[arrl-odv:24532] CAI's latest trash talk

This was just forwarded to me from a member. Be aware of the propaganda that is coming from CAI as you seek and obtain legislative support. Just a heads-up. Mike N2YBB = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Original message -------- From: CAI Government Affairs Date:07/23/2015 1:01 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Brian Brunsch Subject: Federal HAM Radio Legislation Has Unintended Consequences - Contact Members of Congress Today to Oppose H.R. 1301 and S. 1685 [http://images.capwiz.com/advocacycenter/images/cai_logo.gif] Dear CAI Member, The HAM Radio legislation has 86 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives (H.R. 1301) and a new Senate Bill (S. 1685). If you don’t want 75 foot towers throughout your community, you must contact your Members of Congress today and ask them to oppose H.R. 1301 (in the House) and S. 1685 (in the Senate). Contact your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators today and ask them to oppose all legislation prohibiting community association review or approval of HAM radio towers and large, fixed antennas by clicking here. <http://capwiz.com/advocacycenter/utr/1/KBAGUZRORN/LVQPUZRZUQ/10949066076> H.R. 1301/S. 1685 pre-empt community associations’ architectural guidelines and rules related to installation of HAM radio towers and antennas. If the legislation passes (and it is moving forward in a way that is threatening), community associations would not be able to require prior approval for 70' HAM radio towers and antennas nor would community associations have the ability to create reasonable processes and aesthetic guidelines. HAM radio enthusiasts indicate this legislation is needed so they may respond to and assist in communication during a local disaster. The truth is HAM radio enthusiasts who aid the public interest do so at the site of a local disaster with portable equipment. They do not need permanent equipment at their residence; especially towers and antennas that pose a health and safety risk to their neighbors. The truth is the majority of community associations tell CAI that HAM radio operators are welcome to pursue their hobby if they follow community guidelines In a 2014 survey conducted by CAI covering community associations in 46 states, 64 percent of respondents confirmed their association’s board or architectural review committee had never denied a request to install a HAM radio antenna. An additional 27 percent of survey respondents found no record of a denial. The survey also found that associations routinely provide space for HAM radio clubs so residents can pursue their radio hobby. Please contact your Member of Congress today via phone and let them know you oppose the Ham Radio bill – H.R. 1301 and S. 1685. Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to preserve the self-governance model of America’s community associations. If you need additional information about this issue, please contact us anytime at government@caionline.org<mailto:government@caionline.org> or (888) 224-4321. Thank you! Dawn M. Bauman CAE Sr. Vice President, Government Affairs Community Associations Institute dbauman@caionline.org<mailto:dbauman@caionline.org> | (703) 970-9224
participants (1)
Mike Lisenco N2YBB