[ARRL-ODV:9404] Other IARU AC actions

The news release announcing the results of the 6-8 September IARU Administrative Council meeting in Amsterdam will be released shortly. A pre-release copy is at the end of this message. One of the decisions the Administrative Council took in Amsterdam was with regard to the existing Resolution 01-1 on Morse testing. The resolution adopted in Guatemala spoke in terms of reducing the speed to 5 wpm as an interim step and dropping the international requirement. After WRC-03 the resolution either had to be deleted or amended. Deleting it would have meant that IARU policy was silent with regard to what should be done at the domestic level. The AC decided that the policy should not be silent, and amended the resolution to read as reproduced below. Rod (in his role as a Region 2 representative who is on the Region 2 EC by virtue of representing the ARRL) and I (in my role as the IARU Secretary appointed by the ARRL) abstained. Everyone else voted in favor. (PB2T, VE6SH, JJ1OEY, and W4RI were present as observers and did not have a vote.) I'm sure there will be a furor from some quarters. 73, Dave K1ZZ RESOLUTION 01-1 (Rev. 2003) concerning the Morse code The IARU Administrative Council, Amsterdam, September 2003, considering the approval without opposition of Recommendation ITU-R M.1544, which sets out the minimum qualifications of radio amateurs, recognizing that the Morse code continues to be an effective and efficient mode of communication used by many thousands of radio amateurs, but further recognizing that the position of Morse as a qualifying criterion for an HF amateur license is no longer relevant to the healthy future of amateur radio, resolves that IARU policy is to support the removal of Morse code testing as a requirement for an amateur license to operate on frequencies below 30 MHz. NEWS RELEASE International Amateur Radio Union P.O. Box 310905 Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA FAX: +1 860 594 0259 E-Mail: iaru@iaru.org <mailto:iaru@iaru.org> 10 September 2003 For immediate release IARU Council Addresses Strategic Issues The Administrative Council of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) held its annual meeting on 6-8 September 2003 in Amsterdam. The meeting was to be held in Taipei in conjunction with the IARU Region 3 Conference but was moved to Amsterdam when the Region 3 Conference had to be postponed to next year as a result of travel restrictions arising from concerns about SARS. The Council took the following actions: 1. Four hours of the meeting were devoted to a strategic planning session with a planning horizon of the year 2010. Several key issues that are likely to influence the future of the IARU were identified. A report is to be drafted and circulated for further consideration by the Council early in 2004. 2. The results of the 2003 World Radiocommunication Conference concerning the amateur and amateur-satellite services were reviewed in detail. The Council congratulated and thanked all individuals and organizations who contributed to the satisfactory outcome. IARU member-societies were urged to bring to the attention of their administrations the desirability of adopting specific changes in their domestic regulations for the amateur and amateur-satellite services, so that they will be consistent with the revised Article 25 of the international Radio Regulations. 3. The Council revised an existing Resolution concerning the Morse code in the light of the WRC-03 decision to leave to each administration the question of whether or not to require a demonstration of Morse skill to operate below 30 MHz. Under the revised Resolution, IARU policy is to support the removal of Morse code testing requirements. 4. A working document describing the spectrum requirements for radio spectrum allocations to the amateur and amateur-satellite services was reviewed and updated, particularly to reflect the results of WRC-03. One result of WRC-03 was the adoption of a recommended agenda for the next WRC presently scheduled for 2007. The agenda includes two items of interest to the amateur service: a review of allocations between 4 and 10 MHz and a possible secondary low-frequency amateur allocation at 136 kHz. While considerable progress was made at WRC-03 toward fulfilling amateur service spectrum requirements at 7 MHz, the requirements were not fully satisfied and there may be an opportunity to revisit the issue at WRC-07. 5. The ITU meetings at which IARU representation will be required for the coming year were identified, and plans for representation were reviewed. The IARU will participate in meetings within Study Group 1 of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector concerning the interference potential of high data rate telecommunication systems using power lines (variously referred to as PLC, PLT, and BPL). 6. The budget for 2004-2006 was presented by the International Secretariat (ARRL). The budget includes provision for financial contributions from the three regional organizations to defray a portion of the expenses, in accordance with previously adopted policy. The Council thanked the International Secretariat for its continuing financial support of the IARU. 7. Council reaffirmed the importance of World Amateur Radio Day, celebrated each year on 18 April, as an opportunity to present a positive image of Amateur Radio to the general public. World Amateur Radio Day marks the anniversary of the founding of the IARU in 1925. 8. Preparations for the IARU exhibit at the upcoming ITU TELECOM World 2003 (Geneva) were reviewed. TELECOM World 2003 is the world's largest telecommunications exhibition and is visited by many telecommunications administrators and other important officials. 9. Reports of volunteer IARU international coordinators and advisers were received. At the request of the IARU Satellite Adviser, policies concerning frequency coordination of satellites operating in the amateur-satellite service bands were clarified. In response to the increased emphasis placed on emergency and disaster relief communications in Article 25 of the international Radio Regulations, the new volunteer position of IARU Disaster Communications Adviser was created. 10. The International Secretariat presented nominations of candidates for President and Vice President for the 2004-2009 term, and the nominations were unanimously endorsed by the Council. Larry E. Price, W4RA, was nominated for a second term as President. Timothy S. Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, was nominated as Vice President. The nominations will be submitted to the IARU member-societies for ratification. 11. Retiring Vice President David A. Wardlaw, VK3ADW, was recognized for his long and devoted service to the IARU. 12. The Council requested that the ARRL, as the contest organizer, have its Contest Advisory Committee consider the merits of proposals for changes in the rules of the IARU HF World Championship. 13. The next scheduled meeting of the Council will be held in Trinidad & Tobago on 2-4 October 2004, following the Conference of IARU Region 2. Attending the Amsterdam meeting were IARU President Larry Price, W4RA; Vice President David Wardlaw, VK3ADW; Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ; regional representatives Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, Don Beattie, G3BJ, Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, Pedro Seidemann, YV5BPG, Rod Stafford, W6ROD, Tim Ellam, VE6SH, Fred Johnson, ZL2AMJ, K. C. Selvadurai, 9V1UV, and Yoshiji Sekido, JJ1OEY; and recording secretary Paul Rinaldo, W4RI.
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ