Ode to WI4J Oh that denizen of Royal Palm Beach, one Robert H. Birdsey, Has forwarded a petition to our glorious FCC. Poor Old Bob requests a ruling that he hopes will set him free
From the hoary limitations of Section 97.113, (Part B.)
He wails he cannot freely speak less its broadcast musically; And says melodic speech is a First Amendment guarantee. Bob notes his proposition would depart quite markedly;
From international agreements to which were a signatry.
No treaty obligation, can repress a melody Or restrict us to such mundane modes as Packet, voice or Key Convinced his cause is righteous, this DJ wannabe, Seeks the Commissions imprimatur to broadcast constantly. Should our friends in DCs Portals grant Bobs plaintive plea No longer will our Band Plans talk of mode compatibility, No, the content of the music and its popularity, Will determine allocations by width and frequency. And as part of OOs duties, if done conscientiously Will be the careful consideration if the singer was on-key. Jay, KØQB
participants (1)
John Bellows