[arrl-odv:26219] Fwd: March QST Cover

Heads up, everyone. See email string below. 73 Rick - K5UR ... -----Original Message----- From: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY, WB8IMY <sford@arrl.org> To: k5ur <k5ur@aol.com>; Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF, NY2RF <tgallagher@arrl.org>; Roderick, Rick, K5UR (President), K5UR (President) <K5UR@arrl.org> Sent: Fri, Feb 10, 2017 1:23 pm Subject: RE: March QST Cover Rick: It appears that the image was “staged.” The young woman is, in fact, only a few feet off the ground. Regardless, we should have noticed that her rigging was not properly set up. It isn’t the fault of the school group that they submitted a staged image. We have published staged images before and will no doubt do so again. No, the fault rests squarely with us and I have to take responsibility. Fortunately, we have a tower climbing safety article in the same issue and it is very well done. We will publish a correction in the Correspondence section of April QST. I don’t have access to ODV, but it would probably be a good idea to let them know. 73 . . . Steve, WB8IMY From: k5ur@aol.com [mailto:k5ur@aol.com] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 12:50 PM To: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY <sford@arrl.org>; Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF <tgallagher@arrl.org>; Roderick, Rick, K5UR (President) <K5UR@arrl.org> Subject: Re: March QST Cover Thanks for the heads up, Steve. Keep us posted. We may need to get something out to ODV as we learn more. 73 Rick - K5UR ... -----Original Message----- From: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY, WB8IMY <sford@arrl.org> To: Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF, NY2RF <tgallagher@arrl.org>; Roderick, Rick, K5UR (President), K5UR (President) <K5UR@arrl.org> Sent: Fri, Feb 10, 2017 10:54 am Subject: March QST Cover The otherwise attractive photo on the March QST cover may have a serious problem that no one noticed until a couple of members called it to our attention this morning. In the photo, the line securing the young woman’s body harness on the tower appears to be only held together with twist ties. That is, of course, wildly unsafe, if true. Becky is contacting the individuals for more details. We may have to issue a correction/retraction. I’m just letting you know in case members contact you directly about this. 73 . . . Steve, WB8IMY
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