[arrl-odv:24802] WRC-15 short update

The 60 meter allocation under consideration at WRC-15 cleared another hurdle in Geneva this morning. After some wordsmithing of a footnote that nearly blew up over the Falkland Islands dispute (sometimes this stuff has to be seen to be believed), Working Group 4B approved a secondary amateur allocation between 5351.5 and 5366.5 kHz, with a power outout limitation of 15 W e.i.r.p. in most of the world, and all of the United States (some South and Central American countries get 20 or 25 W e.i.r.p.). More importantly, the last countries holding out for no change on the floor conceded that the consensus of the room was against them, and withdrew their insistence that a no change proposal go forward for further consideration. There is now a lone option for further discussion at that next level. That discussion (at Committee 4, the last step before editorial work and Plenary Session consideration) is scheduled for this afternoon. Also up for discussion is acceptable (albeit not perfect) text on agenda item 1.18, dealing with automotive (and unfortunately other) short range radars at 77.5-78 GHz. Will report further after the meeting adjourns. 73 de Brennan HB9/N4QX Brennan T. Price, N4QX Chief Technology Officer American Radio Relay League PO Box 3470 Oakton VA 22124-9470 Tel +1 860 594-0247
participants (1)
Price, Brennan, N4QX