[ARRL-ODV:10940] Minutes, 2004 Second Meeting of the Board

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Review of Broadband over Power Lines (BPL); current status, additional actions required to address interference issues 8. Proposal for 2005 National Convention 9. Consideration of recommendations of Standing Committees 10. Consideration of additional recommendations 11. Directors motions 12. Any other business 13. Adjournment 1. Pursuant to due notice, the Board of Directors of the American Radio Relay League, Inc., met in second session at the Hartford/Windsor Airport Marriott in Windsor, Connecticut, on Friday, July 16, and Saturday, July 17, 2004. The meeting was called to order at 8:40 AM EDT July 16 with President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, in the Chair and the following Directors present: Bernie Fuller, N3EFN, Atlantic Division George R. Isely, W9GIG, Central Division Jay Bellows, KØQB, Dakota Division Rick Roderick, K5UR, Delta Division Jim Weaver, K8JE, Great Lakes Division Frank Fallon, N2FF, Hudson Division Wade Walstrom, WØEJ, Midwest Division Tom Frenaye, K1KI, New England Division Greg Milnes, W7OZ, Northwestern Division Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Pacific Division Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, Roanoke Division Walt Stinson, WØCP, Rocky Mountain Division Frank M. Butler, W4RH, Southeastern Division Art Goddard, W6XD, Southwestern Division Coy Day, N5OK, West Gulf Division Also present without vote were Joel M. Harrison, W5ZN, First Vice President; Kay C. Craigie, N3KN, Vice President; Rod Stafford, W6ROD, International Affairs Vice President; James McCobb, W1LLU, Treasurer; David Sumner, K1ZZ, Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer and Secretary; Chief Operating Officer Mark Wilson, K1RO; Chief Financial Officer Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY; Chief Technology Officer Paul Rinaldo, W4RI; Chief Development Officer Mary M. Hobart, K1MMH; and John Chwat and Zach DeWaters of Chwat and Co., ARRLs Washington D.C. legislative consultant. Also in attendance at the invitation of the Board as an observer was Radio Amateurs of Canada President Daniel Lamoureux, VE2KA. Also present were the following Vice Directors: Dick Mondro, W8FQT, Great Lakes Division; Joyce Birmingham, KA2ANF, Hudson Division; Bruce Frahm, K0BJ, Midwest Division; Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, New England Division; Warren G. Rev Morton, WS7W, Rocky Mountain Division; and Dr. David Woolweaver, K5RAV, West Gulf Division; General Counsel Christopher D. Imlay, W3KD; Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG; Field and Educational Services Manager Rosalie White, K1STO; Sales and Marketing Manager Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV; and Special Assistant to the Executive Vice President David Patton, NN1N. 2. The assembly observed a moment of silence in recollection of Radio Amateurs who have passed away since the previous Board meeting, especially Hank Arsaga Jr., W5VAS; Marlon Brando, KE6PZH/FO8GJ; Evelyn Brightman, WA6ZTW; Josiah B. Joe Brown, K5UPN; Byrl Tex Burdick, W5BQU; Joseph Clement, W6MR; Clifford E. Fay, K7BQ; Bill J. Fisher, W4AN; Byron H. Goodman, W1DX; Pierre Goral, KI7UA; Kenneth Gulley, K7PU; Morris Guzick, W5IO; Dr. Shrikant Jichkar, VU2SJA; Stephen Locks, W6FRZ; Leslie A. Moxon, G6XN; Ken Newkirk Jr., KN6EC; Alvino Rey, W6UK; Charles D. Chuck Ritchie, W4BUG; Waldo Sayles, W8ANO; Loyd C. Sigmon, ex-W6LQ; Leland W. Smith, W5KL; Herb Spoonts, W3BO; Merrill Stone, N6KNO; James A. Jim White, K4OJ. 3. Mr. Chwat introduced Zach DeWaters to the assembly. Mr. DeWaters is assuming the ARRL duties previously handled by Derek Riker, KB3JLF, who is leaving Chwat and Co. to pursue a law degree. 4. The President of the Radio Amateurs of Canada, Mr. Daniel Lamoureux, VE2KA, delivered his greetings from RAC. Mr. Lamoureux thanked President Haynie for his attendance at RACs annual meeting and went on to describe his participation in teaching, along with Fred Johnson, ZL2AMJ, IARUs Amateur Radio Administration Course in Tehran, Iran. He felt the course went well and hopes that someday there will be dividends paid from his work there with the future development of the Amateur Service in Iran. 5. Mr. Frenaye, as President, reported on the activities of the ARRL Foundation. Four new scholarships were funded in 2004, bringing the total number of scholarships to 40. He noted that there were many fine applicants, and asked that Board members continue to help promote constituents awareness of these awards and to help identify prospective students. 6. Following an opportunity for Board members to ask questions about reports, on motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Bodson, the Board APPROVED the following items listed on the Consent Agenda: Approval of Minutes of 2004 Annual Meeting Receipt of officers reports Receipt of General Counsels report Receipt of committee and coordinator reports 7. Mr. Chwat delivered a report on legislative relations, including the ongoing effort to educate Congress and the Executive Branch about the issue of BPL interference. The Board was in recess from 9:47 AM until 10:16 AM. 8. Chief Executive Officer Sumner gave a detailed report regarding ARRLs strategic plan and how decisions at this meeting will guide work on the 2005 operational plan. The Board was in recess for luncheon from 12:00 PM until 1:15 PM with all persons hereinbefore mentioned present except Mr. DeWaters who left the meeting. 9. Mr. Fallon and Mr. Chwat led discussions regarding the work of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Grassroots Lobbying and possibilities for a pilot project. On motion of Mr. Fallon, seconded by Dr. Weaver, it was MOVED that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, there is a need to immediately begin a BPL grassroots lobbying campaign in 2004, it is MOVED that the Board immediately create the positions of Division Congressional Action Chair; Congressional Action Coordinator; and Congressional Action Assistants; with functions as described in the Grassroots Ad-hoc committee report so that directors may immediately begin to appoint qualified members to these positions and the chair and coordinator to their cabinets. It is hoped that the chairs and coordinators will have arranged for constituent meetings with key legislators by October 2004 to make them aware of our concerns about the potential for interference from this technology. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Day, it was VOTED to call the question. The question then being on the motion, same was ADOPTED. The Board was in recess from 2:54 PM until 3:13 PM. 10. The Board continued in a discussion regarding Broadband over Power Lines and identified ideas to continue ARRLs work in this area. Mr. Chwat left the meeting at 3:21 PM. 11. On motion of Dr. Weaver, seconded by Mr. Day, it was MOVED that the 2005 Dayton Hamvention is designated ARRL National Convention 2005. The Hamvention will be held May 20, 21 and 22, 2005, at the HARA Arena, in Metropolitan Dayton, Ohio. The President will appoint an ad-hoc committee for planning purposes to report to the Board by September 1, 2004. Mr. Butler moved to postpone the motion until later in the meeting, but there was no second. The question then being on the original motion, same was ADOPTED. Mr. Haynie then appointed Messrs. Bellows, Weaver, Walstrom, Frenaye, and Motschenbacher to the ad-hoc committee. 12. At this point, Mr. Sumner presented a 40-year membership recognition pin and certificate to Mr. Fallon. (Applause). 13. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Harrison, it was VOTED that the Board assemble as a Committee of the Whole to discuss personnel matters at 4:13 PM. Non-board members and staff were excused for the day and the Committee of the Whole continued its work until 6:15 PM at which time it adjourned until 8:32 AM, July 17, 2004. After roll call, in which all persons hereinbefore mentioned were present except for Mr. Frahm and Mr. Raisbeck, the Committee of the Whole reconvened until 10:05 AM with Mr. Sumner present. On motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by Mr. Frenaye, it was unanimously VOTED to accept the report of the Committee of the Whole. The Board was in recess from 10:05 AM until 10:18 AM, when Mr. Frahm and Mr. Raisbeck rejoined the meeting. 14. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Bellows, it was VOTED that the ARRL Travel and Expense Policy approved by the Administration and Finance Committee and presented at this meeting, supersedes the present Directors Workbook ARRL Travel Policy. 15. Mr. Harrison took the Chair at 11:19 AM. On motion of Mr. Bodson, seconded by Mr. Milnes, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors designates Robert Sommer, N4UU, and the team of Bob Larkin, W7PUA, Larry Liljequist, W7SZ, and Ernest Manly, W7LHL, as joint recipients of the 2003 Doug DeMaw, W1FB, Technical Excellence Award for their respective articles, Optimum Radial Ground Systems (published in QST in August, 2003) and Microwave Propagation in the Upper Troposphere (published in QEX in July/August, 2003). (Applause). 16. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors selects Nicholas Lance Jr., KC5KBO, of Houston, Texas, as the recipient of the 2003 ARRL Professional Educator of the Year Award. Nick is solely responsible for assisting numerous astronauts and 29 of NASAs Aerospace Education Specialists (who talk to schoolteachers nationwide) to get their ham licenses. Nick also teaches a Hamster course to middle schoolers, inspiring them to pursue careers in technology through Amateur Radio and ARISS activities. (Applause). 17. On motion of Mr. Fuller, seconded by Mr. Fallon, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors selects Donald P. Wright Jr., AA2F, of Pennington, New Jersey, as the recipient of the 2003 ARRL Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award. Don has been education director for over 20 years, and taught hundreds of people to get their licenses. He uses hands-on lessons to annually teach Technician and General courses and do one-on-one tutoring. A course run for the American Red Cross chapter employees and volunteers resulted in outstanding teamwork between them and hams. Don counsels scouts on the Radio Merit Badge and helps them get licensed. (Applause). 18. On motion of Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Vallio, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors designates Michael J. Duff, KG4SLH, as the recipient of the 2004 Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award. Mike has helped build public awareness for Amateur Radio via television, radio, and print, and has reached out to the public through informational displays and speaking engagements, continually demonstrating his success as a public relations volunteer. (Applause). 19. On motion of Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Goddard, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors selects Andrea L. Hartlage, KG4IUM, of Grayson, Georgia, and Jay Thompson, W6JAY, of Santa Ana, California, as the recipients of the 2003 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Award. Andrea is one of ham radios best ambassadors and a strong leader in facets ranging from her heavy ARES involvement to ham radio instruction at a middle school club besides her own school club. As a member of two other clubs, she is on the FD committee and hamfest committee. She is on her countys EOC response team, and is a CW traffic handler. She gets youth into ham radio activity through her work as an Assistant SM, editor of the ARRL Web youth column, and in the Venture Crew 73, School Club Roundup, Kids Day and helping kids build kit projects. Jay is an NCS for his local ARES net and for the Hospital Disaster Support Communications System. He is the youngest ARRL Official Observer, has won numerous medals in Amateur Radio Direction Finding, including three in the IARU Region 2 competition and will go to the September 2004 World Championships, and he has taught DFing to scouts at jamborees. He designed and built a new type of quad antenna the fractal quad, for a regional science fair, making him an honored participant. (Applause). Mr. Day left the meeting due to illness at 11:27 AM with Dr. Woolweaver moving to the West Gulf chair. Mr. Haynie returned to the Chair at 11:30 AM. 20. After discussion about the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, led by Mr. Walstrom, the Board was in recess for luncheon from 11:56 AM until 1:20 PM with current meeting participants present except Mr. Day. On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Goddard, the following resolution was unanimously ADOPTED: WHEREAS, for security reasons and for purposes of establishing formal relationships with served agencies, ARES® groups within an ARRL section are increasingly in need of affirmative recognition; and WHEREAS, ARES® (Amateur Radio Emergency Service®) is a program of, and both logos are registered trademarks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated; NOW THEREFORE, it is ARRL policy that ARES® groups, and any group using the ARES® logo, shall acknowledge the nature of the ARES® program as an ARRL program, and abide by the guidelines of the program established by ARRL as amended from time to time, according to the following principles: 1. Each ARES® group will, when using the term ARES or Amateur Radio Emergency Service, utilize the ® symbol in any printed matter or in any electronic media, and will acknowledge that both logos are registered marks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and are used by permission. 2. In bylaws or other organizational documents, or by amendment of any existing bylaws or organizational documents, ARES® groups will acknowledge that ARES® is a program of the American Radio Relay League, and that entity will abide by the Rules and Regulations of the ARRLs Field Organization, as they may be amended from time to time, and by ARRL policies, rules, and guidelines contained in ARRL publications. 3. All ARES® records, membership rosters, and other data pertaining to the ARES® program wherever located are the property of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. 21. On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Butler, the following resolution was ADOPTED: WHEREAS the ad-hoc committee, also known as ARESCOM, was created by direction from the ARRL Board of Directors to develop a comprehensive program to enhance the current ARES emergency communications capability to include rapid and accurate handling of long range (interstate, national, and international) emergency communications; and WHEREAS this same ad-hoc committee has exceeded the Boards expectations by demonstrating a working network which implements the basic capabilities of the comprehensive program requested by the Board, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the ARRL Board commends the members of the ad-hoc committee for their efforts and expertise in inaugurating the current network; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ARRL Board encourages further development and expansion of the inaugural network to broaden the coverage and continue its expansion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ad-hoc committee be requested to extend its charter until the January 2005 ARRL Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors for the purpose of completing a plan of implementation that insures the following: 1. ARES is assured the prominent role in the management of this national network; 2. The ARES officials at all levels and appropriate ARRL HQ staff will be given the opportunity to formally critique the operation of the network to assure that the requirements of ARES and its served agencies are being met by the operation of the network; 3. The Winlink 2000 technical experts will positively address the results and findings of this critique; 4. A plan be developed to assure timely upgrading of the network as new technologies emerge and future ARES requirements evolve; and 5. Complete the negotiations and agreements necessary to assure ARRL access to the Winlink 2000 software. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board encourages the deployment of e-mail via Amateur Radio (as exemplified by Winlink 2000) as an additional emergency capability provided to agencies served by ARES. 22. On motion of Mrs. Craigie, seconded by Mr. Harrison, the following resolution was unanimously ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the Industry Advisory Council was created by the ARRL Board of Directors in July, 1992; and WHEREAS, in the 12 years since the Council was established, much has changed concerning Amateur Radio, the structure of the ARRL Headquarters staff, and the ways in which the League interfaces with industry; and WHEREAS, the best method of reaching out to industry and identifying common interests in 1992 may not be the ideal approach today; now therefore it is RESOLVED that the President shall appoint a study committee composed of members of the Board and Headquarters staff, for the purpose of recommending effective means of promoting constructive relations and open lines of communication between the ARRL and industry in the circumstances of the present day; and further RESOLVED that this committee shall solicit input from the Industry Advisory Council; and further RESOLVED that the committee shall present its findings and recommendations to the Board at the Annual Meeting in January, 2005. The Chair announced the appointment of the following committee members: Mrs. Craigie, Chair; and Messrs. Harrison, Stinson, Sumner, and Motschenbacher. 23. On motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by Dr. Woolweaver, it was VOTED that Standing Order 11 is amended to read: The Executive Vice President shall automatically recognize long-term membership and express appreciation of that support through a system of awards as follows: 10 Years certificate 25 Years 25-year pin and certificate 40 Years 40-year pin and certificate *50 Years 50-year pin, certificate, and one year Diamond Club membership *60 Years 60-year pin, certificate, and one year Diamond Club membership *70 Years 70-year pin, certificate, and one year Diamond Club membership *Plaque offered at cost plus shipping Headquarters staff is to inform the Director of members in his or her Division that are eligible for the 50, 60, and 70 year awards in order to provide the Director an opportunity of arranging a presentation in person. 24. Mr. Sumner explained the status of a draft petition for band segmentation by emission bandwidth. The draft will be available for final Board review shortly and will be explained to members prior to being filed. The Board was in recess from 2:39 PM until 2:50 PM at which time Mr. Day returned to the meeting but asked Dr. Woolweaver to remain in the West Gulf Chair. 25. At this point the assembly began consideration of Directors motions. Mr. Fuller yielded to Mr. Vallio. On motion of Mr. Vallio, seconded by Mr. Isely, it was MOVED that in order to provide for the recall of vice directors, bylaw 24 is revised to read: In accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Articles of Association, members of a territorial division may petition for recall of the director or vice director of their division. Any League member may give notice of proposed recall by mailing to the Secretary by certified mail a letter to that effect. The fact of receipt will be communicated only to Officers, the Director and Vice Director of the division concerned, the sender and the Election and Ethics Committee. The recall petition shall be presented to the Secretary not later than 75 days after the mailing of the notice of recall and not later than June 1st of the final year of the term of office. A valid petition shall contain the dated signatures obtained on or after the date of mailing of the notice to the Secretary, and will include not less than 10 percent of the number of Full members voting in the election at which the director or vice director was elected, or not less than 10 percent of the Full members resident in the division on the preceding December 31st if the director or vice director was elected without membership balloting. Upon certification by the Election and Ethics Committee that the petition is valid, the Secretary shall prepare a ballot asking the single question, either Shall the Director be recalled, yes or no. Or, Shall the Vice Director be recalled, yes or no. If a majority of the votes cast are for recall, then the office of director or vice director shall be declared vacant. No director or vice director shall be subject to more than one recall election during a single term in office. A person removed from office by recall, shall not be eligible to be a candidate for Director or Vice Director for three years following removal from office. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Goddard, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was VOTED to call the question on the motion. A roll call vote being required, the question was ADOPTED. 26. Mr. Bellows yielded to Mr. Harrison. On motion of Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was VOTED that the oversight responsibilities of the Amateur Radio Interference Assessment (ARIA) Ad-Hoc Committee is transferred to the EMC Committee, and the ARIA Ad-Hoc Committee are discharged with thanks. 27. Mr. Frenaye yielded to Mr. Bodson. On motion of Mr. Bodson, seconded by Mr. Harrison, it was unanimously VOTED that the 2003 Microwave Development Award be awarded to Brian D. Justin Jr., WA1ZMS, for his pioneering work in the development of technology for the millimetric bands above 30 GHz, and to Dr. John Champa, K8OCL, for his leadership as chairman of the High Speed Multimedia Committee and the development of practical amateur radio implementation of IEEE 802.11 technology. (Applause). 28. On motion of Mr. Bodson, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors instructs the General Counsel, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President to file a request with the Federal Communications Commission for an experimental license authorizing Low Frequency (LF) operations for specified amateur radio stations at the earliest opportunity. 29. On motion of Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors instructs the General Counsel, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President to file a petition with the Federal Communications Commission permitting security of data for computer-to-computer communications on domestic transmissions above 50 MHz at the earliest opportunity. 30. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was unanimously VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors hereby recognizes and thanks Mark Wilson, K1RO, for his longstanding service and dedication to the ARRL, and wishes him well in his upcoming move to New Hampshire. (Applause). 31. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was VOTED that the strategies recommended by the Administration and Finance Committee and the Chief Executive Officer are included in the 2005 operational plan. 32. On motion of Dr. Woolweaver, seconded by the entire assembly, it was unanimously VOTED to thank staff, especially Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ, for their hard work to ensure the success of this meeting (Applause.) 33. There being no further business, those present were invited to make informal closing comments. The meeting was adjourned at 4:53 PM. (Time in session as a Board: 10 hours, 30 minutes. Time in session as a Committee of the Whole: 3 hours, 35 minutes.) Respectfully submitted, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary 2004 Second Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors Page PAGE 9 #K\yRrÑÁ'Ä'((~QQS!S×^aa#a$a%a&a,aýù÷ôôôðôðôìôìôåâåÚå0JmHnHu0J j0JUCJH*6CJCJ65CJCJ#;LM\i~»ÍRÌõ0`wýòòæÞÖÖÖÖÖÆÆÖÖÖÖÖÖÖºÖÐ1$7$8$H$`Ðòþ1$7$8$H$^`òþ1$7$8$H$1$7$8$H$ ÆàÀ!1$7$8$H$ $1$7$8$H$a$ä`)a+aþþþ9b ©Ðô B k ¶ â 8 Z [ xyQR÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ëëëëéééççëÐ1$7$8$H$`Ð1$7$8$H$qr7b£Ðѯ°ôõôõVŽÚü§šóííëààààÔíííííííííííííííÐ1$7$8$H$^Ð &F1$7$8$H$Ð`ÐÐ1$7$8$H$`К|}-. §!š!!"""%%&&@(A(* *'-(-//+0W2ã4ä466ùù÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ù÷÷÷÷Ð`Ð6ä67Š8Ï9m;<<y<z<Ê=>8?â?Ï@!A"BBCzCCDDD°D±DEìEFÁG#Hýýýóóóóýýýýýýýóóóóóýýýýýýýýý Þòþ^Þ`òþ#H€H¥H=I>IOJeJJ±JûJEKK¶KLLNN OOïUðU V¡VÕWÖWËYÌYV[W[Ö\ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýÖ\×\ú]û]Ö^×^ª_«_ª`«`¬`Ä`Å`Æ`Ç`Ú`ä`'a(a)a*a+a,aýýýýýûûïççççççççåããããç1$7$8$H$Ð1$7$8$H$`Ð& 00P°Ð/ °à=!°"°# $ %° i8@ñÿ8NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH JJ Heading 1$h1$7$8$@&H$^h 5>*\4@4 Heading 2$@&6aJ44 Heading 4$@&5@ýÿ<A@òÿ¡<Default Paragraph FontPC@òPBody Text IndentÐ1$7$8$H$`ÐB*CJ6B@6 Body Text1$H$7$8$CJ:>@:Title$1$7$8$H$a$ 5CJ\,@",Header ÆàÀ!, 2,Footer ÆàÀ!&)@¢A&Page NumberLR@RLBody Text Indent 2Ð1$7$8$H$`Ð2Pb2Body Text 26aJ(U@¢q( Hyperlink>*B*HSHBody Text Indent 3 h*$`h@ýÿDTD Block TextÐÐ1$7$8$H$]Ð^Ð>V@¢¡>FollowedHyperlink>*B*ph,]ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,]vÿÿÿÿ#;LM\i~»ÍRÌõ0`w9b ©ÐôBk¶â8Z[xyQRqr7b£Ðѯ°ôõôõVŽÚü§š|}-.§š!"!!""@$A$& &')()+++,W.ã0ä022ä23Š4Ï5m788y8z8Ê9:8;â;Ï<!=">>?z?C@D@°@±@AìABÁC#D€D¥D=E>EOFeFF±FûFEGG¶GHHJJ KKïQðQ R¡RÕSÖSËUÌUVWWWÖX×XúYûYÖZ×Zª[«[ª\«\¬\Ä\Å\Æ\Ç\Ú\ä\'](])]*]-]000000M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M 0M 0M 0M 0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M00M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M00M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M00M000M0M0M0M0M0@0@0 00DDDDDG,a2š6#HÖ\,a356789:+a48?AG!Ôÿðlðð,2ð$Þýß=b_í8³"G!ÇÿÕÿÿÿÿs@ñÿÿÿ÷ððð0ð( ð ððB ðSð¿Ëÿ ?ð,]GM¯¶÷þ@EJNOW[`jp P V Š « Ê Ò 6 @ &#)*0@FGPx| & 2 : ; B l q Û ß ã é Y^jnowìñPYÁÆ.4ØÝóùÕÝìò ¿ÉÈÍÖÞë ð ù !q"w"Å"Ë"ü"#L#Q#&&ã)è)++,-3-/¢/00Ü6â6)>0>c?j?ê?ñ?[@b@òDùD-E;EkEuEÙIãIàTëTUUìZöZR[Z[ä\(])]-]ü59#'= =>>DD£G¬GöJøJoPP¯[Ž[ä\(])]-]3333333333ÿÿDave Patton|C:\Documents and Settings\dpatton\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 2004 Second Meeting Minutes DRAFT.asdDave Patton|C:\Documents and Settings\dpatton\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 2004 Second Meeting Minutes DRAFT.asdDave Patton|C:\Documents and Settings\dpatton\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of 2004 Second Meeting Minutes DRAFT.asdDave PattonZC:\My Documents\Board Meetings\2004 Second Meeting\2004 Second Meeting Minutes DRAFT 2.docDave SumnerRN:\f drive from old\APPS\WORD\BOARD\04July\2004 Second Meeting Minutes DRAFT 2.docDave SumnerPN:\f drive from old\APPS\WORD\BOARD\04July\2004 Second Meeting Minutes FINAL.docDave SumnerPN:\f drive from old\APPS\WORD\BOARD\04July\2004 Second Meeting Minutes FINAL.docDave SumnerPN:\f drive from old\APPS\WORD\BOARD\04July\2004 Second Meeting Minutes FINAL.docDave SumnerPN:\f drive from old\APPS\WORD\BOARD\04July\2004 Second Meeting Minutes FINAL.docDave SumnerC:\Documents and Settings\dsumner.ARRLDATABASE\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2\2004 Second Meeting Minutes FINAL.docyyþxÖìÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿì æ%¶ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿû^Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ?Q|^Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿì¢G2ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿöàÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿyÜàxÄÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtô'HšúÛÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿt,Š+ämÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿãHò.xÖìÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ.g/^Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿü/^Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ~m0 ÿ(BÿPºÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿä Jhšÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ/ÜV ÿ,<Y ÿÕlÎa £L ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿêGëe ÿuJ\iTÛ&Ûÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿh^i ÿÓren ÿ¢fåw-ÜJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ§B'xwô-ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿgz,jÚÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿü)?}B»æÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿhÐþÆÐ^Ð`þo(.h þÆ ^ `þ.hpLÿÆp^p`Lÿ.h@þÆ@^@`þ.hþÆ^`þ.hàLÿÆà^à`Lÿ.h°þÆ°^°`þ.hþÆ^`þ.hPLÿÆP^P`Lÿ.h8þÆ8^8`þOJQJo(ohþÆ^`þOJQJo(ohØ þÆØ ^Ø `þOJQJo(§ðhšþÆš^š`þOJQJo(·ðhxþÆx^x`þOJQJo(ohHþÆH^H`þOJQJo(§ðhþÆ^`þOJQJo(·ðhèþÆè^è`þOJQJo(ohžþÆž^ž`þOJQJo(§ðÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(·ð þÆ ^ `þOJQJo(opþÆp^p`þOJQJo(§ð@þÆ@^@`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oàþÆà^à`þOJQJo(§ð°þÆ°^°`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oPþÆP^P`þOJQJo(§ðhÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(o þÆ ^ `þOJQJo(opþÆp^p`þOJQJo(§ð@þÆ@^@`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oàþÆà^à`þOJQJo(§ð°þÆ°^°`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oPþÆP^P`þOJQJo(§ð)8þÆ8^8`þo((ÁkþÆÁ^Á`kþo(.hdþÆd^d`þOJQJo(·ð4LÿÆ4^4`Lÿ.þÆ^`þ.Ô þÆÔ ^Ô `þ.€LÿÆ€^€`Lÿ.tþÆt^t`þ.DþÆD^D`þ.LÿÆ^`Lÿ.ÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(·ð þÆ ^ `þOJQJo(opþÆp^p`þOJQJo(§ð@þÆ@^@`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oàþÆà^à`þOJQJo(§ð°þÆ°^°`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oPþÆP^P`þOJQJo(§ð8þÆ8^8`þo(.hÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(·ðh þÆ ^ `þOJQJo(ohpþÆp^p`þOJQJo(§ðh@þÆ@^@`þOJQJo(·ðhþÆ^`þOJQJo(ohàþÆà^à`þOJQJo(§ðh°þÆ°^°`þOJQJo(·ðhþÆ^`þOJQJo(ohPþÆP^P`þOJQJo(§ðhÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(·ðh þÆ ^ `þ.hpLÿÆp^p`Lÿ.h@þÆ@^@`þ.hþÆ^`þ.hàLÿÆà^à`Lÿ.h°þÆ°^°`þ.hþÆ^`þ.hPLÿÆP^P`Lÿ.hÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(o þÆ ^ `þOJQJo(opþÆp^p`þOJQJo(§ð@þÆ@^@`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oàþÆà^à`þOJQJo(§ð°þÆ°^°`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oPþÆP^P`þOJQJo(§ðhÐþÆÐ^Ð`þOJQJo(o þÆ ^ `þOJQJo(opþÆp^p`þOJQJo(§ð@þÆ@^@`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oàþÆà^à`þOJQJo(§ð°þÆ°^°`þOJQJo(·ðþÆ^`þOJQJo(oPþÆP^P`þOJQJo(§ðhþÆh^h`þOJQJo(·ð8þÆ8^8`þo(.8þÆ8^8`þ5o(.0þÆ^`þ5o(.@0ýÆ@^@`0ý5o(..0ýÆ^`0ý5o(... 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participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ