19 FEB, 2002 - 1310 CST Maybe this guy's license should be revoked since he has so little regard for many of his fellow hams and at least one of our spectrum allocations? :) If he's active at all, guess where he hangs out? 73 - Dick, W9GIG
Delivered-To: dick@pobox.com X-eGroups-Return: K8OI@aol.com From: K8OI@aol.com Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:07:18 EST Subject: SAVI Opinion To: NFCB-owner@yahoogroups.com X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 138 X-eGroups-Moderators: NFCB
Since my Novice in 1958 I have listened on 440mHz, I have two portables and a mobile station there. In this city, there is some activity by amateurs; usually retirees with a running critical speech on what goes on on the 146 band in real time. Otherwise known as the gripe band !
The public would be better served with amateur portion going to real public use, and let them pay for it.
To the hams who will scream, "what does he know ?''
I am one who had his 3rd telegraph in '64, extra class in '77, first phone in '83. 146 mHz and 220mHz are under utilized here.
73 Stan Head K8OI
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