Greetings. Here are our SAVI comments, as filed today. Exhibit A, not attached to this, is a copy of the interference study that Ed Hare and Zack Lau had done for us, and which Paul Rinaldo and I presented to OET as an ex parte presentation a few weeks ago. SAVI has lost no time in rebutting it, but fortunately, their engineers are not as good as Ed and Zack, who report that SAVI is incorrect in their arguments. Ed is preparing a rebuttal, which we will present to OET when El Presidente Haynie does his FCC rounds two weeks hence. We will also be filing strong reply comments. This is a barn burner of a proceeding, in which we will be pulling out all the stops lobbying FCC. Paul and I will be spending a lot of time on this proceeding in the near term. Thanks to Dave Sumner for much of the good arguments in this filing. 73, Chris W3KD
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