[arrl-odv:22824] Board meeting scheduling

Because Lisa will have additional responsibilities related to the National Convention, I've been asked to request that we set July 7 as the target date for Board meeting reports. That's a good bit earlier than usual, hence the heads-up now. Not only will it allow Lisa to get the meeting books prepared on time but also we will have time to study the reports before our own WRTC and/or National Convention duties kick in. If you are a liaison to a committee chaired by a non-Board volunteer, please pass this target date information to the chair as soon as possible so the chair can make plans accordingly. Regarding the Board meeting itself, because it looks like it may be a challenge to complete the work in the time originally envisioned, we will begin the morning sessions at 8:30 AM instead of 9 AM. That will yield an additional hour. The Board meeting room reservation will allow a session after dinner on Monday night. Years ago, evening Board meeting sessions were the norm, although that has not been the case for some years. It is an option, however, if it looks as though we will need the time to give due consideration to items you want to bring up and still finish at mid-day on Tuesday. Finally, I have a few suggestions that I hope you will receive in the respectful spirit in which they are offered. Any report that someone wants to have lifted from the Consent Agenda will, of course, be lifted. However, if it is possible to deal with some questions on the ODV before the Board meeting or in off-reflector discussion with the report author, maybe you would like to do that. Second, if you are going to introduce a motion, please give extra care to proofreading. When you find a motion in your pigeon-hole, please suggest any tweaks, fixes, friendly amendments, etc., to the maker of the motion so the text can be in the best possible shape before it's formally introduced. The less time we can devote to editing motions on the fly on the floor of the meeting, the more time we have for substantive debate, including any formal amendments you may want to propose. Thanks and 73 - Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie