[arrl-odv:18731] Returning CW Nets and Digital Modes to 3600 - 3750 kHz

In response to requests from CW traffic net operators, I suggest that the ARRL petition the FCC to open up the 3600 to 3750 kHz segment to all license classes for CW and digital modes. There have also been rumblings from digital-mode operators requesting that they also be allowed to use those frequencies again. Most of the time, those frequencies are fairly empty. I believe the CW traffic people should be able to use them as they did previously, but also the Extra Class phone operators who were given the frequencies a few years by the FCC. I noticed no benefit to Amateur Radio as a whole obtained by pushing the CW nets out of those frequencies, or restricting their operation to Extra Class licensees which produces the same end result. I believe we amateurs can manage our presence on that portion of the band quite adequately as we now do on 160 meters, and as essentially the rest of the world does on all bands. I suggest introducing this to Bill Cross in a way structured to gain his support. That is to say, expansion of the 75-meter phone band has proven to have been useful. However, there are times when the lower segment of the band is very lightly used and the CW nets and digital-mode users would like to now share the frequencies they formerly exclusively used. I've discussed this with a few of you by telephone and the idea has received support. I'll use this E-mail as a means of reaching the rest of you rapidly, and soliciting any comments you may have. Thanks. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton