[arrl-odv:12445] BPL Article.....

A member sent me the e-mail attached below. I am not sure what coverage the mailing gets but I think it is helpful. Frank...N2FF.... Subject: Microwaves & RF UPDATE May 26, 2005 Date: 26 May 2005 14:02:09 PDT From: Microwaves and RF Update <Microwaves_and_RF_Update@nls.planetee.com> Reply-To: Microwaves and RF Update <Microwaves_and_RF_Update_DAA1C3BA3D34A7DAAA218429E87C8280@nls.planetee.com> To: roberts@liii.com ============================== Microwaves & RF UPDATE PlanetEE - http://www.planetee.com/ MWRF - http://www.mwrf.com/ May 26, 2005 ============================== Greetings and welcome to your personal copy of PlanetEE's Microwaves and RF UPDATE e-newsletter. Please see below for address-change or subscribe/unsubscribe instructions. Today's Table of Contents: 1. A Few More Words About BPL Pollution 2. Report Predicts Rapid Broadband Wireless Growth 3. Record Volume Seen for WiFi in 2005 4. ARRL Sees Hope For BPL In New System 5. Terabeam Selects Fujitsu SoC for WiMAX System 6. FOCUS Enhancements Targets UWB Market 7. Chirp Chosen for IEEE 802.15.4a Wireless Standard 8. DIN 7/16 Connectors Curb PIM 9. Happenings - Conferences ************************ ADVERTISEMENT **************************** Taking Performance To a New Peak - 4500B Boonton introduces the new 4500B Peak Power Analyzer which has been totally redesigned from the inside out. This meter is changing the way the industry views and analyzes RF data. Some of the key features include: 8.4" TFT color LCD display, 100 ps timebase resolution, automatic peak-to-peak, delay-by-time and delay-by-events triggering, and many more. Visit our site in June for more information, http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF4E:FBC98 ******************************************************************* *************** 1. Viewpoint *************** A Few More Words About BPL Pollution Earlier this month, the Microwaves & RF UPDATE addressed an issue that is of obvious concern and importance to many RF engineers, notably amateur-radio operators: broadband powerline (BPL) communications. Proposed by industry as a viable solution for broadband communications services, and so far blessed (conditionally) by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), BPL makes use of existing power-line infrastructure to transmit signals carrying high-data-rate information. The response to that newsletter item has been so overwhelming (and almost 100-percent against BPL), that I apologize to all those readers/writers who I may not have been able to respond to personally with a return note. Your interest as readers has made it clear that a larger, more-comprehensive report on BPL is in order, and will be presented in either the July or August issue of the parent publication Microwaves & RF. Plans are being made to visit with the ARRL as part of this report, and the story will highlight the negative aspects of BPL as well as some encouraging details from a recent Motorola launch (see the news below). Watch your mailbox! JACK BROWNE Technical Director ************* 2. News ************* Report Predicts Rapid Broadband Wireless Growth WiMAX is the primary driver for future broadband wireless growth according to the latest report from Sky Light Research (Scottsdale, AZ). Predicting generous growth for at least five years, the 102-page report "Wireless Broadband Point-to-Multipoint State of the Market Analysis Report 2004 - 2009" notes that the market for broadband wireless grew 54 percent in 2004 over 2003, driven mainly by OFDM radios. According to Emmy Johnson, Principal Analyst and Founder of Sky Light Research, "In 2004, OFDM CPEs and base station equipment generated more than three times as much revenue as the previous four years combined." Although there are no certified WiMAX radios shipping, almost every wireless broadband vendor has announced a WiMAX platform or its intentions for one. Each of these products or plans is in various stages, with a handful of radios already shipping in commercial and trial deployments. Sky Light Research ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF43:FBC98 ********* 3. News ********* Record Volume Seen for WiFi in 2005 Worldwide wireless local area network (WLAN) revenue rose 20 percent between the fourth quarter of 2004 and the first quarter of 2005, according to Infonetics Research's quarterly market share service, Wireless LAN Equipment. Revenues rose to $767.6 million with 12.2 million WLAN units being shipped worldwide. Revenue is expected to rise another 2 percent to $779.6 million by the first quarter of 2006, and is projected to reach $3.6 billion by 2008. WLAN switch ports rose in sales 44 percent to 112,000, while revenue for switch ports grew 13 percent to %52.2 million and is expected to jump to $699.2 million by 2008. The main reason for the expected continued growth in the interest in broadband communications. Infonetics Research ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF44:FBC98 ********* 4. News ********* ARRL Sees Hope For BPL In New System One of the more vocal critics of broadband over power line (BPL) communications, the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), has announced that Motorola may have overcome some of the traditional problems with the technology. In a release issued this week, the ARRL announced that it is "pleased to hear Motorola's announcement of its Powerline LV System. This is the first Access Broadband over Power Line (BPL) system that has been designed from the start with radio interference concerns in mind." The Motorola solution avoids using medium-voltage (MV) power lines, transmitting broadband signals only on the low-voltage (LV) side of the power transformer. The approach reduces the potential for interference to and from radio users. According to ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, "We know that medium-voltage (MV) power lines are no place for broadband energy, since there is overwhelming technical evidence that radio interference from BPL is unavoidable if MV lines are used. By confining their Access BPL system to LV lines and by adding hardware notch filters for additional protection to amateur radio frequency allocations, Motorola has addressed our interference concerns." He added that "we look forward to seeing the first Powerline LV system in operation, and to continuing to work with Motorola to ensure that their new product is indeed the first BPL system that is a solution, not a problem." ARRL ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF4C:FBC98 Motorola Powerline LV ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF4F:FBC98 ********** 5. News ********** Terabeam Selects Fujitsu SoC for WiMAX System Terabeam Wireless (Falls Church, VA) has selected the model MB87M3400 WiMAX system on a chip (SoC) mixed-signal chip for its TeraMax 3.0 next-generation WiMAX point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems. The systems will incorporate Terabeam's new wireless network management operating system, code-named "Logan," and are planned for general availability in the fourth quarter of 2005. The Fujitsu SoC is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.16-2004 WiMAX standard and can be configured to be used in both base station and subscriber station applications. It is designed to support frequencies ranging from 2 to 11 GHz in both licensed and license-exempt bands. Terabeam's "Logan" has been under development for over three years and was a significant driver of Terabeam's acquisition in 2004 of KarlNet, Inc. Logan is a processor-agnostic operating system that can support multiple wireless modes (including 802.11). Logan's agility and versatility allow for a major streamlining of Terabeam's software portfolio, and it enables support for quality of service (QoS), voice-over-IP (VoIP), state-of-the-art security and IPv6. Terabam Wireless ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF47:FBC98 Fujitsu Microelectronics ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF42:FBC98 ************************ ADVERTISEMENT **************************** Learn the Fundamentals of Real-Time Spectrum Analysis With a new Tektronix Primer, comparing traditional tools like Swept Spectrum and Vector Signal Analyzers with Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers. It also explains how Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers enable you to describe with greater confidence the dynamic RF signal produced by the device. Click here to receive your free Tektronix Primer: http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF40:FBC98 ******************************************************************* ********* 6. News ********* FOCUS Enhancements Targets UWB Market Known for their video production and conversion products, FOCUS Enhancements has announced that Mark Zadeh has joined the company as Vice-President of Sales for the Semiconductor Group. Zadeh was most recently Director of Sales and Business Development at Planar Systems, and had worked at PixelWorks prior to that. According to Brett Moyer, the company's President and Chief Executive Officer, the hiring signifies the firm's strong interest in ultrawideband (UWB) technology: "Mark's arrival at FOCUS Enhancements is aptly timed, as the industry progresses with UWB standards and we expect to move our UWB technology into silicon in the second half 2005. This addition to the team better positions us to capitalize on the market potential of UWB in what will be a dynamic and exciting time for the company." FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF46:FBC98 ********* 7. News ********* Chirp Chosen for IEEE 802.15.4a Wireless Standard Chirp modulation is the winner of the latest popularity contest for a wireless standard, the IEEE's 802.15.4a for personal area networks (PANs). Developed by Nanotron Technologies (Berlin, Germany), the approach offers long range and low power consumption at moderate data rates for personal communications devices as well as for industrial controls, sensor networking, home automation, and medical devices. According to Nanotron's Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Zbigniew Ianelli, "this decision by the world-renowned experts at IEEE confirms the outstanding features of our technology: high robustness, long range, low power consumption and the ability of precise localization." The chirp approach is expected to yield maximum data rates of 2 Mb/s and a maximum range of 900 m (outdoors) and typically 60 m (indoors) at 10 mW output power. The first chips and network software based on the new standard will be offered by Nanotron Technologies at the end of 2006. IEEE ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF4D:FBC98 Nanotron Technologies ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF48:FBC98 ********* 8. News ********* DIN 7/16 Connectors Curb PIM Passive intermodulation distortion (PIM) can limit the performance of the most carefully designed cellular or PCS system. For that reason, Santron has developed the 1906-30 series of DIN 7/16 connectors according to 169-4 IEC-3, Class 1 specifications. Designed with single-body construction and a solid outer contact, the high-power connectors achieve 31-dB return loss through 7.5 GHz with PIM performance of -173 dBc. The connectors are ideal for curbing PIM in PCS filters, splitters, duplexers, amplifiers, and terminations for less than $5 each in large volume. San-tron, Inc. ---> http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF49:FBC98 ******************************* 9. Happenings - Conferences ******************************* Microwave Theory & Techniques Symposium (MTT-S) June 12-17, 2005 Long Beach Convention Center Long Beach, CA http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF4D:FBC98 IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (formerly the GaAs IC Symposium) October 30 - November 2, 2005 Palm Springs, CA http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF4B:FBC98 Wireless Congress 2005: Systems and Applications November 9-10, 2005 Munich, Germany http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF41:FBC98 ************************ ADVERTISEMENT **************************** CHECK HIRING TRENDS: FREE Copy of The Oxford Index Log on now for this quarterly survey of demand trends for high-end consultants in your industry. From Oxford Global Resources, specializing in high-tech consultants for mission-critical projects. Oxford: The Right Talent. Right Now.(R) URL: http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF3F:FBC98 ******************************************************************* Read past issues of Microwaves and RF (MWRF) UPDATE e-Newsletter: http://www.mwrf.com/ MICROWAVES AND RF (MWRF) UPDATE e-NEWSLETTER CONTACTS ==================================================== Technical Director: Jack Browne mailto: jbrowne@penton.com Associate Editor: Laurie Collins mailto: lcollins@penton.com Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: Mike McCaffery at 1-201-845-2414 or mailto: mmccaffery@penton.com ==================================================== To subscribe click here: http://nls.planetee.com/t?ctl=AF45:FBC98 To unsubscribe click here: http://nls.planetee.com/u?id=DAA1C3BA3D34A7DAAA218429E87C8280 Penton's e-Newsletter homepage: http://www.planetee.com/ ==================================== Copyright 2005 Penton Media Inc. All rights reserved.
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Frank Fallon