[arrl-odv:17679] Re: Triple Play -- Now what?

Brian, at the PSC April 4 meeting there was an intimation from staff that Triple Play DXCC would be "a natural". There's also been an older idea of an annual calendar year LoTW-only DXCC. We'll put your/FD's single band idea in the mix and keep monitoring staff ideas and workload considerations. Anyone else with award ideas, please pass them along to PSC or NN1N. Speaking of workload VUCC and WPX for LoTW are currently in the works. 73 Bruce K0BJ On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Brian Mileshosky <n5zgt@swcp.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone --
Vice Director Dwayne Allen and I were talking at this weekend's Utah State ARRL Convention about Triple Play, and how it's motivated Hams all over the place to get on the air a bunch more. It's been a good shot in the arm and has given amateurs another challenge to work towards.
Now that many folks have earned their awards, what's next to keep their enthusiasm up?
Dwayne recommended a great idea, if it's not been discussed already: Single-band LOTW.
No need for additional certificates, I don't think...maybe something similar to endorsement stickers for the existing LOTW certificate would be sufficient.
Has anything like this been discussed before, and might it be a plan for the near future?
73, Brian N5ZGT ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org<http://www.rockymountaindivision.org/>

Just a clarification...I'm only referring to Triple Play WAS. Same thing as what we have now (a mixed band WAS award) -- only now it'd be single band in nature (i.e. ham works towards working all states via phone, CW and digital on only 80 meters, and he gets an "80 meter" endorsement sticker for his existing Triple Play certificate). DXCC might be a way to push the envelope even further, but I'm not referring to that quite yet. 73, Brian N5ZGT On Mon, 27 Apr 2009, Bruce Frahm wrote:
Brian, at the PSC April 4 meeting there was an intimation from staff that Triple Play DXCC would be "a natural". There's also been an older idea of an annual calendar year LoTW-only DXCC. We'll put your/FD's single band idea in the mix and keep monitoring staff ideas and workload considerations. Anyone else with award ideas, please pass them along to PSC or NN1N.
Speaking of workload VUCC and WPX for LoTW are currently in the works.
73 Bruce K0BJ
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Brian Mileshosky <n5zgt@swcp.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone --
Vice Director Dwayne Allen and I were talking at this weekend's Utah State ARRL Convention about Triple Play, and how it's motivated Hams all over the place to get on the air a bunch more. It's been a good shot in the arm and has given amateurs another challenge to work towards.
Now that many folks have earned their awards, what's next to keep their enthusiasm up?
Dwayne recommended a great idea, if it's not been discussed already: Single-band LOTW.
No need for additional certificates, I don't think...maybe something similar to endorsement stickers for the existing LOTW certificate would be sufficient.
Has anything like this been discussed before, and might it be a plan for the near future?
73, Brian N5ZGT ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org<http://www.rockymountaindivision.org/>
ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org
participants (2)
Brian Mileshosky
Bruce Frahm