letters to major donors regarding their choice of benefit - bound volumes or CD of ARRL periodicals - were mailed in early December and responses indicate an strong preference for the CD format. Final touches will be put on Development pages of the new website the week of Jan 4. Production/Editorial Reported by S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA We are focusing on getting the March QST out the door in two weeks. The ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News returns this Thursday after a two week hiatus due to the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Keep in mind the deadline for non-breaking news for the Letter is due no later than Tuesday at noon each week. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Membership By December month end, ARRL had 156,125 members-a net gain of 726 members over November. We finally cleared the 156,000 mark - a first in recent history! 74% of December expirees paid on time, compared to 76% last December. The total gain for the year was 1,498 members--nearly 1% growth (0.7% growth in 2008). The year-end membership goal was 157,627. Product Sales December product sales were $352,185-signficantly exceeding the sales forecast of $305,270. Direct sales were $214,201; dealer sales were $137,984. We ended the year ahead of forecast by $59,732. Sales of ARRL flagship titles, the Handbook and the Antenna Book, were very brisk this month. The Handbook contributed $90,926 in sales this month, exceeding the forecast amount. The Antenna Book contributed $45.3k in sales, a record-breaking one-month total since its release back in April 2007. The surge in Antenna Book sales is attributed to a year end offer of $39.95 (regular $44.95), marketing treatment alongside the Handbook and extra attention in marketing collateral (print, email and web). Basic Antennas and 50 Years of Amateur Radio also experienced a favorable increase during the holidays. The holiday 'mini catalog' mailing to domestic members' mailboxes generated over $42,000 in sales this month ($51,562 overall). During the last week, the warehouse crew fulfilled 1,116 packages for publication and product orders. The warehouse processed 47,708 packages in 2009. Kim Piatek and Amy Hurtado worked with the Accounting and Warehouse staff on the end of year inventory. The process was very smooth-especially following the busy 4th quarter sales period and holiday season. Member Services staff will continue their online service training. We will also be working with each department in January and February to have our staff members "sit in" for a few hours in each department. Our goal is to gain a better understanding of what types of services each department offers and the variety of telephone calls they manage. ARRL Conventions Date Name Division City State ARRL HQ Rep. Jan 10 NLI Section (Ham Radio University) HU Bethpage NY Steve Ford Jan 29-30 Delta Division DL Jackson MS Feb 6 South Carolina State RK Ladson SC Feb 6 Virginia State RK Richmond VA Feb 12-14 N. Florida Section SE Orlando FL Feb 27 Vermont State NE Colchester VT Mar 6 South Texas Section WG Rosenberg TX Dan Henderson Mar 6-7 Alabama State SE Birmingham AL Mar 12-13 Louisiana State DL Rayne LA Mar 12-13 Oklahoma State WG Claremore OK Mar 20 S. Florida Section SE Stuart FL Mar 20 Nebraska State Midwest Lincoln NE Mar 20 West Texas Section WG Midland TX Mar 27-28 Maryland State AT Timonium MD Diane Petrilli &? Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Contest Branch Happy New Year! The contest season is in full swing; that means the Contest Branch is busier than ever. 555 logs have been received for the 2010 RTTY Roundup, only 15 hours after the contest ended. 1,299 logs have been received for the 2009 ARRL 160 Contest. The submission deadline will have passed by the time you read this. 1,865 logs have been received for the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. The submission deadline is a week away. 95 logs have been received for the 2009 ARRL EME Competition. The submission deadline is just days away. This number is approximately 60% of the number of logs received this time last year, due largely to the elimination of spotting assistance in the event. 2009 ARRL CW Sweepstakes results have been tabulated. The results should be posted by the middle of next week. They are currently in the hands of the results article author, who will create a short, broad summary for the PDF publication of the results. The amount of time from the end of the contest to sending the completed results and tables to the author was just under seven weeks, which is quite a remarkable feat. All data for the SSB Sweepstakes has been received by the adjudicator and work continues on table and database creation, and is on schedule for being released to the public by the end of January. Results articles for the 10 GHz, IARU HF Championship and September VHF QSO Party are in the hands of the Contest Branch and are being cleaned up for the March QST issue. Gavels for the 2008 160 Meter contest through the 2009 June VHF QSO Party have been shipped to the respective club winners. DXCC Branch Credits Applications 2008 Carryover 114,682 995 2009 Received 847,217 7,685 Cumulative Total 961,899 8,680 2009 Processed 829,499 7,682 Remaining 132,400 988 Processing Time 10 Weeks Logbook of the World Category December 2009 % Change Jan - Dec 2009 QSO Records Entered Into System 258,145,566 27% QSL Record Matches 26,132,849 45% Logs Processed 1,245,924 52% Active Certificates 46,727 26% Registered Users in System 30,795 27% Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries December 2009 Maintenance 74 Initial Setup Inquiries 325 Award Related Concerns 118 Customer Usage Issues 375 Total 892 W1AW Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He created the texts for the January W1AW Qualifying Runs. He also updated the Qualifying Run web schedule. He processed regular QSL card requests. Joe also processed one Qualifying Run certificate and one endorsement. He also began construction of a relay box that will be used in conjunction with the previously-built DTMF decoder for use with the W1AW IRLP node. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of January. Field Organization/Public Service Team With thanks to the Mailroom Staff, the Virginia Section Manager election ballots were sent out via the postal system on December 31. Virginia Section ARRL members will have until Friday, February 19, to return their ballots to Headquarters. The ballot counting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23. Leona Adams continues to receive and process Section Manager 2009 expense reports as the receipt deadline for these reports approaches. Steve Ewald continues to receive Simulated Emergency Test reports and EC Annual Report from across the Field Organization. These reports, however, are not due at HQ until February 1. A radio amateur in Maryland and one in Michigan have requested to become members of our ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch system. They were approved. Official Observers in California are helping to track down interference to police communications in a local community. Several complaints were received regarding activity on 3.910 MHz, and intentional interference to a 75 meter net has been reported to the FCC. 75 Meters is also the scene of alleged unlicensed Spanish speaking stations. Volunteer Monitors have been asked to verify a report of a CODAR station on 40 meters thought to be in the United States. Chuck Skolaut received two nominations for the ARRL International Humanitarian Award. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Margie Bourgoin 1/1-1/11 Vacation Ed Hare 1/5-1/9 PAVE-PAWS meetings Beale AFB, CA Dan Henderson 1/5-1/11 Beale AFB - PAVE PAWS project `` 3/5-3/7 S. Texas Section Convention/Greater Houston Hamfest Karen Isakson 1/11-1/18 Vacation Rose-Anne Lawrence 2/8-2/12 Vacation Brennan Price 1/12am Vacation `` 1/13-1/16 Board Meeting Jon Siverling 2/1-2/10 Geneva
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ