[arrl-odv:17993] [arrl-odv:17992] [arrl-odv:17989] IN-News

<<072909.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 32, No. 30 July 29, 2009 -- Covers the period July 19-25. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP A new :30 sec audio PSA has been created in collaboration with Don Carlson, KQ6FM, promoting the idea that women can enjoy technology and become hams too. While at it, the idea came about using the PR-101 site (now no longer used for PR-101) as a place for people to post their own creations of 30 and 60 sec audio mp3 PSA's. We might even make some form of a contest out of it! Cost is zero - we already have the capabilities in place. It will be announced in the August CONTACT! See http://pr101.wordpress.com . Modifications have been drafted for the entry form and announcing the changes to the Leonard Award. These have been passed to the PR Committee for comment. John Edwards of Computerworld Magazine has been working on a story about hams and new developments in digital wireless - especially computer applications with radios. He was introduced to several active hams in the field and I am looking forward to his article -expected in September. The return of the BPL issue ("Son of BPL") to the front burner has again resulted in many pro and anti bloggers. The major difference this time for PR is that it is easy to tell them that there ARE installations out there, deployed already, that are not causing any problems because they are working cooperatively with us. If only others would follow their lead -and put it in the rules- the problem could be moot. Media may not understand a dB from a CB, but they "get" that concept. I also arranged a radio interview for Dennis Dura and have two more set up for myself next month in New Mexico. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH The Diamond Club has topped $107,000 so far this year with an average contribution of $188. This program was first launched in September so we expect healthy returns in the next couple of months that will keep the revenue on target. The Education & Technology Fund campaign has produced a strong $74 average contribution from 648 donors. Plans are underway for the fall Spectrum Defense campaign. The goal of this important fund raising effort is $310,000 by December 31. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 28, No. 29, for July 24, 2009. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for July 24. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI QST-Ad Acceptance Mike Gruber reviewed most of the ads this month-Bob Allison did a few after he returned from Arizona. RFI Mike Gruber discussed the status of all current FCC power line noise cases with Laura Smith during a telephone conference. There are presently around active 50 cases. Mike then updated the Action Item list. This list is helpful tool for tracking cases and staying on top of the many action items. Mike Gruber continues to review and update RFI web pages. Mike Gruber solicited an outside author to rewrite the current TVI page for the next printing of the RFI book. Due to the change to DTV, the current chapter will be obsolete. Mike sent a request to the EMC Committee to review the RFI Book for corrections, suggestions and edits. Mike Gruber wrote the EMC Committee report for Chairman Dennis Bodson. BPL Ed Hare has been busy in the aftermath of the FCC's new Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) on BPL. This week, he provided most of the quotes and background for the ARRL news story on the proceeding, then started to analyze the FNPRM and prepare a paper justifying ARRL's position with respect to distance extrapolation. Convention Travel Bob Allison said his attendance at the Arizona Section Convention was a big success. His presentation on how we do Product Reviews and what those numbers mean was the most attended forum of the Convention in Williams, Arizona. Bob also manned the ARRL booth, assisting members with renewals and signing up new members. Bob's wife Kathy attended the convention as a knowledgeable ham, attending forums and answering questions on LOTW and contesting. Tom Fagan, the section manager, was awarded Ham of the Year. Kathy and Bob made many new friends. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R An email solicitation was sent out mid-week last week, with a follow-up Friday to encourage end of the month orders. With every order customers received the Amateur Radio Today CD-ROM, narrated by the legendary CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, and an ARRL Log book. A preview of the 2010 Handbook will appear in the September issue of QST. More details including ordering information, the bonus offer, etc. will be featured in the October issue as usual. Updates are being prepared for the AES Fall/Winter Catalog. Third mailing to new hams (NEW2) will be sent fir the first time this week. Mailing includes a 4-page newsletter with welcome from Brian Mileshosky on front cover, as well as a buck slip to encourage new hams to tell us more about themselves by completing a short online survey at www.arrl.org/newhamsurvey. A small mailing to NEVER members who made purchases (PUR091) in the first half of 2009 is being prepared to be mailed next week. Working on comprehensive report of direct mailings done in 2009. Sent e-mail to all June expirees. Cleaning data and working with IT to fulfill contract to provide SK data to third-party. Membership wide e-mail sent to try to increase July membership numbers. 63 memberships have come in. Reordering table throws, tabletop displays and 5-pillar banner stands to restock the Forms and Media warehouse materials. The Warehouse crew fulfilled 891 packages for publication and product orders, and shipped 274 free book membership premiums and QST mailing supplements. ARRL Conventions Date Name Division City State ARRL HQ Rep. Aug 7-8 Texas State WG Austin TX Dennis Dura Aug 7-9 Pacific NW DX NW Spokane WA Sean Kutzko Aug 14-15 New Mexico State RM Albuquerque NM Allen Pitts Aug 15-16 Alabama Section SE Huntsville AL Aug 15 SW Division SW Santa Barbara CA Chris Imlay Aug 16 Kansas State MW Salina KS Chuck Skolaut Aug 22-23 West Virginia State RK Weston WV Ed Hare Aug 23 W. Pennsylvania Section AT New Kensington PA Sep 11-12 Delta Division DL Mena AR Sep 12 GL Division Symposium GL Findlay OH Sep 12-13 Virginia Section RK Virginia Beach VA Sep 18-19 W9DXCC CL Elk Grove Village IL Sep 19 Ohio Section GL Reynoldsburg OH Sep 26 Mid-AT States VHF Conf. AT Plymouth Meeting PA Sep 26 Washington State NW Spokane Valley WA Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Contest Branch We have received just over 3,000 logs for the 2009 IARU HF Championship. Log deadline is two weeks away. The Contest Branch has been handling numerous requests for assistance with log submission, particularly from Russia and Eastern Europe. This is no change from previous years. 2009 June VHF logs are at 1,111, the highest in over 15 years. The submission deadline has passed and the data has been handed over to the new June VHF adjudicator, George Fremin, K5TR. The Field Day submission deadline is July 28. Logs, supporting documentation and questions continue to roll in steadily. W1AW Thanks to Bill Moore, NC1L, for covering the Thursday and Friday morning shifts for the vacationing Joe Carcia. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of July and early August. He assisted the DXCC department with plaque processing. Scott also worked the Thursday and Friday early afternoon shifts (in addition to his regular night shifts) for Joe Carcia. Joe reconfigured the "digital" operating area to accommodate the new PC used for EchoLink. He also moved the Rohde and Schwarz XK2100L HF transceiver to its new home at the digital area. Joe also performed some Winlink 2000 "house-keeping" with W1AW's WL2K email account. Field Organization/Public Service Team September 25, 26, 27 (Friday through Sunday) has been selected to be the dates for the 2009 New Section Managers' Workshop at Headquarters. Steve Ewald is in touch with the Section Managers who are eligible to attend the Workshop, and they are starting to make their travel plans. Chuck Skolaut and Leona Adams have been corresponding with our new Official Observers. Seven radio amateurs successfully completed the Official Observer written exam this past week including ones from Southern New Jersey, South Carolina, California and four from Iowa. We, at HQ, received a tape recording from of has an unidentified pulse signal heard in South Dakota on many of the Amateur Radio bands. We are investigating this case. Also a Volunteer Monitor in Ohio has noticed a steady carrier on 3508 kHz and a harmonic 7016 kHz. Chuck also prepared for his trip to the ARRL Oklahoma State Convention. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Leona Adams 7/31 Vacation Kathy Allison 9/25-9/28 Vacation Bob Allison 9/25-9/29 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 9/8-9/14 Vacation Joe Carcia 7/31 Vacation `` 8/7 Vacation `` 8/14 Vacation `` 8/21 Vacation Jackie Cornell 8/6-8/10 Vacation Steve Ford 8/24 Vacation Scott Gee 7/30 Vacation Mike Gruber 8/24-8/28 Vacation Joel Hallas 8/3-8/14 Vacation `` 8/24-8/28 Vacation Ed Hare 8/15-8/21 IEEE EMC Symposium , Austin, TX `` 8/22-8/23 WV State Convention, Weston, WV `` 8/24-8/25 Vacation Penny Harts 7/31-8/11 Vacation Dan Henderson 7/27-8/10 Vacation Mary Hobart 8/12-8/14 Vacation Berta Hould 8/3-8/14 Vacation Gail Iannone 7/20-7/31 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 7/27-7/31 Vacation Debra Johnson 7/27-7/31 Vacation Joel Kleinman 8/3 Vacation Linda Kleinschmidt 8/10-8/14 Vacation Harold Kramer 8/3-8/7 Vacation Sean Kutzko 8/7-8/9 Pacific NW DX Convention, Spokane Valley, WA Monique Levesque 7/31-8/7 Vacation AnnMarie Pinto 8/17-8/28 Vacation Allen Pitts 8/6-8/7 Vacation Barry Shelley 8/10-8/21 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 7/24-8/3 Oklahoma Section Convention, Oklahoma City, OK/VC Dave Sumner 7/31pm-8/3am Vacation Alex Tara 8/24-8/28 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ